demo project

Dependencies:   AX-12A Dynamixel mbed iothub_client EthernetInterface NTPClient ConfigFile SDFileSystem iothub_amqp_transport mbed-rtos proton-c-mbed wolfSSL

--- a/IothubSerial.cpp	Mon Dec 28 17:29:12 2015 +0000
+++ b/IothubSerial.cpp	Tue Dec 29 23:31:28 2015 +0000
@@ -90,16 +90,36 @@
     return startlen - bufsize;
+int AddTime(time_t seconds, char* buf, int bufsize)
+    if (bufsize > 32)
+    {
+        int slen = strftime(buf, 32, "\"time\": \"%FT%T\",", localtime(&seconds));
+        if (slen > 0)
+        {
+            return slen;
+        }
+        else
+            return -1;
+    }        
+    else
+        return -1;
 // try to serialize one or more measurements into the buffer
 // return bytes used or -1 if buffer too small or other error. 0 if no data
 // current serialization is a json object with entry per measure
-// eg: { temp: [1, 2], volt: [12.1, 12.2] }
+// eg: { "temp": [1, 2], "volt": [12.1, 12.2] }
 int IothubSerial::MeasureBufToString(char* buf, int bufsize)
     int slen;
     bool hasdata = false;
     bool copydata = false;
-    int startlen = bufsize;
+    char* startbuf = buf;
+    bool settime = false;
+    char* lastcomma = NULL;
+    time_t secs = 0;
     if (bufsize > 1)
@@ -118,11 +138,23 @@
     if (_hasPending)
         hasdata = true;
+        secs = _pending.Created;
+        slen = AddTime(secs, buf, bufsize);
+        if (slen > 0)
+        {
+            bufsize -= slen;
+            buf += slen;
+            settime = true;
+        }
+        else
+            return -1;          // no room for pending record
         slen = MeasureGroupToString(_pending, buf, bufsize);
         if (slen > 0)
             bufsize -= slen;
             buf += slen;
+            lastcomma = buf;
             _hasPending = false;
             copydata = true;
@@ -138,11 +170,37 @@
         hasdata = true;
         _hasPending = true;
+        if (secs != _pending.Created)
+        {
+            if (settime && lastcomma != NULL)
+            {
+                *(lastcomma - 1) = '}';
+                if (bufsize > 2)
+                {
+                    strcpy(buf, ",{");
+                    buf += 2;
+                    bufsize -= 2;
+                }
+            }
+            secs = _pending.Created;
+            slen = AddTime(secs, buf, bufsize);
+            if (slen > 0)
+            {
+                bufsize -= slen;
+                buf += slen;
+                settime = true;
+            }
+            else
+                break;
+        }
         slen = MeasureGroupToString(_pending, buf, bufsize);
         if (slen > 0)
             bufsize -= slen;
             buf += slen;
+            lastcomma = buf;
             _hasPending = false;
             copydata = true;
@@ -157,7 +215,41 @@
         return -1;              // have data but buffer too small
     // replace final ',' with '}'
-    *(buf - 1) = '}';
+    *(lastcomma - 1) = '}';
+    return lastcomma - startbuf;
+// try to serialize one or more alerts into the buffer
+// return bytes used or -1 if buffer too small or other error. 0 if no data
+// current serialization is a json object
+// eg: { "alert": "msg", "sev": n }
+int IothubSerial::AlertBufToString(char* buf, int bufsize)
+    int slen;
+    bool hasdata = false;
+    bool copydata = false;
+    int startlen = bufsize;
+    if (AlertBuf.pop(_pendAlert))
+    {
+        hasdata = true;
+        slen = sprintf_s(buf, bufsize, "{ \"alerttype\": \"%s\", \"alert\": \"%s\", \"sev\": %d }", _pendAlert.AlertType, _pendAlert.Msg, _pendAlert.Sev);
+        if (slen > 0)
+        {
+            bufsize -= slen;
+            buf += slen;
+            copydata = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!hasdata)
+        return 0;               // no data
+    if (!copydata)
+        return -1;              // have data but buffer too small
     return startlen - bufsize;