Simple test of a L298N breakout board with two DC motors and FRDM-K64F microcontroller board.

Dependencies:   HBridgeDCMotor RateLimiter mbed

This is a cheap L298N breakout board, easily available on ebay or other stores for 2-3 USD.


The schematics of the board is shown on the figure below. There are 3 jumpers placed on the board (CON5, ENA and ENB).


For low voltage DC motors remove a jumper CON5 and connect the supply from battery (5-6 V) to both terminals: +5V and +12V. For supplies larger than 7 V, connect it only to +12V, with the CON5 jumper placed on the board. Study the L298 datasheet for more details.

The following video shows the result of running the program:

Another example is shown in the next video. We now have the supply voltage of 12 V and the jumper CON5 placed. The code is modified a little:

 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "HBridgeDCMotor.h"
 HBridgeDCMotor motor(p23, p24);
 int main() {
     float sampleTime = 10e-3, switchingFrequency = 25e3, rampTime = 5;
     motor.configure(sampleTime, switchingFrequency, rampTime, rampTime);
     while(true) {

HBridgeDCMotor.lib/shortlog/shortlog@92564f74c7d2: not found in manifest