Fork of Semtech LoRaWAN stack

Fork of LoRaWAN-lib by canuck lehead


Shaun Nelson

File content as of revision 38:182ba91524e4:

 * \file      LoRaMac.h
 * \brief     LoRa MAC layer implementation
 * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
 * \code
 *                ______                              _
 *               / _____)             _              | |
 *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
 *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
 *              (C)2013 Semtech
 *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
 *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
 *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
 *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
 * \endcode
 * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
 * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
 * \author    Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
 * \defgroup  LORAMAC LoRa MAC layer implementation
 *            This module specifies the API implementation of the LoRaMAC layer.
 *            This is a placeholder for a detailed description of the LoRaMac
 *            layer and the supported features.
 * \{
 * \example   classA/LoRaMote/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class A application example for the LoRaMote.
 * \example   classB/LoRaMote/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class B application example for the LoRaMote.
 * \example   classC/LoRaMote/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class C application example for the LoRaMote.
 * \example   classA/MoteII/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class A application example for the MoteII.
 * \example   classB/MoteII/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class B application example for the MoteII.
 * \example   classC/MoteII/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class C application example for the MoteII.
 * \example   classA/NAMote72/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class A application example for the NAMote72.
 * \example   classB/NAMote72/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class B application example for the NAMote72.
 * \example   classC/NAMote72/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class C application example for the NAMote72.
 * \example   classA/SensorNode/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class A application example for the SensorNode.
 * \example   classB/SensorNode/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class B application example for the SensorNode.
 * \example   classC/SensorNode/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class C application example for the SensorNode.
 * \example   classA/SK-iM880A/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class A application example for the SK-iM880A.
 * \example   classB/SK-iM880A/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class B application example for the SK-iM880A.
 * \example   classC/SK-iM880A/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class C application example for the SK-iM880A.
#ifndef __LORAMAC_H__
#define __LORAMAC_H__
 * Stack Version Information
#define LORAMAC_MAJOR_VERSION                       4
#define LORAMAC_MINOR_VERSION                       4
#define LORAMAC_POINT_VERSION                       0
 * Check the Mac layer state every MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT in ms
#define MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT                     1000

 * Maximum number of times the MAC layer tries to get an acknowledge.
#define MAX_ACK_RETRIES                             8

 * Frame direction definition for up-link communications
#define UP_LINK                                     0

 * Frame direction definition for down-link communications
#define DOWN_LINK                                   1

 * Sets the length of the LoRaMAC footer field.
 * Mainly indicates the MIC field length
#define LORAMAC_MFR_LEN                             4

 * LoRaMac MLME-Confirm queue length
#define LORA_MAC_MLME_CONFIRM_QUEUE_LEN             5

 * FRMPayload overhead to be used when setting the Radio.SetMaxPayloadLength
 * in RxWindowSetup function.
 * Maximum PHYPayload = MaxPayloadOfDatarate/MaxPayloadOfDatarateRepeater + LORA_MAC_FRMPAYLOAD_OVERHEAD
#define LORA_MAC_FRMPAYLOAD_OVERHEAD                13 // MHDR(1) + FHDR(7) + Port(1) + MIC(4)

 * LoRaWAN devices classes definition
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 2.1
typedef enum eDeviceClass
     * LoRaWAN device class A
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 3
     * LoRaWAN device class B
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 8
     * LoRaWAN device class C
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 17

 * LoRaMAC channels parameters definition
typedef union uDrRange
     * Byte-access to the bits
    int8_t Value;
     * Structure to store the minimum and the maximum datarate
    struct sFields
         * Minimum data rate
         * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
         * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref DR_0 to \ref DR_15 for details.
        int8_t Min : 4;
         * Maximum data rate
         * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
         * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref DR_0 to \ref DR_15 for details.
        int8_t Max : 4;

 * LoRaMAC band parameters definition
typedef struct sBand
     * Duty cycle
    uint16_t DCycle;
     * Maximum Tx power
    int8_t TxMaxPower;
     * Time stamp of the last JoinReq Tx frame.
    TimerTime_t LastJoinTxDoneTime;
     * Time stamp of the last Tx frame
    TimerTime_t LastTxDoneTime;
     * Holds the time where the device is off
    TimerTime_t TimeOff;

 * LoRaMAC channel definition
typedef struct sChannelParams
     * Frequency in Hz
    uint32_t Frequency;
     * Alternative frequency for RX window 1
    uint32_t Rx1Frequency;
     * Data rate definition
    DrRange_t DrRange;
     * Band index
    uint8_t Band;

 * LoRaMAC receive window 2 channel parameters
typedef struct sRx2ChannelParams
     * Frequency in Hz
    uint32_t Frequency;
     * Data rate
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref DR_0 to \ref DR_15 for details.
    uint8_t  Datarate;

 * Global MAC layer parameters
typedef struct sLoRaMacParams
     * Channels TX power
    int8_t ChannelsTxPower;
     * Channels data rate
    int8_t ChannelsDatarate;
     * System overall timing error in milliseconds. 
     * [-SystemMaxRxError : +SystemMaxRxError]
     * Default: +/-10 ms
    uint32_t SystemMaxRxError;
     * Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame
     * Default: 6 symbols
    uint8_t MinRxSymbols;
     * LoRaMac maximum time a reception window stays open
    uint32_t MaxRxWindow;
     * Receive delay 1
    uint32_t ReceiveDelay1;
     * Receive delay 2
    uint32_t ReceiveDelay2;
     * Join accept delay 1
    uint32_t JoinAcceptDelay1;
     * Join accept delay 1
    uint32_t JoinAcceptDelay2;
     * Number of uplink messages repetitions [1:15] (unconfirmed messages only)
    uint8_t ChannelsNbRep;
     * Datarate offset between uplink and downlink on first window
    uint8_t Rx1DrOffset;
     * LoRaMAC 2nd reception window settings
    Rx2ChannelParams_t Rx2Channel;
     * Uplink dwell time configuration. 0: No limit, 1: 400ms
    uint8_t UplinkDwellTime;
     * Downlink dwell time configuration. 0: No limit, 1: 400ms
    uint8_t DownlinkDwellTime;
     * Maximum possible EIRP
    float MaxEirp;
     * Antenna gain of the node
    float AntennaGain;
     * Indicates if the node supports repeaters
    bool RepeaterSupport;

 * LoRaMAC multicast channel parameter
typedef struct sMulticastParams
     * Address
    uint32_t Address;
     * Network session key
    uint8_t NwkSKey[16];
     * Application session key
    uint8_t AppSKey[16];
     * Downlink counter
    uint32_t DownLinkCounter;
     * Ping offset of the muilticast channel for Class B
    uint16_t PingOffset;
     * Reference pointer to the next multicast channel parameters in the list
    struct sMulticastParams *Next;

 * LoRaMAC frame types
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 4.2.1, table 1
typedef enum eLoRaMacFrameType
     * LoRaMAC join request frame
    FRAME_TYPE_JOIN_REQ              = 0x00,
     * LoRaMAC join accept frame
    FRAME_TYPE_JOIN_ACCEPT           = 0x01,
     * LoRaMAC unconfirmed up-link frame
     * LoRaMAC unconfirmed down-link frame
     * LoRaMAC confirmed up-link frame
     * LoRaMAC confirmed down-link frame
     * LoRaMAC RFU frame
    FRAME_TYPE_RFU                   = 0x06,
     * LoRaMAC proprietary frame
    FRAME_TYPE_PROPRIETARY           = 0x07,

 * LoRaMAC mote MAC commands
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 5, table 4
typedef enum eLoRaMacMoteCmd
     * LinkCheckReq
    MOTE_MAC_LINK_CHECK_REQ          = 0x02,
     * LinkADRAns
    MOTE_MAC_LINK_ADR_ANS            = 0x03,
     * DutyCycleAns
    MOTE_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_ANS          = 0x04,
     * RXParamSetupAns
    MOTE_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_ANS      = 0x05,
     * DevStatusAns
    MOTE_MAC_DEV_STATUS_ANS          = 0x06,
     * NewChannelAns
    MOTE_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_ANS         = 0x07,
     * RXTimingSetupAns
     * TXParamSetupAns
    MOTE_MAC_TX_PARAM_SETUP_ANS      = 0x09,
     * DlChannelAns
    MOTE_MAC_DL_CHANNEL_ANS          = 0x0A,
     * PingSlotInfoReq
    MOTE_MAC_PING_SLOT_INFO_REQ      = 0x10,
     * PingSlotFreqAns
    MOTE_MAC_PING_SLOT_FREQ_ANS      = 0x11,
     * BeaconTimingReq
    MOTE_MAC_BEACON_TIMING_REQ       = 0x12,
     * BeaconFreqAns
    MOTE_MAC_BEACON_FREQ_ANS         = 0x13,

 * LoRaMAC server MAC commands
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2 chapter 5, table 4
typedef enum eLoRaMacSrvCmd
     * LinkCheckAns
    SRV_MAC_LINK_CHECK_ANS           = 0x02,
     * LinkADRReq
    SRV_MAC_LINK_ADR_REQ             = 0x03,
     * DutyCycleReq
    SRV_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_REQ           = 0x04,
     * RXParamSetupReq
    SRV_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_REQ       = 0x05,
     * DevStatusReq
    SRV_MAC_DEV_STATUS_REQ           = 0x06,
     * NewChannelReq
    SRV_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_REQ          = 0x07,
     * RXTimingSetupReq
    SRV_MAC_RX_TIMING_SETUP_REQ      = 0x08,
     * NewChannelReq
    SRV_MAC_TX_PARAM_SETUP_REQ       = 0x09,
     * DlChannelReq
    SRV_MAC_DL_CHANNEL_REQ           = 0x0A,
     * PingSlotInfoAns
    SRV_MAC_PING_SLOT_INFO_ANS       = 0x10,
     * PingSlotChannelReq
     * BeaconTimingAns
    SRV_MAC_BEACON_TIMING_ANS        = 0x12,
     * BeaconFreqReq
    SRV_MAC_BEACON_FREQ_REQ          = 0x13,

 * LoRaMAC Battery level indicator
typedef enum eLoRaMacBatteryLevel
     * External power source
    BAT_LEVEL_EXT_SRC                = 0x00,
     * Battery level empty
    BAT_LEVEL_EMPTY                  = 0x01,
     * Battery level full
    BAT_LEVEL_FULL                   = 0xFE,
     * Battery level - no measurement available
    BAT_LEVEL_NO_MEASURE             = 0xFF,

 * LoRaMAC header field definition (MHDR field)
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 4.2
typedef union uLoRaMacHeader
     * Byte-access to the bits
    uint8_t Value;
     * Structure containing single access to header bits
    struct sHdrBits
         * Major version
        uint8_t Major           : 2;
         * RFU
        uint8_t RFU             : 3;
         * Message type
        uint8_t MType           : 3;

 * LoRaMAC frame control field definition (FCtrl)
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 4.3.1
typedef union uLoRaMacFrameCtrl
     * Byte-access to the bits
    uint8_t Value;
     * Structure containing single access to bits
    struct sCtrlBits
         * Frame options length
        uint8_t FOptsLen        : 4;
         * Frame pending bit
        uint8_t FPending        : 1;
         * Message acknowledge bit
        uint8_t Ack             : 1;
         * ADR acknowledgment request bit
        uint8_t AdrAckReq       : 1;
         * ADR control in frame header
        uint8_t Adr             : 1;

typedef union uPingSlotInfo
    uint8_t Value;
    struct sInfoFields
        uint8_t Periodicity     : 3;
        uint8_t RFU             : 5;

typedef struct sBeaconInfo
    uint32_t Time;
    struct sGwSpecific
        uint8_t InfoDesc;
        uint8_t Info[6];

 * Enumeration containing the status of the operation of a MAC service
typedef enum eLoRaMacEventInfoStatus
     * Service performed successfully
     * An error occurred during the execution of the service
     * A Tx timeout occurred
     * An Rx timeout occurred on receive window 1
     * An Rx timeout occurred on receive window 2
     * An Rx error occurred on receive window 1
     * An Rx error occurred on receive window 2
     * An error occurred in the join procedure
     * The downlink counter of the frame was equal to the local copy of the
     * downlink counter of the node
     * The MAC could not retransmit a frame since the MAC decreased the datarate. The
     * payload size is not applicable for the datarate.
     * The node has lost MAX_FCNT_GAP or more frames.
     * An address error occurred
     * Message integrity check failure
     * ToDo
     * ToDo
     * ToDo
     * ToDo

 * LoRaMac tx/rx operation state
typedef union eLoRaMacFlags_t
     * Byte-access to the bits
    uint8_t Value;
     * Structure containing single access to bits
    struct sMacFlagBits
         * MCPS-Req pending
        uint8_t McpsReq         : 1;
         * MCPS-Ind pending
        uint8_t McpsInd         : 1;
         * MCPS-Ind pending. Skip indication to the application layer
        uint8_t McpsIndSkip     : 1;
         * MLME-Req pending
        uint8_t MlmeReq         : 1;
         * MLME-Ind pending
        uint8_t MlmeInd         : 1;
         * MAC cycle done
        uint8_t MacDone         : 1;

 * \brief   LoRaMAC data services
 * \details The following table list the primitives which are supported by the
 *          specific MAC data service:
 * Name                  | Request | Indication | Response | Confirm
 * --------------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :------: | :-----:
 * \ref MCPS_UNCONFIRMED | YES     | YES        | NO       | YES
 * \ref MCPS_CONFIRMED   | YES     | YES        | NO       | YES
 * \ref MCPS_MULTICAST   | NO      | YES        | NO       | NO
 * \ref MCPS_PROPRIETARY | YES     | YES        | NO       | YES
 * The following table provides links to the function implementations of the
 * related MCPS primitives:
 * Primitive        | Function
 * ---------------- | :---------------------:
 * MCPS-Request     | \ref LoRaMacMlmeRequest
 * MCPS-Confirm     | MacMcpsConfirm in \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t
 * MCPS-Indication  | MacMcpsIndication in \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t
typedef enum eMcps
     * Unconfirmed LoRaMAC frame
     * Confirmed LoRaMAC frame
     * Multicast LoRaMAC frame
     * Proprietary frame

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request for an unconfirmed frame
typedef struct sMcpsReqUnconfirmed
     * Frame port field. Must be set if the payload is not empty. Use the
     * application specific frame port values: [1...223]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 4.3.2
    uint8_t fPort;
     * Pointer to the buffer of the frame payload
    void *fBuffer;
     * Size of the frame payload
    uint16_t fBufferSize;
     * Uplink datarate, if ADR is off
    int8_t Datarate;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request for a confirmed frame
typedef struct sMcpsReqConfirmed
     * Frame port field. Must be set if the payload is not empty. Use the
     * application specific frame port values: [1...223]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 4.3.2
    uint8_t fPort;
     * Pointer to the buffer of the frame payload
    void *fBuffer;
     * Size of the frame payload
    uint16_t fBufferSize;
     * Uplink datarate, if ADR is off
    int8_t Datarate;
     * Number of trials to transmit the frame, if the LoRaMAC layer did not
     * receive an acknowledgment. The MAC performs a datarate adaptation,
     * according to the LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 18.4, according
     * to the following table:
     * Transmission nb | Data Rate
     * ----------------|-----------
     * 1 (first)       | DR
     * 2               | DR
     * 3               | max(DR-1,0)
     * 4               | max(DR-1,0)
     * 5               | max(DR-2,0)
     * 6               | max(DR-2,0)
     * 7               | max(DR-3,0)
     * 8               | max(DR-3,0)
     * Note, that if NbTrials is set to 1 or 2, the MAC will not decrease
     * the datarate, in case the LoRaMAC layer did not receive an acknowledgment
    uint8_t NbTrials;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request for a proprietary frame
typedef struct sMcpsReqProprietary
     * Pointer to the buffer of the frame payload
    void *fBuffer;
     * Size of the frame payload
    uint16_t fBufferSize;
     * Uplink datarate, if ADR is off
    int8_t Datarate;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request structure
typedef struct sMcpsReq
     * MCPS-Request type
    Mcps_t Type;

     * MCPS-Request parameters
    union uMcpsParam
         * MCPS-Request parameters for an unconfirmed frame
        McpsReqUnconfirmed_t Unconfirmed;
         * MCPS-Request parameters for a confirmed frame
        McpsReqConfirmed_t Confirmed;
         * MCPS-Request parameters for a proprietary frame
        McpsReqProprietary_t Proprietary;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Confirm
typedef struct sMcpsConfirm
     * Holds the previously performed MCPS-Request
    Mcps_t McpsRequest;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
     * Uplink datarate
    uint8_t Datarate;
     * Transmission power
    int8_t TxPower;
     * Set if an acknowledgement was received
    bool AckReceived;
     * Provides the number of retransmissions
    uint8_t NbRetries;
     * The transmission time on air of the frame
    TimerTime_t TxTimeOnAir;
     * The uplink counter value related to the frame
    uint32_t UpLinkCounter;
     * The uplink frequency related to the frame
    uint32_t UpLinkFrequency;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Indication primitive
typedef struct sMcpsIndication
     * MCPS-Indication type
    Mcps_t McpsIndication;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
     * Multicast
    uint8_t Multicast;
     * Application port
    uint8_t Port;
     * Downlink datarate
    uint8_t RxDatarate;
     * Frame pending status
    uint8_t FramePending;
     * Pointer to the received data stream
    uint8_t *Buffer;
     * Size of the received data stream
    uint8_t BufferSize;
     * Indicates, if data is available
    bool RxData;
     * Rssi of the received packet
    int16_t Rssi;
     * Snr of the received packet
    uint8_t Snr;
     * Receive window
     * [0: Rx window 1, 1: Rx window 2]
    uint8_t RxSlot;
     * Set if an acknowledgement was received
    bool AckReceived;
     * The downlink counter value for the received frame
    uint32_t DownLinkCounter;

 * \brief LoRaMAC management services
 * \details The following table list the primitives which are supported by the
 *          specific MAC management service:
 * Name                  | Request | Indication | Response | Confirm
 * --------------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :------: | :-----:
 * \ref MLME_JOIN        | YES     | NO         | NO       | YES
 * \ref MLME_LINK_CHECK  | YES     | NO         | NO       | YES
 * \ref MLME_TXCW        | YES     | NO         | NO       | YES
 * The following table provides links to the function implementations of the
 * related MLME primitives.
 * Primitive        | Function
 * ---------------- | :---------------------:
 * MLME-Request     | \ref LoRaMacMlmeRequest
 * MLME-Confirm     | MacMlmeConfirm in \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t
typedef enum eMlme
     * Initiates the Over-the-Air activation
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.2
     * LinkCheckReq - Connectivity validation
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 5, table 4
     * Sets Tx continuous wave mode
     * LoRaWAN end-device certification
     * Sets Tx continuous wave mode (new LoRa-Alliance CC definition)
     * LoRaWAN end-device certification

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Request for the join service
typedef struct sMlmeReqJoin
     * Globally unique end-device identifier
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.2.1
    uint8_t *DevEui;
     * Application identifier
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.1.2
    uint8_t *AppEui;
     * AES-128 application key
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.2.2
    uint8_t *AppKey;
     * Number of trials for the join request.
    uint8_t NbTrials;

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Request for the ping slot info service
typedef struct sMlmeReqPingSlotInfo
    PingSlotInfo_t PingSlot;

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Request for the switch class service
typedef struct sMlmeReqSwitchClass
    DeviceClass_t Class;

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Request for Tx continuous wave mode
typedef struct sMlmeReqTxCw
     * Time in seconds while the radio is kept in continuous wave mode
    uint16_t Timeout;
     * RF frequency to set (Only used with new way)
    uint32_t Frequency;
     * RF output power to set (Only used with new way)
    uint8_t Power;

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Request structure
typedef struct sMlmeReq
     * MLME-Request type
    Mlme_t Type;

     * MLME-Request parameters
    union uMlmeParam
         * MLME-Request parameters for a join request
        MlmeReqJoin_t Join;
         * MLME-Request parameters for a ping slot info request
        MlmeReqPingSlotInfo_t PingSlotInfo;
         * MLME-Request parameters for a switch class request
        MlmeReqSwitchClass_t SwitchClass;
         * MLME-Request parameters for Tx continuous mode request
        MlmeReqTxCw_t TxCw;

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Confirm primitive
typedef struct sMlmeConfirm
     * Holds the previously performed MLME-Request
    Mlme_t MlmeRequest;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
     * The transmission time on air of the frame
    TimerTime_t TxTimeOnAir;
     * Demodulation margin. Contains the link margin [dB] of the last
     * successfully received LinkCheckReq
    uint8_t DemodMargin;
     * Number of gateways which received the last LinkCheckReq
    uint8_t NbGateways;
    TimerTime_t BeaconTimingDelay;
    uint8_t BeaconTimingChannel;
     * Provides the number of retransmissions
    uint8_t NbRetries;

typedef struct sMlmeIndication
     * Holds the previously performed MLME-Request
    Mlme_t MlmeIndication;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;

    BeaconInfo_t BeaconInfo;

 * LoRa Mac Information Base (MIB)
 * The following table lists the MIB parameters and the related attributes:
 * Attribute                                     | Get | Set
 * ----------------------------------------------| :-: | :-:
 * \ref MIB_DEVICE_CLASS                         | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_NETWORK_JOINED                       | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_ADR                                  | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_NET_ID                               | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_DEV_ADDR                             | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_NWK_SKEY                             | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_APP_SKEY                             | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_PUBLIC_NETWORK                       | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_REPEATER_SUPPORT                     | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS                             | YES | NO
 * \ref MIB_RX2_CHANNEL                          | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_MASK                        | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_NB_REP                      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_MAX_RX_WINDOW_DURATION               | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_1                      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_2                      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_1                  | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_2                  | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_DATARATE                    | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_TX_POWER                    | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_UPLINK_COUNTER                       | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_DOWNLINK_COUNTER                     | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_MULTICAST_CHANNEL                    | YES | NO
 * \ref MIB_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR                  | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_MIN_RX_SYMBOLS                       | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_BEACON_INTERVAL                      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_BEACON_RESERVED                      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_BEACON_GUARD                         | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_BEACON_WINDOW                        | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_BEACON_WINDOW_SLOTS                  | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_PING_SLOT_WINDOW                     | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_BEACON_SYMBOL_TO_DEFAULT             | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_MAX_BEACON_LESS_PERIOD               | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_ANTENNA_GAIN             | YES | YES
 * The following table provides links to the function implementations of the
 * related MIB primitives:
 * Primitive        | Function
 * ---------------- | :---------------------:
 * MIB-Set          | \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm
 * MIB-Get          | \ref LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm
typedef enum eMib
     * LoRaWAN device class
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2
     * LoRaWAN Network joined attribute
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2
     * Adaptive data rate
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter
     * [true: ADR enabled, false: ADR disabled]
     * Network identifier
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.1.1
     * End-device address
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.1.1
     * Network session key
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.1.3
     * Application session key
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 6.1.4
     * Set the network type to public or private
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * [true: public network, false: private network]
     * Support the operation with repeaters
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * [true: repeater support enabled, false: repeater support disabled]
     * Communication channels. A get request will return a
     * pointer which references the first entry of the channel list. The
     * list is of size LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * Set receive window 2 channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 3.3.1
     * Set receive window 2 channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 3.3.2
     * LoRaWAN channels mask
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * LoRaWAN default channels mask
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * Set the number of repetitions on a channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 5.2
     * Maximum receive window duration in [ms]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter 3.3.3
     * Receive delay 1 in [ms]
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * Receive delay 2 in [ms]
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * Join accept delay 1 in [ms]
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * Join accept delay 2 in [ms]
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * Default Data rate of a channel
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref DR_0 to \ref DR_15 for details.
     * Data rate of a channel
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref DR_0 to \ref DR_15 for details.
     * Transmission power of a channel
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref TX_POWER_0 to \ref TX_POWER_15 for details.
     * Transmission power of a channel
     * LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
     * The allowed ranges are region specific. Please refer to \ref TX_POWER_0 to \ref TX_POWER_15 for details.
     * LoRaWAN Up-link counter
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter
     * LoRaWAN Down-link counter
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.2, chapter
     * Multicast channels. A get request will return a pointer to the first
     * entry of the multicast channel linked list. If the pointer is equal to
     * NULL, the list is empty.
     * System overall timing error in milliseconds. 
     * [-SystemMaxRxError : +SystemMaxRxError]
     * Default: +/-10 ms
     * Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame
     * Default: 6 symbols
     * Antenna gain of the node. Default value is region specific.
     * The antenna gain is used to calculate the TX power of the node.
     * The formula is:
     * radioTxPower = ( int8_t )floor( maxEirp - antennaGain )
     * Beacon interval in ms
     * Beacon reserved time in ms
     * Beacon guard time in ms
     * Beacon window time in ms
     * Beacon window time in number of slots
     * Ping slot length time in ms
     * Default symbol timeout for beacons and ping slot windows
     * Maximum symbol timeout for beacons
     * Maximum symbol timeout for ping slots
     * Symbol expansion value for beacon windows in case of beacon
     * loss in symbols
     * Symbol expansion value for ping slot windows in case of beacon
     * loss in symbols
     * Maximum allowed beacon less time in ms

 * LoRaMAC MIB parameters
typedef union uMibParam
     * LoRaWAN device class
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_DEVICE_CLASS
    DeviceClass_t Class;
     * LoRaWAN network joined attribute
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NETWORK_JOINED
    bool IsNetworkJoined;
     * Activation state of ADR
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_ADR
    bool AdrEnable;
     * Network identifier
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NET_ID
    uint32_t NetID;
     * End-device address
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_DEV_ADDR
    uint32_t DevAddr;
     * Network session key
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NWK_SKEY
    uint8_t *NwkSKey;
     * Application session key
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_APP_SKEY
    uint8_t *AppSKey;
     * Enable or disable a public network
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_PUBLIC_NETWORK
    bool EnablePublicNetwork;
     * Enable or disable repeater support
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_REPEATER_SUPPORT
    bool EnableRepeaterSupport;
     * LoRaWAN Channel
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS
    ChannelParams_t* ChannelList;
     * Channel for the receive window 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RX2_CHANNEL
    Rx2ChannelParams_t Rx2Channel;
     * Channel for the receive window 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RX2_DEFAULT_CHANNEL
    Rx2ChannelParams_t Rx2DefaultChannel;
     * Channel mask
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_MASK
    uint16_t* ChannelsMask;
     * Default channel mask
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_DEFAULT_MASK
    uint16_t* ChannelsDefaultMask;
     * Number of frame repetitions
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_NB_REP
    uint8_t ChannelNbRep;
     * Maximum receive window duration
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_MAX_RX_WINDOW_DURATION
    uint32_t MaxRxWindow;
     * Receive delay 1
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_1
    uint32_t ReceiveDelay1;
     * Receive delay 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_2
    uint32_t ReceiveDelay2;
     * Join accept delay 1
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_1
    uint32_t JoinAcceptDelay1;
     * Join accept delay 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_2
    uint32_t JoinAcceptDelay2;
     * Channels data rate
    int8_t ChannelsDefaultDatarate;
     * Channels data rate
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_DATARATE
    int8_t ChannelsDatarate;
     * Channels TX power
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_DEFAULT_TX_POWER
    int8_t ChannelsDefaultTxPower;
     * Channels TX power
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_TX_POWER
    int8_t ChannelsTxPower;
     * LoRaWAN Up-link counter
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_UPLINK_COUNTER
    uint32_t UpLinkCounter;
     * LoRaWAN Down-link counter
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_DOWNLINK_COUNTER
    uint32_t DownLinkCounter;
     * Multicast channel
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_MULTICAST_CHANNEL
    MulticastParams_t* MulticastList;
     * System overall timing error in milliseconds. 
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR
    uint32_t SystemMaxRxError;
     * Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_MIN_RX_SYMBOLS
    uint8_t MinRxSymbols;
     * Antenna gain
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_ANTENNA_GAIN
    float AntennaGain;
     * Beacon interval in ms
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_BEACON_INTERVAL
    uint32_t BeaconInterval;
     * Beacon reserved time in ms
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_BEACON_RESERVED
    uint32_t BeaconReserved;
     * Beacon guard time in ms
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_BEACON_GUARD
    uint32_t BeaconGuard;
     * Beacon window time in ms
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_BEACON_WINDOW
    uint32_t BeaconWindow;
     * Beacon window time in number of slots
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_BEACON_WINDOW_SLOTS
    uint32_t BeaconWindowSlots;
     * Ping slot length time in ms
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_PING_SLOT_WINDOW
    uint32_t PingSlotWindow;
     * Default symbol timeout for beacons and ping slot windows
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_BEACON_SYMBOL_TO_DEFAULT
    uint32_t BeaconSymbolToDefault;
     * Maximum symbol timeout for beacons
    uint32_t BeaconSymbolToExpansionMax;
     * Maximum symbol timeout for ping slots
    uint32_t PingSlotSymbolToExpansionMax;
     * Symbol expansion value for beacon windows in case of beacon
     * loss in symbols
    uint32_t BeaconSymbolToExpansionFactor;
     * Symbol expansion value for ping slot windows in case of beacon
     * loss in symbols
    uint32_t PingSlotSymbolToExpansionFactor;
     * Maximum allowed beacon less time in ms
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_MAX_BEACON_LESS_PERIOD
    uint32_t MaxBeaconLessPeriod;

 * LoRaMAC MIB-RequestConfirm structure
typedef struct eMibRequestConfirm
     * MIB-Request type
    Mib_t Type;

     * MLME-RequestConfirm parameters
    MibParam_t Param;

 * LoRaMAC tx information
typedef struct sLoRaMacTxInfo
     * Defines the size of the applicative payload which can be processed
    uint8_t MaxPossiblePayload;
     * The current payload size, dependent on the current datarate
    uint8_t CurrentPayloadSize;

 * Structure to hold multiple MLME request confirm data
typedef struct sMlmeConfirmQueue
     * Holds the previously performed MLME-Request
    Mlme_t MlmeRequest;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;

 * LoRaMAC Status
typedef enum eLoRaMacStatus
     * Service started successfully
     * Service not started - LoRaMAC is busy
     * Service unknown
     * Service not started - invalid parameter
     * Service not started - invalid frequency
     * Service not started - invalid datarate
     * Service not started - invalid frequency and datarate
     * Service not started - the device is not in a LoRaWAN
     * Service not started - payload length error
     * Service not started - the device is switched off
     * Service not started - the specified region is not supported
     * or not activated with preprocessor definitions.

 * LoRaMAC region enumeration
typedef enum eLoRaMacRegion_t
     * AS band on 923MHz
     * Australian band on 915MHz
     * Chinese band on 470MHz
     * Chinese band on 779MHz
     * European band on 433MHz
     * European band on 868MHz
     * South korean band on 920MHz
     * India band on 865MHz
     * North american band on 915MHz
     * North american band on 915MHz with a maximum of 16 channels

 * LoRaMAC events structure
 * Used to notify upper layers of MAC events
typedef struct sLoRaMacPrimitives
     * \brief   MCPS-Confirm primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MCPS-Confirm parameters
    void ( *MacMcpsConfirm )( McpsConfirm_t *McpsConfirm );
     * \brief   MCPS-Indication primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MCPS-Indication parameters
    void ( *MacMcpsIndication )( McpsIndication_t *McpsIndication );
     * \brief   MLME-Confirm primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MLME-Confirm parameters
    void ( *MacMlmeConfirm )( MlmeConfirm_t *MlmeConfirm );
     * \brief   MLME-Indication primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MLME-Indication parameters
    void ( *MacMlmeIndication )( MlmeIndication_t *MlmeIndication );

 * LoRaMAC callback structure
typedef struct sLoRaMacCallback
     * \brief   Measures the battery level
     * \retval  Battery level [0: node is connected to an external
     *          power source, 1..254: battery level, where 1 is the minimum
     *          and 254 is the maximum value, 255: the node was not able
     *          to measure the battery level]
    uint8_t ( *GetBatteryLevel )( void );
     * \brief   Measures the temperature level
     * \retval  Temperature level
    float ( *GetTemperatureLevel )( void );

 * LoRaMAC Max EIRP (dBm) table
static const uint8_t LoRaMacMaxEirpTable[] = { 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 36 };

 * \brief   LoRaMAC layer initialization
 * \details In addition to the initialization of the LoRaMAC layer, this
 *          function initializes the callback primitives of the MCPS and
 *          MLME services. Every data field of \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t must be
 *          set to a valid callback function.
 * \param   [IN] primitives - Pointer to a structure defining the LoRaMAC
 *                            event functions. Refer to \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t.
 * \param   [IN] events - Pointer to a structure defining the LoRaMAC
 *                        callback functions. Refer to \ref LoRaMacCallback_t.
 * \param   [IN] region - The region to start.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacInitialization( LoRaMacPrimitives_t *primitives, LoRaMacCallback_t *callbacks, LoRaMacRegion_t region );

 * \brief   Queries the LoRaMAC if it is possible to send the next frame with
 *          a given payload size. The LoRaMAC takes scheduled MAC commands into
 *          account and reports, when the frame can be send or not.
 * \param   [IN] size - Size of applicative payload to be send next
 * \param   [OUT] txInfo - The structure \ref LoRaMacTxInfo_t contains
 *                         information about the actual maximum payload possible
 *                         ( according to the configured datarate or the next
 *                         datarate according to ADR ), and the maximum frame
 *                         size, taking the scheduled MAC commands into account.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. When the parameters are
 *          not valid, the function returns \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID.
 *          In case of a length error caused by the applicative payload in combination
 *          with the MAC commands, the function returns \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR.
 *          Please note that if the size of the MAC commands which are in the queue do
 *          not fit into the payload size on the related datarate, the LoRaMAC will
 *          omit the MAC commands.
 *          In case the query is valid, and the LoRaMAC is able to send the frame,
 *          the function returns \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK.
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacQueryTxPossible( uint8_t size, LoRaMacTxInfo_t* txInfo );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC channel add service
 * \details Adds a new channel to the channel list and activates the id in
 *          the channel mask. Please note that this functionality is not available
 *          on all regions. Information about allowed ranges are available at the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters V1.0.2rB
 * \param   [IN] id - Id of the channel.
 * \param   [IN] params - Channel parameters to set.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacChannelAdd( uint8_t id, ChannelParams_t params );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC channel remove service
 * \details Deactivates the id in the channel mask.
 * \param   [IN] id - Id of the channel.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacChannelRemove( uint8_t id );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC multicast channel link service
 * \details Links a multicast channel into the linked list.
 * \param   [IN] channelParam - Multicast channel parameters to link.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMulticastChannelLink( MulticastParams_t *channelParam );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC multicast channel unlink service
 * \details Unlinks a multicast channel from the linked list.
 * \param   [IN] channelParam - Multicast channel parameters to unlink.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMulticastChannelUnlink( MulticastParams_t *channelParam );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MIB-Get
 * \details The mac information base service to get attributes of the LoRaMac
 *          layer.
 *          The following code-snippet shows how to use the API to get the
 *          parameter AdrEnable, defined by the enumeration type
 *          \ref MIB_ADR.
 * \code
 * MibRequestConfirm_t mibReq;
 * mibReq.Type = MIB_ADR;
 * if( LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( &mibReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // LoRaMAC updated the parameter mibParam.AdrEnable
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mibRequest - MIB-GET-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MibRequestConfirm_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( MibRequestConfirm_t *mibGet );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MIB-Set
 * \details The mac information base service to set attributes of the LoRaMac
 *          layer.
 *          The following code-snippet shows how to use the API to set the
 *          parameter AdrEnable, defined by the enumeration type
 *          \ref MIB_ADR.
 * \code
 * MibRequestConfirm_t mibReq;
 * mibReq.Type = MIB_ADR;
 * mibReq.Param.AdrEnable = true;
 * if( LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( &mibReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // LoRaMAC updated the parameter
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mibRequest - MIB-SET-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MibRequestConfirm_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( MibRequestConfirm_t *mibSet );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MLME-Request
 * \details The Mac layer management entity handles management services. The
 *          following code-snippet shows how to use the API to perform a
 *          network join request.
 * \code
 * static uint8_t DevEui[] =
 * {
 *   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
 * };
 * static uint8_t AppEui[] =
 * {
 *   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
 * };
 * static uint8_t AppKey[] =
 * {
 *   0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6,
 *   0xAB, 0xF7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xCF, 0x4F, 0x3C
 * };
 * MlmeReq_t mlmeReq;
 * mlmeReq.Type = MLME_JOIN;
 * mlmeReq.Req.Join.DevEui = DevEui;
 * mlmeReq.Req.Join.AppEui = AppEui;
 * mlmeReq.Req.Join.AppKey = AppKey;
 * if( LoRaMacMlmeRequest( &mlmeReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // Service started successfully. Waiting for the Mlme-Confirm event
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mlmeRequest - MLME-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MlmeReq_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMlmeRequest( MlmeReq_t *mlmeRequest );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MCPS-Request
 * \details The Mac Common Part Sublayer handles data services. The following
 *          code-snippet shows how to use the API to send an unconfirmed
 *          LoRaMAC frame.
 * \code
 * uint8_t myBuffer[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
 * McpsReq_t mcpsReq;
 * mcpsReq.Type = MCPS_UNCONFIRMED;
 * mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fPort = 1;
 * mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBuffer = myBuffer;
 * mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBufferSize = sizeof( myBuffer );
 * if( LoRaMacMcpsRequest( &mcpsReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // Service started successfully. Waiting for the MCPS-Confirm event
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mcpsRequest - MCPS-Request to perform. Refer to \ref McpsReq_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMcpsRequest( McpsReq_t *mcpsRequest );

/*! \} defgroup LORAMAC */

#endif // __LORAMAC_H__