Quadrotor stabi

Dependencies:   ESC HMC5883L MPU6050 MadgwickAHRS MemLog Servo mbed ms5611

diff -r 000000000000 -r 05cb0f94324f main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 30 08:11:32 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "HMC5883L.h"
+#include "MPU6050.h"
+#include "ms5611.h"
+#include "MadgwickAHRS.h"
+#include "ESC.h"
+#include "MemLog.h"
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#define DEBUG // Debug to COM
+//#define DEBUG_F // Debug to flash
+#define FLY_MODE_X
+#ifdef DEBUG
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#define DBG_DELAY 0.1
+#ifdef DEBUG_F
+MemLog flog(2, 2000);
+// x1, x2, y1, y2
+ESC esc( p21, p22, p23, p24, LED4 );
+// sda, scl
+HMC5883L mag_src(p28, p27);
+ms5611 bar_src(p28, p27);
+MPU6050 mpu_src(p28, p27);
+I2CSlave i2c(p9, p10);
+DigitalOut led_1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led_2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led_3(LED3);
+DigitalOut buzz(p17);
+DigitalIn cal_mode(p16);
+Timer tmr;
+typedef float TVector3[3];
+typedef float TVector4[4];
+struct TThrust {
+    float x1,x2,y1,y2;
+struct TPID{
+    short p,i,d;
+int mode = 0;
+int16_t mag_raw[3], acc_raw[3];
+float spd_yaw, spd_alt, thr_base, thr_avg, thr_to, altz, acc_1g;
+float bar_table[BAR_TABLE_SIZE], bar_alt, bar_lpf, bar_base, bar_table_sum;
+uint8_t bar_table_idx;
+TVector3 gyr, acc_lpf, mag, grv, grv_old, grv_err;
+TVector4 pos, pos_base, pos_offset, imu, pid, pid_ist, pid_dst, pid_err, quat;
+TThrust thr;
+TPID pidk[4];
+float debug_data_1;
+// hs battop
+const float mag_cal_def[3][3] = MAG_CAL;
+const float mag_off_def[3] = MAG_OFF;
+const float pidk_def[4][3] = MAG_CAL;
+void get_mag();
+// Calibrate accel offsets and set it up to adxl345 registers
+void calibrate_acc_offsets(){
+    float biasa[3], biasg[3];
+    mpu_src.calibrate(biasa,biasg);
+void calibrate_acc_grv(){
+    int16_t data[3];
+    int32_t avg[3] = {0,0,0};
+    for(uint16_t i=0; i<100; i++ ){
+        mpu_src.getAccelRaw(data);
+        avg[X] += data[X];
+        avg[Y] += data[Y];
+        avg[Z] += data[Z];
+        wait_ms(10);
+    }
+    // calc averages and set default values for lpf
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++ ){
+        avg[i] = avg[i]/100;
+        acc_lpf[i] = float(avg[i]);
+    }
+    acc_1g = 1.0f/invSqrt(avg[X]*avg[X] + avg[Y]*avg[Y] + avg[Z]*avg[Z]);
+    grv_err[2] = avg[Z] - acc_1g;
+// Calibrate barometer level
+void calibrate_bar(){
+    float bar_sum = 0.0f;
+    blink(2000, &led_1);
+    // 1 measure per 3 iterations
+    for(uint16_t i=0; i<300; i++){
+        if( bar_src.calcPT() ){
+            bar_sum += bar_src.getAltitude();
+        }
+        wait_ms(10);
+    }
+    bar_base = bar_sum/100.0f;
+    //fill default bar table
+    bar_table_sum = 0.0f;
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<BAR_TABLE_SIZE; i++){
+        bar_table[i] = bar_base;
+        bar_table_sum += bar_base;
+    }
+// Get compass heading. Add current magnetic declination magnitude and correct angle of copter nose.
+int get_heading(){
+    float yaw = imu[YAW] * TO_DEG - MAG_DECL + 90;
+    if( yaw > 180.0 )
+        yaw -= 360.0;
+    else if( yaw < -180.0 )
+        yaw += 360.0;
+    return yaw;    
+// Calc Z-acceleration vector without gravitational part
+void get_grv(float g[3]){
+    g[X] = 2 * (quat[1] * quat[3] - quat[0] * quat[2]);
+    g[Y] = 2 * (quat[0] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[3]);
+    g[Z] = (quat[0] * quat[0] - quat[1] * quat[1] - quat[2] * quat[2] + quat[3] * quat[3]);
+// Calc barometer altitude
+void get_bar(){
+    float bar_raw;
+    if( bar_src.calcPT() ){
+        bar_raw = bar_src.getAltitude(); // meters
+        // LPF over baro values
+        uint8_t bar_table_idx1 = (bar_table_idx + 1);
+        if (bar_table_idx1 == BAR_TABLE_SIZE) 
+            bar_table_idx1 = 0;
+        bar_table[bar_table_idx] = bar_raw;
+        bar_table_sum += bar_table[bar_table_idx];
+        bar_table_sum -= bar_table[bar_table_idx1];
+        bar_table_idx = bar_table_idx1;        
+        bar_lpf = bar_lpf*(1-LPFC_BAR) + bar_table_sum*(LPFC_BAR)/21.0f;
+        // relative bar
+        //bar_alt = clamp_bot(bar_base - bar_lpf, 0);
+        bar_alt = bar_lpf - bar_base;
+    }    
+// Calc Z-displacement after 2-stage integration
+void get_alt( float tdelta ){
+    float vdelta;
+    float g[3];
+    float alt_err = 0.0f;
+    float tmp = 1.0f;
+    // don't fuse baro in takeoff mode
+    if( !(mode & MODE_TAKEOFF) && !(mode & MODE_ON) ){
+        alt_err = clamp((imu[ALT] - bar_alt), -0.5, 0.5) * ALT_P;
+        tmp = alt_err*ALT_ACC_I;
+        grv_err[Z]+= acc_lpf[Z] * tmp;
+        // don't take into account X and Y if UAV position is almost vertical
+        if(abs(imu[ROLL]) > GRAD5 || abs(imu[PITCH]) > GRAD5) {
+            grv_err[X]+= acc_lpf[X] * 2 * tmp; 
+            grv_err[Y]+= acc_lpf[Y] * 2 * tmp; 
+        }
+    }    
+    // fetch gravitational vector from position quaternion
+    get_grv(&g[0]);
+    tmp = (acc_lpf[X]-grv_err[0]) * g[X] + (acc_lpf[Y]-grv_err[1]) * g[Y];
+    grv_old[0] = grv[0];
+    grv[0] = ((tmp + (acc_lpf[Z] - grv_err[2]) * g[Z]) * invSqrt(g[X]*g[X] + g[Y]*g[Y] + g[Z]*g[Z]) - acc_1g)* ACC_GS;
+    // calc velocity in meters per seconds by median integration
+    grv_old[1] = grv[1];
+    grv[1] = grv[1] + deadband((grv[0]+grv_old[0])/2.0f, ACC_DEADBAND) * tdelta;
+    // calc displacement in meters by median integration
+    vdelta = (grv[1]+grv_old[1]) * tdelta / 2.0f;
+    if( !(mode & MODE_TAKEOFF) && !(mode & MODE_ON) ){
+        vdelta -= alt_err*ALT_VEL_P;
+    }    
+    imu[ALT] += vdelta - alt_err;
+    // pressure and gravitational altitude fusing
+    //imu[ALT] = imu[ALT]*(1-LPFC_ALT) + bar_alt*LPFC_ALT;
+// Calc accel
+void get_acc(){
+    mpu_src.getAccelRaw(acc_raw);
+    // LPF over accel values
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++ ){
+        acc_lpf[i] = acc_lpf[i]*(1-LPFC_ACC) + acc_raw[i]*LPFC_ACC;
+    }
+// Calc gyro
+void get_gyr(){
+    mpu_src.getGyro(gyr);
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++ ){
+        gyr[i] = TO_RAD*gyr[i];
+    }
+// Calc magnitude
+void get_mag(){
+    mag_src.getXYZ(mag_raw);
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++ ){
+        mag[i] = mag_raw[i] - mag_off_def[i];
+    }
+    mag[X] = mag_cal_def[0][0]*mag[X] + mag_cal_def[0][1]*mag[Y] + mag_cal_def[0][2]*mag[Z];
+    mag[Y] = mag_cal_def[1][0]*mag[X] + mag_cal_def[1][1]*mag[Y] + mag_cal_def[1][2]*mag[Z];
+    mag[Z] = mag_cal_def[2][0]*mag[X] + mag_cal_def[2][1]*mag[Y] + mag_cal_def[2][2]*mag[Z];
+// Calc pitch, roll, yaw angles
+void get_imu( float tdelta ) {
+    MadgwickAHRSupdate( tdelta, gyr[X], gyr[Y], gyr[Z], 
+                                float(acc_raw[X]), float(acc_raw[Y]), float(acc_raw[Z]), 
+                                mag[X], mag[Z], mag[Y]);
+    quat[0] = q0; quat[1] = q1; quat[2] = q2; quat[3] = q3;
+    quat_2_euler(&quat[0], &imu[0]); // check imu size (4 actually)
+void takeoff_init(){
+    // Setup base yaw
+    pos_base[YAW] = pos[YAW] = imu[YAW];
+    // Setup base alt
+    pos_base[ALT] = pos[ALT] = imu[ALT];
+    // reset velocity
+    grv[1] = 0.0f;
+void takeoff_process(){
+    thr_to += TAKEOFF_SPEED;
+    if( imu[ALT] > TAKEOFF_LEV_ALT ){
+        // remove takeoff flag, add altitude stab flag and set target altitude
+        mode = mode ^ MODE_TAKEOFF;
+        mode = mode | MODE_STAB_ALT;
+        pos[ALT] += TAKEOFF_CLIMB_ALT;
+    }
+void calc_thrust( float tdelta ){
+    float p, i, d, error;
+    float thr_a, thr_base;
+    float mpos;
+    TThrust thr_pry;
+    // x (roll)
+    #ifdef FLY_MODE_X
+    mpos = rotx( imu[ROLL], imu[PITCH] );
+    error = rotx(pos[ROLL] + pos_offset[ROLL], pos[PITCH]) - mpos;
+    #else
+    mpos = imu[ROLL]; // moment pos
+    error = pos[ROLL] + pos_offset[ROLL] - mpos;
+    #endif
+    p = pidk[ROLL].p * error;
+    pid_ist[ROLL] = clamp( pid_ist[ROLL] + error * tdelta, -1, 1 );
+    i = pidk[ROLL].i * pid_ist[ROLL];
+    d = pidk[ROLL].d * (pid_dst[ROLL] - mpos);
+    pid_dst[ROLL] = mpos;
+    pid[ROLL] = p + i + d;
+    // y (pitch)
+    mpos = roty( imu[ROLL], imu[PITCH] );
+    #ifdef FLY_MODE_X
+    error = roty(pos[ROLL], pos[PITCH] + pos_offset[PITCH]) - mpos;
+    #else
+    error = pos[PITCH] + pos_offset[PITCH] - mpos;
+    #endif
+    p = pidk[PITCH].p * error;
+    pid_ist[PITCH] = clamp( pid_ist[PITCH] + error * tdelta, -1, 1 );
+    i = pidk[PITCH].i * pid_ist[PITCH];
+    d = pidk[PITCH].d * (pid_dst[PITCH] - mpos);
+    pid_dst[PITCH] = mpos;
+    pid[PITCH] = p + i + d;
+    pos[YAW] = pos[YAW]+spd_yaw*tdelta;
+    // z (yaw)
+    mpos = imu[YAW];
+    error = pos[YAW] - mpos;
+    if( error > 180.0*TO_RAD )
+        error -= 360.0*TO_RAD;
+    else if( error < -180.0*TO_RAD )
+        error += 360.0*TO_RAD;
+    p = pidk[YAW].p * error;
+    pid_ist[YAW] = clamp( pid_ist[YAW] + error * tdelta, -3, 3 );
+    i = pidk[YAW].i * pid_ist[YAW];
+    d = pidk[YAW].d * (pid_dst[YAW] - mpos);
+    pid_dst[YAW] = mpos;
+    pid[YAW] = p + i + d;
+    // Thrust only for PRY stabilization
+    thr_pry.x1 = -pid[ROLL] * ROLL_SCALE - YAW_PID_DIR * pid[YAW] * YAW_SCALE;
+    thr_pry.x2 = +pid[ROLL] * ROLL_SCALE - YAW_PID_DIR * pid[YAW] * YAW_SCALE;
+    thr_pry.y1 = +pid[PITCH] * PITCH_SCALE + YAW_PID_DIR * pid[YAW] * YAW_SCALE;
+    thr_pry.y2 = -pid[PITCH] * PITCH_SCALE + YAW_PID_DIR * pid[YAW] * YAW_SCALE;
+    // do alt stabilization only if automatic miode is on
+    if( mode & MODE_STAB_ALT && !(mode & MODE_MANUAL ) ){
+        // increase target altitude according to current speed
+        pos[ALT] = pos[ALT] + spd_alt*tdelta;
+        mpos = imu[ALT];
+        error = pos[ALT] - mpos;
+        p = pidk[ALT].p * error;
+        pid_ist[ALT] = clamp( pid_ist[ALT] + error * tdelta, -1, 1 );
+        i = pidk[ALT].i * pid_ist[ALT];
+        d = pidk[ALT].d * (pid_dst[ALT] - mpos);
+        pid_dst[ALT] = mpos;
+        pid[ALT] = p + i + d;
+        thr_a = pid[ALT] * ALT_SCALE;
+    } else {
+        pos[ALT] = imu[ALT];
+        thr_a = 0.0;
+    }        
+    if( mode & MODE_MANUAL )
+        thr_base = clamp(spd_alt*4, 0.0, 1.0);
+    else
+        thr_base = thr_to;
+    // Summary thrust for PRY + ALT stabilization
+    thr.x1 = clamp( thr_base + thr_pry.x1 + thr_a, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    thr.x2 = clamp( thr_base + thr_pry.x2 + thr_a, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    thr.y1 = clamp( thr_base + thr_pry.y1 + thr_a, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    thr.y2 = clamp( thr_base + thr_pry.y2 + thr_a, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    thr_avg = (thr.x1 + thr.x2 + thr.y1 + thr.y2) / 4.0f;
+void init(){
+    // reset pid values, pid coeffs, and pos offsets
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++){
+        pos_offset[i] = 0.0;
+        pid_ist[i] = 0.0;
+        pid_dst[i] = 0.0;
+        pidk[i].p = pidk_def[i][0];
+        pidk[i].i = pidk_def[i][1];
+        pidk[i].d = pidk_def[i][2];
+        pos[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+    // desire xyz
+    imu[ALT] = 0.0;
+    spd_alt = 0;
+    thr_to = 0.0f;
+    thr_base = 0.0f;
+    thr_avg = 0.0f;
+    for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++){
+        grv[i] = 0.0f;
+        grv_err[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    altz = 0;
+    bar_lpf = 0.0f;
+    bar_table_idx = 0;
+    acc_1g = 0.0f;
+void stop(){
+    esc.stop();
+    #ifdef DEBUG_F
+    flog.save();
+    #endif
+void checkMode(){
+    if( mode & MODE_READY ){
+        mode = mode ^ MODE_READY;
+        mode = mode | MODE_STAB_PRY;
+        if( !(mode & MODE_MANUAL) ){
+            mode = mode | MODE_TAKEOFF;
+        }
+        takeoff_init();
+    }
+    else if ( mode & MODE_MANUAL){
+        //pass
+    }
+    else {
+    }
+void obey(){
+    char cbuf[32]; 
+    short sbuf[16]; 
+    char cbufn = 15;
+    int i = i2c.receive();
+    switch (i) {
+        case I2CSlave::ReadAddressed:
+            sbuf[0] = (short)(debug_data_1*10000);//(thr_avg*100);
+            sbuf[1] = (short)(imu[ALT]*100);
+            sbuf[2] = (short)(pos[ALT]*100);
+            sbuf[3] = (short)(get_heading());
+            sbuf[4] = (short)(imu[ROLL]*TO_DEG);
+            sbuf[5] = (short)(imu[PITCH]*TO_DEG);
+            sbuf[6] = (short)(mode);
+            short2char( &sbuf[0], &cbuf[0], 0, 7 );
+            i2c.write( cbuf, 14 );
+            break;
+        case I2CSlave::WriteAddressed:
+            //receive on/off command
+            i2c.read(cbuf, 32);
+            if( cbuf[0]==CMD_I2C_OFF ){
+                if( mode & MODE_ON ){
+                    stop();
+                    mode = 0; // remove MODE_ON flag
+                    beep(5, 50, &buzz);
+                    beep(1, 200, &buzz);
+                }
+            }
+            else if( cbuf[0]==CMD_I2C_ON ){
+                if( !(mode & MODE_ON) ){
+                    beep(1, 200, &buzz);
+                    beep(5, 50, &buzz);
+                    mode = mode | MODE_READY | MODE_ON; // set default flags
+                }
+            }
+            // receive manual/auto command
+            else if( cbuf[0]==CMD_I2C_AUTO ){
+                if( mode & MODE_MANUAL ){
+                    beep(6, 50, &buzz);
+                    beep(1, 200, &buzz);
+                    mode = mode ^ MODE_MANUAL; // remove MODE_MANUAL flag
+                }
+            }
+            else if( cbuf[0]==CMD_I2C_MANUAL ){
+                if( !(mode & MODE_MANUAL) ){
+                    beep(1, 200, &buzz);
+                    beep(6, 50, &buzz);
+                    mode = mode | MODE_MANUAL; // add MODE_MANUAL flag
+                }
+            }
+            // receive control values
+            else if( cbuf[0]==CMD_I2C_CTRL ){
+                char2short( &cbuf[0], &sbuf[0], 1, cbufn*2 );
+                spd_alt = sbuf[0]*ALT_MAX/CTRL_DIA;
+                pos[PITCH] = (sbuf[1]*PITCH_MAX/CTRL_DIA)*TO_RAD;
+                pos[ROLL] = (sbuf[2]*ROLL_MAX/CTRL_DIA)*TO_RAD;
+                spd_yaw = (sbuf[3]*YAW_MAX/CTRL_DIA)*TO_RAD;
+                pidk[ROLL].p = sbuf[4];
+                pidk[PITCH].p = sbuf[4];
+                pidk[ROLL].i = sbuf[5];
+                pidk[PITCH].i = sbuf[5];
+                pidk[ROLL].d = sbuf[6];
+                pidk[PITCH].d = sbuf[6];
+                pidk[YAW].p = sbuf[7];
+                pidk[YAW].i = sbuf[8];
+                pidk[YAW].d = sbuf[9];
+                pidk[ALT].p = sbuf[10];
+                pidk[ALT].i = sbuf[11];
+                pidk[ALT].d = sbuf[12];
+                pos_offset[ROLL] = sbuf[13]*TO_RAD/10.0;
+                pos_offset[PITCH] = sbuf[14]*TO_RAD/10.0;
+            }    
+            break;
+    }
+int main() {
+    double tc, td, incl_time, ctrl_time, mag_time, bar_time;
+    incl_time = ctrl_time = mag_time = bar_time = 0;
+    // Variables init
+    init();
+    blink(1000, &led_1);
+    // set i2c address
+    i2c.address(0xA0);
+    #ifdef DEBUG
+    float dbg_time = 0;
+    pc.baud(19200);
+    #endif
+    // ESC init
+    esc.initialize_();
+    // Accel and Gyro init
+    mpu_src.init();
+    mpu_src.getAres();
+    mpu_src.getGres();
+    // Barometer init
+    bar_src.cmd_reset();
+    calibrate_bar();
+    beep(2, 100, &buzz);
+    beep(1, 500, &buzz);
+    // Accel optional calibration
+    if( cal_mode ){
+        calibrate_acc_offsets();
+        beep(3, 100, &buzz);
+        beep(1, 500, &buzz);
+    };
+    calibrate_acc_grv();
+    beep(4, 100, &buzz);
+    beep(1, 500, &buzz);
+    // Magnitometer init
+    mag_src.init();
+    blink(1000, &led_1);
+    beep(1, 1000, &buzz);
+    tmr.start();
+    while(1){
+        obey();
+        tc = tmr.read();
+        if( mag_time + MAG_DELAY < tc ){
+            mag_time = tmr.read();
+            get_mag();
+        }
+        tc = tmr.read();
+        if( bar_time + BAR_DELAY < tc ){
+            bar_time = tc;
+            get_bar();
+        }
+        tc = tmr.read();
+        if( incl_time + INCL_DELAY < tc ){
+            td = tc - incl_time;
+            incl_time = tc;
+            get_acc(); // collect accel data
+            get_gyr(); // collect gyro data
+            get_imu(td); // calc angles, after acc & gyr calcs
+            get_alt(td); // calc gravity altitude, after grv calc
+            debug_data_1 = td;
+        }
+        tc = tmr.read();
+        if( ctrl_time + CTRL_DELAY < tc ){
+            td = tc - ctrl_time;
+            ctrl_time = tc;
+            #ifdef DEBUG_F
+            flog.log(imu[X]*TO_DEG);
+            flog.log(gyr[X]);
+            #endif
+            if( mode & MODE_TAKEOFF ){
+                takeoff_process();
+            }
+            if( mode & MODE_ON ){
+                calc_thrust( td );
+                esc.set(thr.x1, thr.x2, thr.y1, thr.y2);
+            }    
+        }
+        #ifdef DEBUG
+        tc = tmr.read();
+        if( dbg_time + DBG_DELAY < tc ){
+            dbg_time = tc;
+            pc.printf("imu %+7.2f %+7.2f %+7.2f %+7.2f %+7.2f \r\n", TO_DEG*imu[X], TO_DEG*imu[Y], TO_DEG*imu[Z], bar_alt, imu[ALT]);
+            //pc.printf("imu %d %d %d %+7.2f %+7.2f %+7.2f \r\n", acc_raw[0], acc_raw[1], acc_raw[2], gyr[0], gyr[1], gyr[2]);
+        }
+        #endif
+        if( mode & MODE_ON )
+            checkMode();
+    }        