
Dependents of PinDetect

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

this can make a serial acc data to be sent to a processing software
LSM9DS1 with EFM32WG
plot accelerometer data
Version 3 is with update to the test rig with a linear actuator
Guitar Hero Project on LPC1768 using push buttons, analog joystick. speaker and LCD Display
Class mRotaryEncoder for mechanical incremental rotary encoders with pushbuttons. Use debouncing and callback-functions for rotation and pressing of button. This version is for old mbed. New version for mbed-os see … Encoder, QEI, quadrature, rotary
Lab 1 Part 2
Lab 1 Part 3
Shouldn't really be different at all from LSM9DS1_Library_cal
Shouldn't really be different at all from LSM9DS1_Library_cal. no print statements
Shouldn't really be different at all from LSM9DS1_Library_cal. no print statements
Shouldn't really be different at all from LSM9DS1_Library_cal. no print statements
Inclinometre avec fusion de donnée
World In the Balance
ECE 4180 Final Project MP3 player code
ECE 4180 Final Project
Farkle Game Code-Final
2036 mbed lab4
Made by Michael McDonald
Lab 6 for ECE 2036,a lame version of Galiga that needs to have the bullet fixed, but focuses on the concept of polymorphism
lab1 part1 pushbutton with red led
lab1 part2
lab1 part2
Rotarary control pulse generators