Baser Kandehir
Public Repositories (28)
Mbed 2 deprecated
This a basic program that uses analog input-output functions. Analog input is read from a potentiometer and written to a led and that ADCdata is send to a terminal via …
Analog, basic, bluetooth, FTDI, Input, LPC1768, mbed, outputLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 2 76 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
This is a very basic bluetooth program which sends data (a number in this case) through bluetooth module to a PC or smart phone (simply any device which has bluetooth …
bluetooth, example, HC-06, hc06, LPC1768, mbed, TerminalLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 3 171 -
brushless motor control library with l293d
brushless, L293D, LPC1768, mbed, motorLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 7 48 -
Brushless motor control library with TB6612FNG
brushless, control, LPC1768, mbed, motor, TB6612FNGLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 3 32 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
Brushless motor control program with L293D.
brushless, L293D, LPC1768, mbed, motorLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 6 59 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
Basic test program to control a gimbal brushless motor with TB6612FNG s
brushless, control, gimbal, LPC1768, mbed, motor, TB6612FNGLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 4 40 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
This program can log data that is read from RTC(real time clock) which is embedded inside LPC1768. It saves the data to the LPC1768’s memory as “log.txt”.
datalogging, LPC1768, mbed, RTCLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 4 112 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
This a basic program that uses digital input-output functions. It counts how many times the button is pressed and displays the resulting value as 4-bit binary on LPC1768 leds.
Digital Input Output, LPC1768, mbedLast updated: 21 Jul 2015 2 147 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
This is a one axis gimbal control program that takes roll angle from an IMU and moves the gimbal brushless motor accordingly.
brushless, gimbal, IMU, LPC1768, mbed, MPU6050, Nucleo F411RE, PID, pitch, roll, TB6612FNGLast updated: 05 Aug 2015 8 128 -
HMC5883L Digital Compass Library
compass, Digital, F411RE, HMC5883L, magnetometer, mbed, NucleoLast updated: 05 Aug 2015 3 315