Cube Mini Solution

Dependencies:   mbed QEI MPU6050 BLE_API nRF51822 MCP4725 eMPL_MPU6050

--- a/main.cpp	Fri May 08 17:02:29 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue May 12 14:46:42 2020 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "mcp4725.h"
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include "LinearCharacteristics.h"
-#include "PID_Cntrl.h"
+#include "PID_Cntrl_3.h"
 #include "PID_Cntrl_2.h"
 // Serial PC Communication
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
 LinearCharacteristics VoltageToVelocity(0.0f, 3.0f, -4000.0f, 4000.0f);
 // PID Controllers
-PID_Cntrl_2 C1(Kp_1,Ki_1,Kd_1,Tf_1,Ts,uMin1,uMax1);  // Defining the 1st Loop Controller (PI-Part)
-PID_Cntrl_2 C2(Kp_2,Ki_2,Kd_2,Tf_2,Ts,uMin1,uMax1);  // Defining the PI Controller for Chase (State 2) to keep motor velocity at zero
+PID_Cntrl_3 C1(Kp_1,Ki_1,Kd_1,Tf_1,Ts,uMin1,uMax1);  // Defining the 1st Loop Controller (PI-Part)
+PID_Cntrl_3 C2(Kp_2,Ki_2,Kd_2,Tf_2,Ts,uMin1,uMax1);  // Defining the PI Controller for Chase (State 2) to keep motor velocity at zero
 // Timers
 Timer Loop;
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
     // Reset Filters
@@ -178,114 +178,115 @@
     // Reset PID
-    C1.reset();
+    C1.reset(0.0);
     pc.printf("Hello World!\n\r");
     // ControllerLoopTimer.attach(&updateControllers, Ts);
+    wait(1);
-    Loop.reset();
-    // Counter 
-    LoopCounter++;
+    while(1) {
+        Loop.reset();
+        // Counter
+        LoopCounter++;
-    // Acquire Velocity
-    Velocity_Voltage_Read =;
-    Velocity_Voltage = 3.25*(Velocity_Voltage_Read);
-    Velocity_rpm = VoltageToVelocity(Velocity_Voltage);
-    Velocity = Velocity_rpm*2.0*pi/60.0;
+        // Acquire Velocity
+        Velocity_Voltage_Read =;
+        Velocity_Voltage = 3.2442*(Velocity_Voltage_Read);
+        Velocity_rpm = VoltageToVelocity(Velocity_Voltage);
+        Velocity = Velocity_rpm*2.0*pi/60.0;
-    // Aquire Raw Acceleration and Gyro Data form the IMU
-    mpu.getMotion6(&AccX_Raw, &AccY_Raw, &AccZ_Raw, &GyroX_Raw, &GyroY_Raw, &GyroZ_Raw);
+        // Aquire Raw Acceleration and Gyro Data form the IMU
+        mpu.getMotion6(&AccX_Raw, &AccY_Raw, &AccZ_Raw, &GyroX_Raw, &GyroY_Raw, &GyroZ_Raw);
-    // -------------- Convert Raw data to SI Units --------------------
+        // -------------- Convert Raw data to SI Units --------------------
-    //Convert Acceleration Raw Data to (ms^-2) - (Settings of +/- 4g)
-    AccX_g = AccX_Raw / 8192.0f;
-    AccY_g = AccY_Raw / 8192.0f;
-    AccZ_g = AccZ_Raw / 8192.0f;
+        //Convert Acceleration Raw Data to (ms^-2) - (Settings of +/- 4g)
+        AccX_g = AccX_Raw / 8192.0f;
+        AccY_g = AccY_Raw / 8192.0f;
+        AccZ_g = AccZ_Raw / 8192.0f;
-    //Convert Gyroscope Raw Data to Degrees per second
-    GyroX_Degrees = GyroX_Raw / 32.768f;  // (2^15/1000 = 32.768)
-    GyroY_Degrees = GyroY_Raw / 32.768f;  // (2^15/1000 = 32.768)
-    GyroZ_Degrees = GyroZ_Raw / 32.768f;  // (2^15/1000 = 32.768)
+        //Convert Gyroscope Raw Data to Degrees per second
+        GyroX_Degrees = GyroX_Raw / 32.768f;  // (2^15/1000 = 32.768)
+        GyroY_Degrees = GyroY_Raw / 32.768f;  // (2^15/1000 = 32.768)
+        GyroZ_Degrees = GyroZ_Raw / 32.768f;  // (2^15/1000 = 32.768)
-    //Convert Gyroscope Raw Data to Degrees per second
-    GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond = (GyroZ_Raw / 32.768f)* pi/180.0f;
+        //Convert Gyroscope Raw Data to Degrees per second
+        GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond = (GyroZ_Raw / 32.768f)* pi/180.0f;
-    // ----- Combine Accelerometer Data and Gyro Data to Get Angle ------
+        // ----- Combine Accelerometer Data and Gyro Data to Get Angle ------
-    Cuboid_Angle_Radians =  -1*atan2(-FilterAccX(AccX_g), FilterAccY(AccY_g)) + 0.7854f + FilterGyro(GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond);  // Check later if fast enough!!
-    Cuboid_Angle_Degrees = Cuboid_Angle_Radians*180.0f/pi;
+        Cuboid_Angle_Radians =  -1*atan2(-FilterAccX(AccX_g), FilterAccY(AccY_g)) + 0.7854f + FilterGyro(GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond);  // Check later if fast enough!!
+        Cuboid_Angle_Degrees = Cuboid_Angle_Radians*180.0f/pi;
-    // ------------------------- Controller -----------------------------
-    // Current Input Updater - Amperes
-    // Loop 1
-    Loop1_output = Cuboid_Angle_Radians*K_SS_Controller[0];
-    // Loop 2
-    Loop2_output = GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond*K_SS_Controller[1];
-    // PI Controller
-    PID_Input = Desired_input - Velocity;
-    PID_Output = C1.update(PID_Input);
+        // ------------------------- Controller -----------------------------
+        // Current Input Updater - Amperes
+        // Loop 1
+        Loop1_output = Cuboid_Angle_Radians*K_SS_Controller[0];
+        // Loop 2
+        Loop2_output = GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond*K_SS_Controller[1];
+        // PI Controller
+        PID_Input = Desired_input - Velocity;
+        PID_Output = C1(PID_Input);
-        //PID_Input = 20.0 - Velocity; 
+        //PID_Input = 20.0 - Velocity;
         //PID_Output = C1.update(-1*PID_Input);
-PID_Output = 0; // CHANGE LATER - This is for testing purposes
+        PID_Output = 0; // CHANGE LATER - This is for testing purposes
-    // System input
-    Sys_input_Amps = PID_Output - Loop1_output - Loop2_output;
+        // System input
+        Sys_input_Amps = PID_Output; //- Loop1_output - Loop2_output;
-    if (Sys_input_Amps > uMax2) {
-        Sys_input_Amps = uMax2;
-    }
-    if (Sys_input_Amps < uMin2) {
-        Sys_input_Amps = uMin2;
-    }
+        if (Sys_input_Amps > uMax2) {
+            Sys_input_Amps = uMax2;
+        }
+        if (Sys_input_Amps < uMin2) {
+            Sys_input_Amps = uMin2;
+        }
+        // Scaling the controller output from -15 A --> 15 A to 0 V --> 5 V
+        VoltageOut.write(CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps));
-    // Scaling the controller output from -15 A --> 15 A to 0 V --> 5 V
-    VoltageOut.write(CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps));
+        //1LoopCounter,2.1CurrentToVoltage, 2Sys_input_Amps, 3Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, 4GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond, 5Velocity, 6Velocity_Voltage, 7AccX_g, 8AccY_g, 9PID_Input, 10PID_Output, (Loop1_output+Loop2_output),
+        //pc.printf(" %i, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, ", LoopCounter, CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps), Sys_input_Amps, Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond, Velocity, Velocity_Voltage, AccX_g, AccY_g, PID_Input, PID_Output, (Loop1_output+Loop2_output));
+        // pc.printf("%i; %0.6f, \n\r", LoopCounter,;
+        //
+        // wait(0.0025);
+        // pc.printf(" %0.5f \n\r",;
-            //1LoopCounter,2.1CurrentToVoltage, 2Sys_input_Amps, 3Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, 4GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond, 5Velocity, 6Velocity_Voltage, 7AccX_g, 8AccY_g, 9PID_Input, 10PID_Output, (Loop1_output+Loop2_output),
-    pc.printf(" %i, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, %0.5f, ", LoopCounter, CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps), Sys_input_Amps, Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, GyroZ_RadiansPerSecond, Velocity, Velocity_Voltage, AccX_g, AccY_g, PID_Input, PID_Output, (Loop1_output+Loop2_output));
-      // pc.printf("%i; %0.6f, \n\r", LoopCounter,;
-    // 
-    // wait(0.0025);
-    // pc.printf(" %0.5f \n\r",;
-    LoopTime =;
-    while(LoopTime < Ts) {
-        LoopTime =;   
-    } 
-    pc.printf(" %0.5f \n\r", LoopTime);
-    //pc.printf("Angle = %0.2f,  Current = %0.2f, VoltageOut = %0.3f, Velocity = %0.2f, VoltageIn = %0.3f\n\r", Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, Sys_input_Amps, CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps), Velocity, Velocity_Voltage);
-        // Print Data
-        if(++k >= 300) {
-            k = 0;
-            //pc.printf("%0.8f\n\r",;
-            pc.printf("Angle = %0.2f,  Current = %0.2f, VoltageOut = %0.3f, Velocity = %0.2f, VoltageIn = %0.3f\n\r", Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, Sys_input_Amps, CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps), Velocity, Velocity_Voltage);
+       /*
+        LoopTime =;
+        while(LoopTime < Ts) {
+            LoopTime =;
+        }
+        */
+       // pc.printf(" %0.5f \n\r", LoopTime);
+        //pc.printf("Angle = %0.2f,  Current = %0.2f, VoltageOut = %0.3f, Velocity = %0.2f, VoltageIn = %0.3f\n\r", Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, Sys_input_Amps, CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps), Velocity, Velocity_Voltage);
-        }
+        /*
+                // Print Data
+                if(++k >= 300) {
+                    k = 0;
+                    //pc.printf("%0.8f\n\r",;
+                    pc.printf("Angle = %0.2f,  Current = %0.2f, VoltageOut = %0.3f, Velocity = %0.2f, VoltageIn = %0.3f\n\r", Cuboid_Angle_Degrees, Sys_input_Amps, CurrentToVoltage(Sys_input_Amps), Velocity, Velocity_Voltage);
+                }
+        */
+    }