
Dependents of eMPL_MPU6050

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

To get started with Seeed Tiny BLE, include detecting motion, button and battery level. MPU6050, Seeed_Tiny_BLE
fix nrf51822 i2c & spi conflict
basic test to get quaternion over ble and use it to improve balance board skills
Use Tiny BLE as a joystick. The data is got from an external data source via a serial port.
tinyble get started
First test with Seeed Tiny BLE streaming realtime data over BLE and USB Serial. This program is based in the "Tiny BLE Getting started" using the eMotion Driver 5.12 pulling …
Test of 100 Hz
My Template app for TinyBLE.
Cube Mini Solution