This class adds HTTP, FTP and CellLocate client support for u-blox modules for the C027 and C030 boards (excepting the C030 N2xx flavour) from mbed 5.5 onwards. The HTTP, FTP and CellLocate operations are all hosted on the module, minimizing RAM consumption in the mbed MCU. It also sub-classes ublox-cellular-driver-gen to bring in SMS, USSD and modem file system support if you need to use these functions at the same time as the cellular interface.

Dependencies:   ublox-at-cellular-interface

Dependents:   example-ublox-at-cellular-interface-ext HelloMQTT ublox_new_driver_test example-ublox-at-cellular-interface-ext ... more

--- a/TESTS/unit_tests/http/main.cpp	Tue Jun 13 10:46:08 2017 +0100
+++ b/TESTS/unit_tests/http/main.cpp	Fri Jun 16 00:55:19 2017 +0100
@@ -30,11 +30,16 @@
 //        }
+// Whether debug trace is on
+# define MBED_CONF_APP_DEBUG_ON false
 // The credentials of the SIM in the board.
-// Note: this is the PIN for the SIM with ICCID
-// 8944501104169548380.
-# define MBED_CONF_APP_DEFAULT_PIN "5134"
+// Note: if PIN is enabled on your SIM, you must define the PIN
+// for your SIM jere (e.g. using mbed_app.json to do so).
+# define MBED_CONF_APP_DEFAULT_PIN "0000"
 // Network credentials.
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@
 static UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt *pDriver =
        new UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt(MDMTXD, MDMRXD,
-                                       true);
+                                       MBED_CONF_APP_DEBUG_ON);
 // A few buffers for general use
 static char buf[1024];
 static char buf1[sizeof(buf)];
@@ -321,7 +326,10 @@
 // Test cases
 Case cases[] = {
     Case("HTTP commands", test_http_cmd),
+#ifndef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
+    // C027 doesn't support TLS
     Case("HTTP with TLS", test_http_tls),
     Case("Alloc max profiles", test_alloc_profiles)