Example program running mbedClient over UbloxATCellularInterface or OnboardCellularInterface for the C030 platform.

Dependencies:   ublox-cellular-base ublox-at-cellular-interface ublox-ppp-cellular-interface ublox-at-cellular-interface-n2xx ublox-cellular-base-n2xx

diff -r af250649583d -r 78e41b0a374f main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Aug 11 14:55:35 2017 +0100
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Sep 14 11:08:10 2017 +0100
@@ -24,25 +24,41 @@
 #include "mbedtls/entropy_poll.h"
 #include "UbloxATCellularInterface.h"
 #include "UbloxPPPCellularInterface.h"
+#include "UbloxATCellularInterfaceN2xx.h"
 #include "simpleclient.h"
 #include "security.h"
 #include "mbed_trace.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
-// If you wish to use LWIP and the PPP cellular interface, select
-// the line UbloxPPPCellularInterface, otherwise select the line
-// UbloxATCellularInterface.  Using the AT cellular interface does not
-// require LWIP and hence uses less RAM.  It also allows other AT command
-// operations (e.g. sending an SMS) to happen during a data transfer.
+// You must select the correct interface library for your board,
+// where supported combinations are indicated with a "Y" in the
+// table below.
+//                            C030_U201   C030_N211      C027
+// UbloxPPPCellularInterface      Y            -           Y
+// UbloxATCellularInterface       Y            -           Y
+// UbloxATCellularInterfaceN2xx   -            Y           -
+// Note: the N211 module supports only UDP, not TCP
+// UbloxPPPCellularInterface uses LWIP and the PPP cellular interface
+// on the mbed MCU, while using UbloxATCellularInterface and
+// UbloxATCellularInterfaceN2xx uses an IP stack on the cellular
+// module and hence uses less RAM (significant on C027).  This also
+// allows other AT command operations (e.g. sending an SMS) to happen
+// during a data transfer (for which you should replace the
+// UbloxATCellularInterface library with the UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt
+// library).  However, it is slower than using the LWIP/PPP on the mbed
+// MCU interface since more string parsing is required.
 #define INTERFACE_CLASS  UbloxATCellularInterface
 //#define INTERFACE_CLASS  UbloxPPPCellularInterface
+//#define INTERFACE_CLASS  UbloxATCellularInterfaceN2xx
 // The credentials of the SIM in the board.  If PIN checking is enabled
 // for your SIM card you must set this to the required PIN.
 #define PIN "0000"
 // Network credentials.  You should set this according to your
-// network/SIM card.  For C030 boards, leave the parameters as NULL
+// network/SIM card.  For C030 non-N2xx boards, leave the parameters as NULL
 // otherwise, if you do not know the APN for your network, you may
 // either try the fairly common "internet" for the APN (and leave the
 // username and password NULL), or you may leave all three as NULL and then