Cube Mini Solution

Dependencies:   mbed QEI MPU6050 BLE_API nRF51822 MCP4725 eMPL_MPU6050



File content as of revision 20:b142ae11a12a:

    PI Controller class with anti windup reset in biquad transposed direct form 2
    see e.g.:
    everything is calculated in double

                  Tn*s + 1
      G(s) = Kp -------------  with s ~ (1 - z^-1)/Ts

#include "PI_Cntrl.h"
using namespace std;


    PID-T1 Controller class

                      1           s
      G(s) = Kp + Ki --- + Kd ---------
                      s       T_f*s + p

    Eigther reseting the Nucleo via the black button or save a new software on
    the Nucleo sets the analog output to zero. Zero is equal to -4 Ampere!!!
    Therefor: NEVER !!! reset or save a new software while the VC is powered on
    (the green button on the VC is glowing green)


#include "PID_Cntrl.h"
using namespace std;

PID_Cntrl::PID_Cntrl(float Kp, float Ki, float Kd, float Tf, float Ts, float uMin, float uMax)
    // link member variables
    Kp_ = Kp;
    Ki_ = Ki;
    Kd_ = Kd;
    Tf_ = Tf;
    Ts_ = Ts;
    uMin_ = uMin;
    uMax_ = uMax;


PID_Cntrl::~PID_Cntrl() {}

float PID_Cntrl::reset(float initValue)

    // implement controller reset
    P_new = 0;
    I_new = 0;
    D_new = 0;
    PID_output = 0;
    P_old = 0;
    I_old = 0;
    D_old = 0;
    delta_error = 0;
    e_old = 0;
    return I_old+I_new;


float PID_Cntrl::update(double e) // WITHOUT D_PART

    // Controller Input Value --> e

    // controller update function

    // Delta Error (for D-Part)
    //delta_error = e - e_old;

    // calculate u
     P_new = Kp_ * e;
    // calculate I-Part Output  
     I_new = I_old + Ts_ * Ki_ * e_old;
    float PID_output_temp = P_new + I_new;

    // saturate uI, uMin <= uI <= uMax (anti-windup for the integrator part)
    if(PID_output_temp > uMax_) {
        PID_output = uMax_;
    else if(PID_output_temp < uMin_) {
        PID_output = uMin_;
        I_old = I_new;
        PID_output = PID_output_temp;

    // calculate uD
    //D_new = (Kd_*delta_error + Tf_*D_old - Ts_*D_old)/(Tf_);
    //D_new = 0;

    // update signal storage
    //P_old = P_new;
    //I_old = I_new;
    //D_old = D_new;
    //e_old = e;

    // PID Output
    //PID_output = P_new + I_new + D_new;

    // saturate u, uMin <= u <= uMax
    //if(PID_output > uMax_) {
    //    PID_output = uMax_;
    //if(PID_output < uMin_) {
    //    PID_output = uMin_;

    return PID_output;