Expansion SW library to control high power stepper motor(s) using IHM03A1 expansion board(s) with Powerstep01 driver.


Dependents:   IHM03A1_ExampleFor1Motor HelloWorld_IHM03A1 IHM03A1_ExampleFor3Motors KYPHOS_Stepper_Motor_Control

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IHM03A1 by ST Expansion SW Team

Added ST_INTERFACES library.

To accept: + Please click on "Review"; + Import the new library into your application example; + Select the X_NUCLEO_IHMXXX library; + Click on "Revision"; + Accept the pull request (this will re-publish your library); + Re-publish your application example;

Do this for any application example you have created.

Added ST_INTERFACES library.