Display text on screen.
Dependencies: TextLCD mbed MaxSonar RTC-DS1307
Fork of TextLCD_HelloWorld by
- Committer:
- aueangpanit
- Date:
- 2017-05-26
- Revision:
- 14:2bde99b3345c
- Parent:
- 13:95eea857ed37
- Child:
- 15:1e08396885bf
File content as of revision 14:2bde99b3345c:
// Hello World! for the TextLCD #include "mbed.h" #include <string> #include "TextLCD.h" #include "MaxSonar.h" #include "Rtc_Ds1307.h" using std::string; TextLCD lcd(PTE30, PTE29, PTE23, PTE22, PTE21, PTE20); // rs, e, d4-d7 DigitalOut questionScreen(PTE3); DigitalOut screen1(PTE5); DigitalOut screen2(PTE4); //All functions for controlling screens void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, string text); void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, char text[1024]); void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, int firstLineLocation, string firstLineText, int secondLineLocation, string secondLineText); string GetLocationSpaces(int location); void ClearAllScreen(); //All funcitons for range sensors void UpdateRange(); //All functions for menu page void GameOption(); void StartGame(int gameOptionLocation); //All functions for exit screen menu bool ExitScreen(); bool CheckExit(float r1, float r2); //all functions for Multi-Maths game void MultiChoice(); void DisplayNewQuestion(); bool CheckCorrect(int screenNumber); //All functions for clock void Clock(); Rtc_Ds1307 rtc(PTE0, PTE1); DigitalOut red(LED1); DigitalIn pin(PTC7); //button Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); Rtc_Ds1307::Time_rtc tim = {}; PwmOut boop(PTD4); //alarm buzzer Timer t; void displayTime(); int setAlrm(bool ho); bool hitIt(int hor, int min, Rtc_Ds1307::Time_rtc teim); int Halrm = -1; int Malrm = 0; string questions[4] = {"What is 2*2?", "What is 5*2?", "what is 2+2?", "What is 5*4?"}; string screen1Answers[4] = {"4 ", "10 ", "5 ", "18 "}; string screen2Answers[4] = {"5 ", "8 ", "4 ", "20 "}; int correctScreen[4] = {1, 1, 2, 2}; //1 = screen1; 2 = screen2; int questionCount = 0; //all functions for pong game void Pong(); void UpdatePlayerLocation(); void UpdateBallLocation(); void Draw(); MaxSonar *range1; float r1; MaxSonar *range2; float r2; int main() { //UpdateScreen(questionScreen, 5, "0", 7, "___"); /*questionScreen = 1; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(2, 0); lcd.printf("0"); lcd.locate(2, 1); lcd.printf("==="); }*/ //wait(5); // Create and configure object for 3.3V powered LV-series device, // accessed with analog reads (in cm) on p16, triggered by p7. range1 = new MaxSonar(MS_LV, MS_ANALOG, PTB8, PTC2); range1->setVoltage(3.3); range1->setUnits(MS_CM); range2 = new MaxSonar(MS_LV, MS_ANALOG, PTB9, PTB3); range2->setVoltage(3.3); range2->setUnits(MS_CM); ClearAllScreen(); //Pong(); GameOption(); /* UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "question screen"); UpdateScreen(screen1, "screen1"); UpdateScreen(screen2, "screen2"); */ } int gameOptionLocation = 0; string gameName[3] = {"Muti-Maths", "Pong!", "Clock"}; void GameOption() { //Clear all screens (so that all of the screens are blank) ClearAllScreen(); //Display the selected game on "questionScreen" UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Select a game: >" + gameName[gameOptionLocation]); bool gameOption = true; while(gameOption) { //trigger the distance sensors to take a reading and store them in r1 and r2 UpdateRange(); if(r1 < 25 && r2 < 25) //select { UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Entering " + gameName[gameOptionLocation] + "....."); wait(1); gameOption = false; } else if(r1 < 20) //down { if(gameOptionLocation > 0) { gameOptionLocation--; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Select a game: >" + gameName[gameOptionLocation]); } } else if(r2 < 20) //up { if(gameOptionLocation < 2) { gameOptionLocation++; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Select a game: >" + gameName[gameOptionLocation]); } } } StartGame(gameOptionLocation); } void StartGame(int gameOptionLocation) { switch(gameOptionLocation) { case 0: MultiChoice(); case 1: Pong(); case 2: Clock(); } } void MultiChoice() { bool multiMaths = true; DisplayNewQuestion(); while(multiMaths) { UpdateRange(); if(CheckExit(r1, r2)) { GameOption(); } if(r1 < 20) { if(CheckCorrect(1)) { UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Correct!"); wait(1); DisplayNewQuestion(); } else { UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Try Again!"); wait(1); UpdateScreen(questionScreen, questions[questionCount]); } } if(r2 < 20) { if(CheckCorrect(2)) { UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Correct!"); wait(1); DisplayNewQuestion(); } else { UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Try Again!"); wait(1); UpdateScreen(questionScreen, questions[questionCount]); } } wait(0.5); } } void DisplayNewQuestion() { if(questionCount >= 3) { questionCount = 0; } else { questionCount++; } UpdateScreen(questionScreen, questions[questionCount]); UpdateScreen(screen1, screen1Answers[questionCount]); UpdateScreen(screen2, screen2Answers[questionCount]); } bool CheckCorrect(int screenNumber) { if(screenNumber == correctScreen[questionCount]) { return true; } else { return false; } } //player int pLocation = 5; string player = "====="; //ball string ball = "0"; int ballPX = 0; int ballPY = 0; int ballVX = 1; int ballVY = 1; int score = 0; void Pong() //this is a version of pong where you can't see the middle part of the board (15*10 pixel but only 4 horrizontal pixels are displaying) { bool pong = true; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Welcome to Pong!"); wait(1); char score_char_array[10]; sprintf(score_char_array, "%d", score); UpdateScreen(questionScreen, score_char_array); UpdateScreen(screen1, 0, ball, 0, ""); UpdateScreen(screen2, 0, "", pLocation, player); while(pong) { UpdateRange(); if(CheckExit(r1, r2)) { GameOption(); } UpdatePlayerLocation(); UpdateBallLocation(); Draw(); } } void UpdatePlayerLocation() { if(r2 < 20) { if(pLocation > 0) { pLocation--; } } if(r1 < 20) { if(pLocation < 9) { pLocation++; } } wait(0.5); } void UpdateBallLocation() { if(ballPY == 0) { ballVY = 1; } if(ballPY == 9) { ballVY = -1; } if(ballPX == 0) { ballVX = 1; } if(ballPX == 15) { ballVX = -1; } if(ballPY == 8 && ballPX >= pLocation && ballPX <= pLocation + 5) { ballVY = -1; } ballPY += ballVY; ballPX += ballVX; } void Draw() { //draw ball also if(ballPY < 2 || ballPY > 7) { if(ballPY == 0) { UpdateScreen(screen1, ballPX, ball, 0, ""); } if(ballPY == 1) { UpdateScreen(screen1, 0, "", ballPX, ball); } if(ballPY == 8) { UpdateScreen(screen2, ballPX, ball, pLocation, player); } if(ballPY == 9) { UpdateScreen(screen2, 0, "", ballPX, ball); } } else //only draw player and enermy { ClearAllScreen(); UpdateScreen(screen2, 0, "", pLocation, player); } } string exitOption[2] = {"Yes", "No"}; bool CheckExit(float r1, float r2) { if(r1 < 25 && r2 < 25) { return ExitScreen(); } else { return false; } } bool ExitScreen() { int exitOption_int = 0; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "AreYouSureYouWantToExit? >" + exitOption[exitOption_int]); wait(1); bool choosing = true; while(choosing) { wait(0.5); UpdateRange(); if(r1 < 25 && r2 < 25) { if(exitOption_int == 0) { choosing = false; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Exiting..."); wait(1); return true; } else { choosing = false; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Returning to game"); wait(1); return false; } } else if(r1 < 20) { if(exitOption_int > 0) { exitOption_int--; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "AreYouSureYouWantToExit? >" + exitOption[exitOption_int]); } } else if(r2 < 20) { if(exitOption_int < 1) { exitOption_int++; UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "AreYouSureYouWantToExit? >" + exitOption[exitOption_int]); } } } } void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, string text) { //disable all E pin for all screens questionScreen = 0; screen1 = 0; screen2 = 0; //enable E pin for the scrren that we want to update screen = 1; //convert text to char array char text_char_array[1024]; strcpy(text_char_array, text.c_str()); //some weird behaviour after disabling the E pin once means that we need to update the screen several times for it to display properly for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { lcd.cls(); lcd.printf(text_char_array); } } void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, char text[1024]) { //disable all E pin for all screens questionScreen = 0; screen1 = 0; screen2 = 0; //enable E pin for the scrren that we want to update screen = 1; //some weird behaviour after disabling the E pin once means that we need to update the screen several times for it to display properly for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { lcd.cls(); lcd.printf(text); } } void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, int firstLineLocation, string firstLineText, int secondLineLocation, string secondLineText) { //disable all E pin for all screens questionScreen = 0; screen1 = 0; screen2 = 0; //enable E pin for the scrren that we want to update screen = 1; string line1text = GetLocationSpaces(firstLineLocation) + firstLineText; string line2text = GetLocationSpaces(secondLineLocation) + secondLineText; //convert text to char array char firstLine_char_array[1024]; char secondLine_char_array[1024]; strcpy(firstLine_char_array, line1text.c_str()); strcpy(secondLine_char_array, line2text.c_str()); //some weird behaviour after disabling the E pin once means that we need to update the screen several times for it to display properly for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(0, 0); lcd.printf(firstLine_char_array); lcd.locate(0, 1); lcd.printf(secondLine_char_array); } } string GetLocationSpaces(int location) { string space = ""; for(int i = 0; i < location; i++) { space += " "; } return space; } void ClearAllScreen() { questionScreen = 1; screen1 = 1; screen2 = 1; lcd.cls(); } void UpdateRange() { // Trigger read, wait 49ms until ranger finder has // finished, then read. range1->triggerRead(); wait_ms(49); r1 = range1->read(); range2->triggerRead(); wait_ms(49); r2 = range2->read(); } void Clock() { questionScreen.write(1); screen1 = 0; screen2 = 0; boop.write(0); //initialise buzzer boop.period(5); Ticker cloo; //declare a ticker to update clock every sec cloo.attach(&displayTime, 1); //the ticker runs the function that wipes the screen and displays the updated time rtc.startClock(); while(1){ wait_ms(50); //wait so button states do not overlap if(pin.read()){ //once it's 1 start the detection loop to decide whether this is a hold or a double click cloo.detach(); //stop the ticker while performing button operations t.reset(); t.start(); //start timer while(t.read() < 1){ //if it's not unpressed in a second - HOLD case if(!pin.read()){ //if it goes low, check for double click t.reset(); while(t.read() < 1){ //listen for 1 sec for a second click if(pin.read()){ //if x = 1 execute DOUBLE CLICK - set alarm lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("settin' alarm!"); wait(2); Halrm = setAlrm(true); if(Halrm >= 0){ Malrm = setAlrm(false); lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("Alarm: %d:%d", Halrm,Malrm); wait(2); } break; } } break; } } while(pin.read()){ //still pressed? Execute Button HOLD case, exit hold when no longer held rtc.getTime(tim); lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("Today is the :\n%02d/%02d/%02d", tim.date, tim.mon, tim.year); //display date wait(1); } cloo.attach(&displayTime, 1); //re-enable ticker after date release } t.stop(); } } void displayTime(){ //get the time from the rtc chip and display it on the LCD Rtc_Ds1307::Time_rtc tm = tim; if (rtc.getTime(tm) ) { lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("The time is :\n%02d:%02d:%02d", tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec); //display time if(hitIt(Halrm, Malrm, tm)){ //check if the time is right for alarmage boop.write(0.5); while(!pin.read()){ lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("You should be alarmed"); wait(0.2); } boop.write(0); } } red = !red; } int setAlrm(bool ho){ int mod; float spd; if(ho){ mod = 24; spd = 0.5; }else{ mod = 60; spd = 0.25; } int homin = 0; bool sat = false; bool DC = false; while(!sat){ while(!pin.read() && !sat){ lcd.cls(); if(ho) lcd.printf("Hour: %02d\nDC to confirm", homin); else lcd.printf("Minutes: %02d\nDC to confirm", homin); wait(0.2); if(pin.read()){ //once it's 1 start the detection loop to decide whether this is a hold or a double click t.reset(); t.start(); //start timer while(t.read() < 1){ //if it's not unpressed in a second - HOLD case if(!pin.read()){ //if it goes low, check for double click t.reset(); while(t.read() < 1){ //listen for 1 sec for a second click if(pin.read()){ //if x = 1 execute DOUBLE CLICK - confirm selection lcd.cls(); if(ho) lcd.printf("Hour: %02d\nSet!", homin); else lcd.printf("Minutes: %02d\nSet!", homin); sat = true; DC = true; wait(2); break; } } break; } } if(!pin.read() && !DC){ //if unpressed - single click detected - cancel alarm lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("Alarm Canceled!"); homin = -1; return homin; } while(pin.read()){ //still pressed? Execute Button HOLD case, exit hold when no longer held homin = (homin + 1)%mod; //increment the value while the button is held lcd.cls(); if(ho) lcd.printf("Hour: %02d", homin); else lcd.printf("Minutes: %02d", homin); wait(spd); } } } } return homin; } //this function checks whether it's time to sound the alarms //if the minute and the hour is the same as that of the alarm, return true bool hitIt(int hor, int min, Rtc_Ds1307::Time_rtc teim){ int x = teim.hour - hor; if(x == 0){ int y = teim.min - min; if(y == 0){ return true; } } return false; }