Firmware Library for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 (MEMS Inertial & Environmental Sensors) Expansion Board
Dependencies: STTS751 LPS22HH LIS2MDL HTS221 LIS2DW12 LSM6DSO
Dependents: ELEC35XR-2019 ELEC35XR-2019_SEM calculate IKS01A3 ... more
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 MEMS Inertial & Environmental Sensor Nucleo Expansion Board Firmware Package¶
This firmware package includes Components Device Drivers and Board Support Package for STMicroelectronics' X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3
MEMS Inertial & Environmental Sensors Nucleo Expansion Board.
Firmware Library¶
Class X_NUCLEO_IKS01A3 is intended to represent the MEMS inertial & environmental sensors expansion board with the same name.
The expansion board is basically featuring four IPs:
- a HTS221 Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor,
- a LIS2MDL 3-Axis Magnetometer
- a LIS2DW12 3-Axis Accelerometer
- a LPS22HH MEMS Pressure and Temperature Sensor
- a LSM6DSO 3-Axis Accelerometer and 3-Axis Gyroscope
- a STTS751 MEMS Temperature Sensor
The expansion board features also a DIL 24-pin socket which makes it possible to add further MEMS adapters and other sensors (e.g. UV index).
It is intentionally implemented as a singleton because only one X_NUCLEO_IKS01A3 at a time might be deployed in a HW component stack. In order to get the singleton instance you have to call class method `instance()`, e.g.:
// Sensors expansion board singleton instance static XNucleoIKS01A3 *mems_expansion_board = XNucleoIKS01A3::instance(D14, D15, D4, D5, A3, D6, A4);
Furthermore, library ST_INTERFACES
contains all abstract classes which together constitute the common API to which all existing and future ST components will adhere to.