Display text on screen.

Dependencies:   TextLCD mbed MaxSonar RTC-DS1307

Fork of TextLCD_HelloWorld by Simon Ford

Wed May 24 14:40:21 2017 +0000
1 additional screen working

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
simon 1:7418a52375a0 1 // Hello World! for the TextLCD
simon 1:7418a52375a0 2
simon 0:334327d1a416 3 #include "mbed.h"
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 4 #include <string>
simon 0:334327d1a416 5 #include "TextLCD.h"
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 6 #include "MaxSonar.h"
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 7 using std::string;
simon 0:334327d1a416 8
aueangpanit 3:5e0ba6e35849 9 TextLCD lcd(PTE30, PTE29, PTE23, PTE22, PTE21, PTE20); // rs, e, d4-d7
aueangpanit 3:5e0ba6e35849 10
aueangpanit 7:f00ddf85cacc 11 DigitalOut questionScreen(PTE3);
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 12 DigitalOut screen1(PTE5);
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 13 DigitalOut screen2(PTE4);
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 14
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 15 void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, string text);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 16 void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, char text[1024]);
simon 0:334327d1a416 17
simon 0:334327d1a416 18 int main() {
aueangpanit 7:f00ddf85cacc 19 UpdateScreen(questionScreen, "Hello!");
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 20
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 21 MaxSonar *range1;
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 22 float r1;
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 23
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 24 MaxSonar *range2;
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 25 float r2;
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 26
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 27 // Create and configure object for 3.3V powered LV-series device,
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 28 // accessed with analog reads (in cm) on p16, triggered by p7.
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 29 range1 = new MaxSonar(MS_LV, MS_ANALOG, PTB8, PTC2);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 30 range1->setVoltage(3.3);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 31 range1->setUnits(MS_CM);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 32
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 33 range2 = new MaxSonar(MS_LV, MS_ANALOG, PTB9, PTB3);
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 34 range2->setVoltage(3.3);
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 35 range2->setUnits(MS_CM);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 36
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 37 while(1) {
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 38 // Trigger read, wait 49ms until ranger finder has
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 39 // finished, then read.
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 40 range1->triggerRead();
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 41 wait_ms(49);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 42 r1 = range1->read();
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 43
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 44 range2->triggerRead();
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 45 wait_ms(49);
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 46 r2 = range2->read();
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 47
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 48 // Print and delay 0.5s.
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 49 char range1_char_array[1024];
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 50 char range2_char_array[1024];
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 51 sprintf (range1_char_array, "Range: %.3f cm\n", r1);
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 52 sprintf (range2_char_array, "Range: %.3f cm\n", r2);
aueangpanit 7:f00ddf85cacc 53 UpdateScreen(questionScreen, range1_char_array);
aueangpanit 6:fa30f8383b99 54 UpdateScreen(screen2, range2_char_array);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 55
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 56 wait(0.5);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 57 }
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 58 }
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 59
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 60 void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, string text)
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 61 {
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 62 //disable all E pin for all screens
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 63 screen1 = 0;
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 64 screen2 = 0;
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 65
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 66 //enable E pin for the scrren that we want to update
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 67 screen = 1;
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 68
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 69 //convert text to char array
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 70 char text_char_array[1024];
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 71 strcpy(text_char_array, text.c_str());
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 72 //some weird behaviour after disabling the E pin once means that we need to update the screen several times for it to display properly
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 73 for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 74 {
aueangpanit 3:5e0ba6e35849 75 lcd.cls();
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 76 lcd.printf(text_char_array);
aueangpanit 3:5e0ba6e35849 77 }
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 78 }
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 79
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 80 void UpdateScreen(DigitalOut screen, char text[1024])
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 81 {
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 82 //disable all E pin for all screens
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 83 screen1 = 0;
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 84 screen2 = 0;
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 85
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 86 //enable E pin for the scrren that we want to update
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 87 screen = 1;
aueangpanit 4:c669026b6f6e 88
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 89 //some weird behaviour after disabling the E pin once means that we need to update the screen several times for it to display properly
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 90 for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 91 {
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 92 lcd.cls();
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 93 lcd.printf(text);
aueangpanit 5:2f13ec8efe0b 94 }
simon 0:334327d1a416 95 }