Board support library for C027

Dependents:   IoTWorkshopLCD IoTWorkshopBuzzer IoTWorkshopSensors C027_USSDTest ... more

Fork of C027 by u-blox


Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri May 09 11:25:28 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Remove pinlist (is now part of the platform)

Changed in this revision

C027.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
C027.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
C027_PinNames.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 61d31c12230d -r 89c45165ee87 C027.cpp
--- a/C027.cpp	Mon May 05 15:44:46 2014 +0000
+++ b/C027.cpp	Fri May 09 11:25:28 2014 +0000
@@ -3,27 +3,10 @@
-#if defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027) || defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
- #include "C027.h"
+#if defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027)
-#if !defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027)
-// override the mbed_die function
-void mbed_die(void)
-    DigitalOut led(LED);
-    __disable_irq();
-    for (;;)
-    {
-        // nothing to do here
-        led = 0;
-        wait_ms(200);
-        led = 1;
-        wait_ms(200);
-    }
+#include "C027.h"
 C027::C027() :
     // Modem
     mdmEn(MDMEN, 0),            // LDO off
diff -r 61d31c12230d -r 89c45165ee87 C027.h
--- a/C027.h	Mon May 05 15:44:46 2014 +0000
+++ b/C027.h	Fri May 09 11:25:28 2014 +0000
@@ -8,19 +8,10 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#if !defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027) && !defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+#if !defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027)
   #warning "this library is indended to be used only with the C027 board"
-#if !defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027)
-  // if not native we are using the pin definition file from this library
-  #include "C027_PinNames.h"
-  // we also need to override the mbed_die function
-  void mbed_die(void);
-   // on the native platform the pins are already defined 
 //#define C027_REVA // select this define if you use revision A boards. 
 /** C027 Helper class to control the power supply and interface 
diff -r 61d31c12230d -r 89c45165ee87 C027_PinNames.h
--- a/C027_PinNames.h	Mon May 05 15:44:46 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/*  Platform header file, for the u-blox C27-C20/U20/G35 
-*   mbed Internet of Things Starter Kit
-*   Defines for pin connections of the LPC1768
-#pragma once
-#ifndef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
-// u-blox MAX-7Q GPS/GLONASS receiver
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// I2C (shared with LISA/SARA)
-#define GPSSDA      (P0_27)
-#define GPSSCL      (P0_28)
-#define GPSADR      (66<<1) // GPS I2C Address
-// UART 
-#define GPSTXD      (P0_10)
-#define GPSRXD      (P0_11)
-#define GPSBAUD     9600    // Default GPS Baud Rate
-// Control
-#define GPSRST      (P1_18) // Reset (input to GPS, active low)
-#define GPSPPS      (P1_19) // 1PPS Timepulse (output from GPS)
-#define GPSINT      (P1_22) // Interrupt (input to GPS)
-#define GPSEN       (P1_29) // Supply Control (high = enabled)
-// u-blox LISA/SARA cellular modem
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-#define MDMTXD      (P0_15) // Transmit Data
-#define MDMRXD      (P0_16) // Receive Data
-#define MDMCTS      (P0_17) // Clear to Send
-#define MDMDCD      (P0_18) // Data Carrier Detect
-#define MDMDSR      (P0_19) // Data Set Ready
-#define MDMDTR      (P0_20) // Data Terminal Ready (set high or use handshake)
-#define MDMRI       (P0_21) // Ring Indicator
-#define MDMRTS      (P0_22) // Request to Send (set high or use handshake)
-#define MDMBAUD     115200  // Default Modem Baud Rate
-// USB (not available on C27-G35)
-#define MDMUSBDP    (P0_29) // USB D+
-#define MDMUSBDN    (P0_30) // USB D-
-#define MDMUSBCON   (P2_9)  // USB Connect
-#define MDMUSBDET   (P0_7)  // USB Detect (n/a on REV.A board)
-// Control 
-#define MDMEN       (P2_5)  // Supply Control (high = enabled)
-#define MDMPWRON    (P2_6)  // 
-#define MDMGPIO1    (P2_7)  // GPIO1, Network status
-#define MDMRST      (P2_8)  // Reset (active low, set as open drain!)
-#define MDMLVLOE    (P0_9)  // Serial/GPIO Level Shifter Output Enable (n/a on REV.A board)
-#define MDMILVLOE   (P0_8)  // I2C Level Shifter Output Enable (n/a on REV.A board)
-// PIN header connector
-// for standard-based form factor with expansion board
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// PMW  = Pulswidth Modulator
-// EINT = External Interrupt
-// AOUT = Analog Output
-// Analog Ports (A0-A5)
-#define A0          (P0_23) //      I2S_CLK
-#define A1          (P0_24) //      I2S_WS
-#define A2          (P0_25) //      I2S_SDA
-#define A3          (P0_26) // AOUT
-#define A4          (P1_30) //
-#define A5          (P1_31) //
-// Digital Port (D0-D7)
-#define D0          (P4_29) //      TXD
-#define D1          (P4_28) //      RXD
-#define D2          (P2_13) // EINT
-#define D3          (P2_0)  // PWM
-#define D4          (P2_12) // EINT
-#define D5          (P2_1)  // PWM
-#define D6          (P2_2)  // PWM
-#define D7          (P2_11) // EINT
-// Digital Port (D8-D13)
-#define D8          (P2_4)  // PWM  
-#define D9          (P2_3)  // PWM
-#define D10         (P1_21) // PWM  SSEL
-#define D11         (P1_24) // PWM  MOSI
-#define D12         (P1_23) // PWM  MISO
-#define D13         (P1_20) // PWM  SCK
-//      GND
-//      AREF
-#define SDA         (P0_0) 
-#define SCL         (P0_1)
-// LED
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-#define LED         (P3_25)  // RED LED (n/a on REV.A board)
-// CAN (TJA1040)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-#define CANRD       (P0_4)
-#define CANTD       (P0_5)
-#define CANS        (P0_6)  // standby (low=normal, high=standby/rxonly)
-// Ethernet (DP83848)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-#define ETHTXD0     (P1_0)
-#define ETHTXD1     (P1_1)
-#define ETHTXEN     (P1_4)
-#define ETHCRS      (P1_8)
-#define ETHRXD0     (P1_9)
-#define ETHRXD1     (P1_10)
-#define ETHRXEN     (P1_14)
-#define ETHREFCLK   (P1_15)
-#define ETHMDC      (P1_16)
-#define ETHMDIO     (P1_17)
-#define ETHOSCEN    (P1_27)
-#define ETHRST      (P1_28)
-#define ETHLINK     (P1_25) // LED_LINK 
-#define ETHSPEED    (P1_26) // LED_SPEED
-// mbed / debug IF (LPC11)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// Serial Port
-#define USBTXD      (P0_2)  // identical USBTX        
-#define USBRXD      (P0_3)  // identical USBRX
-// ISP port
-#define ISP         (P2_10)
-// Reserved / NC pins 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-#define RSVD2       (P3_26)
\ No newline at end of file