Slight update to sford's GPS library. Returns more data from the NMEA sentence and allows for different serial speeds (e.g. used for the Adafruit Ultimate GPSv3 Breakout Board).

Dependents:   GPS_HelloWorld servo_sensor

Fork of GPS by Simon Ford


GPS lib from sford with light modifications to get more data from the NMEA sentence and to allow for modules with different serial speeds default tip

2013-11-02, by 8fromPi [Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:17:58 +0000] rev 1

GPS lib from sford with light modifications to get more data from the NMEA sentence and to allow for modules with different serial speeds

2010-06-08, by simon [Tue, 08 Jun 2010 14:10:27 +0000] rev 0