Program takes accelerometer and gyroscope data from the MPU6050 registers and calibrates them for better results. Then uses this data is to obtain pitch and roll angles and writes these angles to the terminal which mbed is connected to.

Dependencies:   MPU6050 ledControl2 mbed

diff -r 497faa1563ea -r 88737ad5c803 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jul 09 12:28:26 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jul 13 13:19:08 2015 +0000
@@ -40,9 +40,15 @@
 Serial ftdi(p13,p14);    // default baud rate: 9600
 MPU6050 mpu6050;         // class: MPU6050, object: mpu6050 
 Ticker toggler1;
+Ticker filter;           
 void toggle_led1();
 void toggle_led2();
+void complementaryFilter(float* pitch, float* roll);
+void compFilter();
+float pitchAngle = 0;
+float rollAngle = 0;
 int main() 
@@ -60,28 +66,72 @@
-        /* Get actual acc value */
-        mpu6050.readAccelData(accelData);
-        mpu6050.getAres();
-        ax = accelData[0]*aRes - accelBias[0];
-        ay = accelData[1]*aRes - accelBias[1];
-        az = accelData[2]*aRes - accelBias[2]; 
+//        /* Get actual acc value */
+//        mpu6050.readAccelData(accelData);
+//        mpu6050.getAres();
+//        ax = accelData[0]*aRes - accelBias[0];
+//        ay = accelData[1]*aRes - accelBias[1];
+//        az = accelData[2]*aRes - accelBias[2]; 
+//        /* Get actual gyro value */
+//        mpu6050.readGyroData(gyroData);
+//        mpu6050.getGres();     
+//        gx = gyroData[0]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[0];      // Results are better without extracting gyroBias[i]
+//        gy = gyroData[1]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[1]; 
+//        gz = gyroData[2]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[2]; 
+//        ftdi.printf(" _____________________________________________________________  \r\n");
+//        ftdi.printf("| Accelerometer(g) | ax=%.3f | ay=%.3f | az=%.3f                \r\n",ax,ay,az);
+//        ftdi.printf("| Gyroscope(deg/s) | gx=%.3f | gy=%.3f | gz=%.3f                \r\n",gx,gy,gz);
+//        ftdi.printf("|_____________________________________________________________  \r\n\r\n");
+//        wait(2.5);
+        filter.attach(&compFilter, 0.005);    // Call the complementaryFilter func. every 5 ms (200 Hz sampling period)
-        /* Get actual gyro value */
-        mpu6050.readGyroData(gyroData);
-        mpu6050.getGres();     
-        gx = gyroData[0]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[0];      // Results are better without extracting gyroBias[i]
-        gy = gyroData[1]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[1]; 
-        gz = gyroData[2]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[2]; 
+        ftdi.printf(" _______________\r\n");
+        ftdi.printf("| Pitch: %.3f   \r\n",pitchAngle);
+        ftdi.printf("| Roll:  %.3f   \r\n",rollAngle);
+        ftdi.printf("|_______________\r\n\r\n");
-        ftdi.printf(" _____________________________________________________________  \r\n");
-        ftdi.printf("| Accelerometer(g) | ax=%.3f | ay=%.3f | az=%.3f                \r\n",ax,ay,az);
-        ftdi.printf("| Gyroscope(deg/s) | gx=%.3f | gy=%.3f | gz=%.3f                \r\n",gx,gy,gz);
-        ftdi.printf("|_____________________________________________________________  \r\n\r\n");
-        wait(2.5);
+        wait(1);
 void toggle_led1() {ledToggle(1);}
 void toggle_led2() {ledToggle(2);}
+/* This function is created to avoid address error that caused from Ticker.attach func */ 
+void compFilter() {complementaryFilter(&pitchAngle, &rollAngle);}
+void complementaryFilter(float* pitch, float* roll)
+    /* Get actual acc value */
+    mpu6050.readAccelData(accelData);
+    mpu6050.getAres();
+    ax = accelData[0]*aRes - accelBias[0];
+    ay = accelData[1]*aRes - accelBias[1];
+    az = accelData[2]*aRes - accelBias[2]; 
+    /* Get actual gyro value */
+    mpu6050.readGyroData(gyroData);
+    mpu6050.getGres();     
+    gx = gyroData[0]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[0];      // Results are better without extracting gyroBias[i]
+    gy = gyroData[1]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[1]; 
+    gz = gyroData[2]*gRes;  // - gyroBias[2]; 
+    float pitchAcc, rollAcc;
+    /* Integrate the gyro data(deg/s) over time to get angle */
+    *pitch += gx * dt;  // Angle around the X-axis
+    *roll -=  gy * dt;  // Angle around the Y-axis
+    /* Turning around the X-axis results in a vector on the Y-axis
+    whereas turning around the Y-axis results in a vector on the X-axis. */
+    pitchAcc = atan2f((float)accelData[1], (float)accelData[2])*180/PI;
+    rollAcc  = atan2f((float)accelData[0], (float)accelData[2])*180/PI;
+    /* Apply Complementary Filter */
+    *pitch = *pitch * 0.98 + pitchAcc * 0.02;
+    *roll  = *roll  * 0.98 + rollAcc  * 0.02;   
\ No newline at end of file