Updated PWM working; Entering nominal mode

Dependencies:   FreescaleIAP mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of TFR_BAE_vr1_1working_finally_USE_FOR_TESTING by Team Fox

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API Documentation at this revision

Thu Mar 31 11:44:20 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Updated, working

Changed in this revision

ACS.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ACS.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 54598e22a857 -r 0f71a96987bd ACS.cpp
--- a/ACS.cpp	Wed Mar 30 13:17:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/ACS.cpp	Thu Mar 31 11:44:20 2016 +0000
@@ -482,4 +482,195 @@
+/*void FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(float Moment[3])
+    printf("\n\rEntered executable PWMGEN function\n"); // entering the PWMGEN executable function
+    float l_duty_cycle_x=0;    //Duty cycle of Moment in x direction
+    float l_current_x=0;       //Current sent in x TR's
+    float l_duty_cycle_y=0;    //Duty cycle of Moment in y direction
+    float l_current_y=0;       //Current sent in y TR's
+    float l_duty_cycle_z=0;    //Duty cycle of Moment in z direction
+    float l_current_z=0;       //Current sent in z TR's
+    for(int i = 0 ; i<3;i++)
+    {
+       printf("pwm %f \t ",Moment[i]);  // taking the moment values from control algorithm as inputs
+    }
+    //-----------------------------  x-direction TR  --------------------------------------------//
+    float l_moment_x = Moment[0];         //Moment in x direction
+    phase_TR_x = 1;  // setting the default current direction
+    if (l_moment_x <0)
+    {
+        phase_TR_x = 0;    // if the moment value is negative, we send the abs value of corresponding current in opposite direction by setting the phase pin high 
+        l_moment_x = abs(l_moment_x);
+    }
+    l_current_x = l_moment_x * TR_CONSTANT ;        //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
+    pc_acs.printf("current in trx is %f \r \n",l_current_x);
+    if( l_current_x>0 && l_current_x < 0.006 ) //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_x =  6*1000000*pow(l_current_x,4) - 377291*pow(l_current_x,3) + 4689.6*pow(l_current_x,2) + 149.19*l_current_x - 0.0008; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation 
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
+        PWM1.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;
+    }
+    else if( l_current_x >= 0.006 && l_current_x < 0.0116)
+    { 
+        l_duty_cycle_x = 1*100000000*pow(l_current_x,4) - 5*1000000*pow(l_current_x,3) + 62603*pow(l_current_x,2) - 199.29*l_current_x + 0.7648;// calculating upto 1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
+        PWM1.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;             
+    }
+    else if (l_current_x >= 0.0116 && l_current_x < 0.0624)
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_x = 212444*pow(l_current_x,4) - 33244*pow(l_current_x,3) + 1778.4*pow(l_current_x,2) + 120.91*l_current_x + 0.3878; // calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
+        PWM1.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;            
+    }
+    else if(l_current_x >= 0.0624 && l_current_x < 0.555)
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_x =  331.15*pow(l_current_x,4) - 368.09*pow(l_current_x,3) + 140.43*pow(l_current_x,2) + 158.59*l_current_x + 0.0338; // calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
+        PWM1.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;            
+    }
+    else if(l_current_x==0)
+    {
+        printf("\n \r l_current_x====0");
+        l_duty_cycle_x = 0;      // default value of duty cycle
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
+        PWM1.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;            
+    }
+    else                                           //not necessary
+    {
+        g_err_flag_TR_x = 1;
+    } 
+    //------------------------------------- y-direction TR--------------------------------------//
+    float l_moment_y = Moment[1];         //Moment in y direction
+    phase_TR_y = 1;  // setting the default current direction
+    if (l_moment_y <0)
+    {
+        phase_TR_y = 0;   //if the moment value is negative, we send the abs value of corresponding current in opposite direction by setting the phase pin high  
+        l_moment_y = abs(l_moment_y);
+    }
+    l_current_y = l_moment_y * TR_CONSTANT ;        //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
+     pc_acs.printf("current in try is %f \r \n",l_current_y);
+    if( l_current_y>0 && l_current_y < 0.006 )//Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_y =  6*1000000*pow(l_current_y,4) - 377291*pow(l_current_y,3) + 4689.6*pow(l_current_y,2) + 149.19*l_current_y - 0.0008; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
+        PWM2.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;
+    }
+    else if( l_current_y >= 0.006 && l_current_y < 0.0116)
+    { 
+        l_duty_cycle_y = 1*100000000*pow(l_current_y,4) - 5*1000000*pow(l_current_y,3) + 62603*pow(l_current_y,2) - 199.29*l_current_y + 0.7648;// calculating upto 1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
+        PWM2.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;             
+    }
+    else if (l_current_y >= 0.0116&& l_current_y < 0.0624)
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_y = 212444*pow(l_current_y,4) - 33244*pow(l_current_y,3) + 1778.4*pow(l_current_y,2) + 120.91*l_current_y + 0.3878;// calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
+        PWM2.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;            
+    }
+    else if(l_current_y >= 0.0624 && l_current_y < 0.555)
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_y =  331.15*pow(l_current_y,4) - 368.09*pow(l_current_y,3) + 140.43*pow(l_current_y,2) + 158.59*l_current_y + 0.0338;// calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
+        PWM2.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;            
+    }
+    else if(l_current_y==0)
+    {
+        printf("\n \r l_current_y====0");
+        l_duty_cycle_y = 0; // default value of duty cycle
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
+        PWM2.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;            
+    }
+    else                               // not necessary
+    {
+      g_err_flag_TR_y = 1;
+    } 
+    //----------------------------------------------- z-direction TR -------------------------//  
+    float l_moment_z = Moment[2];         //Moment in z direction
+    phase_TR_z = 1;   // setting the default current direction
+    if (l_moment_z <0)
+    {
+        phase_TR_z = 0; //if the moment value is negative, we send the abs value of corresponding current in opposite direction by setting the phase pin high 
+        l_moment_z = abs(l_moment_z);
+    }
+    l_current_z = l_moment_z * TR_CONSTANT ;        //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
+     pc_acs.printf("current in trz is %f \r \n",l_current_z);
+    if( l_current_z>0 && l_current_z < 0.006 )//Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_z =  6*1000000*pow(l_current_z,4) - 377291*pow(l_current_z,3) + 4689.6*pow(l_current_z,2) + 149.19*l_current_z - 0.0008;// calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
+        PWM3.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;
+    }
+    else if( l_current_z >= 0.006 && l_current_z < 0.0116)
+    { 
+        l_duty_cycle_z = 1*100000000*pow(l_current_z,4) - 5*1000000*pow(l_current_z,3) + 62603*pow(l_current_z,2) - 199.29*l_current_z + 0.7648;// calculating upto 1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
+        PWM3.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;             
+    }
+    else if (l_current_z >= 0.0116 && l_current_z < 0.0624)
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_z = 212444*pow(l_current_z,4) - 33244*pow(l_current_z,3) + 1778.4*pow(l_current_z,2) + 120.91*l_current_z + 0.3878;// calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
+        PWM3.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;            
+    }
+    else if(l_current_z >= 0.0624 && l_current_z < 0.555)
+    {
+        l_duty_cycle_z =  331.15*pow(l_current_z,4) - 368.09*pow(l_current_z,3) + 140.43*pow(l_current_z,2) + 158.59*l_current_z + 0.0338;// calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
+        PWM3.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;            
+    }
+    else if(l_current_z==0)
+    {
+        printf("\n \r l_current_z====0");
+        l_duty_cycle_z = 0; // default value of duty cycle
+        pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
+        PWM3.period(TIME_PERIOD);
+        PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;            
+    }
+    else                               // not necessary
+    {
+        g_err_flag_TR_z = 1;
+    }   
+    //-----------------------------------------exiting the function-----------------------------------//
+    printf("\n\rExited executable PWMGEN function\n\r"); // stating the successful exit of TR function
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 54598e22a857 -r 0f71a96987bd ACS.h
--- a/ACS.h	Wed Mar 30 13:17:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/ACS.h	Thu Mar 31 11:44:20 2016 +0000
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
 #include "pni.h" 
+//#define TIME_PERIOD  0.02
+//#define TR_CONSTANT  0.3
 #define TIME_PERIOD  0.02
-#define TR_CONSTANT  0.3
+#define TR_CONSTANT  0.15254
 void FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(float*);
 void FCTN_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float*,float*);
diff -r 54598e22a857 -r 0f71a96987bd main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 30 13:17:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 31 11:44:20 2016 +0000
@@ -266,17 +266,22 @@
                             ACS_STATUS = '4';                    // set ACS_STATUS = ACS_NOMINAL_ONLY
                             printf("\n\r moment values returned by control algo \n");
+                             moment[0] = 1;
+                            moment[1] = 1.09;
+                            moment[2] = 0.9;
                             for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
-                           // FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(moment) ;
+                           FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(moment) ;
+                           //wait(2);
-                            PWM1 = 0.5;
-                            PWM2 = 0.5;
-                            PWM3 = 0.5;   
+                         //  PWM1 = 0.5;
+                          //  PWM2 = 0.5;
+                            //PWM3 = 0.5;   
@@ -790,4 +795,3 @@
     while(1);                                                   //required to prevent main from terminating