Expansion SW library to control a bipolar stepper motor using X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 expansion board based on L6208.

Dependencies:   ST_INTERFACES

Dependents:   HelloWorld_IHM05A1 TAU_ROTATING_PLATFORM_IHM05A1 Amaldi_13_Exercise_IHM05A1 Amaldi_13_Exercise_IHM05A1motore ... more

Fork of X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 by ST Expansion SW Team

Motor Control Library

Library to handle the X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 Motor Control Expansion Board based on the L6208 component.

It features the:

  • Read and write of device parameters
  • Configuration of GPIOs and IRQs (for enabling, direction, current decay and microstepping)
  • Control of position, speed, acceleration and deceleration
  • Command locking until the device completes movement
  • Handling of overcurrent and thermal alarms (flag interrupt handling)

The API allows to easily:

  • perform various positioning, moves and stops
  • get/set or monitor the motor positions
  • set home position and mark another position
  • get/set minimum and maximum speed
  • get current speed
  • get/set acceleration and deceleration
  • get/set the step mode (up to 1/16)

Board configuration


Platform compatibility

Compatible platforms have been tested with the configurations provided by the HelloWorld_IHM05A1 example.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Components/L6208/L6208.cpp	Fri Mar 24 13:29:46 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1872 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    L6208.cpp
+  * @author  IPC Rennes
+  * @version V1.1.0
+  * @date    February 11th, 2016
+  * @brief   L6208 product related routines
+  * @note    (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  *
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "L6208.h"
+/* Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/// Bridge A
+#define BRIDGE_A                     (0)
+/// Bridge B
+#define BRIDGE_B                     (1)
+/// Bitmaps for system flags
+#define EN_A_set              0x00000001    ///< EN_A pin status
+#define HiZstop               0x00000002    ///< motor has to be left in HiZ after stopping
+#define busy                  0x00000004    ///< stepper position command executing flag
+#define running               0x00000008    ///< running motor flag
+#define velocitymode          0x00000010    ///< velocity controlled stepper motor
+#define positionmode          0x00000020    ///< position controlled stepper motor
+#define fullstep              0x00000040    ///< full step mode controlled    
+#define halfstep              0x00000080    ///< half step mode controlled    
+#define microstep             0x00000100    ///< micro step mode controlled
+#define forward               0x00000200    ///< forward running motor
+#define dir2change            0x00000400    ///< direction has to be changed while the motor is running
+#define fastdecaymode         0x00000800    ///< decay mode is fast
+#define wavestep              0x00001000    ///< wave step mode controlled
+/* Variables  ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Number of devices. */
+uint8_t L6208::numberOfDevices = 0;
+/// RefMicroTable values are 2^L6208_SINE_WAVEFORM_POWER_OF_TWO_MAX_VALUE*|sin(n/16*PI/2)|
+/// where n is the index in the table
+const uint16_t L6208::RefMicroTable[L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD*3] =
+  0,3212,6393,9512,12540,15447,18205,20788,23170,25330,27246,28899,30274,31357,32138,32610,
+  32768,32610,32138,31357,30274,28899,27246,25330,23170,20788,18205,15447,12540,9512,6393,3212,
+  0,3212,6393,9512,12540,15447,18205,20788,23170,25330,27246,28899,30274,31357,32138,32610
+/* Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief Start the L6208 library
+ * @param[in] pInit pointer to the initialization data
+ * @retval COMPONENT_OK in case of success.
+ **********************************************************/
+status_t L6208::L6208_Init(void* pInit)
+  if (pInit == NULL)
+  {
+    /* Set context variables to the predefined values from l6208_target_config.h */
+    /* Set GPIO according to these values */
+    L6208_SetDeviceParamsToPredefinedValues();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_SetDeviceParamsToGivenValues((l6208_init_t*) pInit);
+  }
+  /* Initialise the PWMs */
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmInit(BRIDGE_A, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmInit(BRIDGE_B, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  /* Initialise the tick */
+  L6208_Board_TickInit();
+  /* Reset L6208 */
+  L6208_ResetDevice();
+  /* Align motor mechanical position to driver position */
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmStart(BRIDGE_A, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmStart(BRIDGE_B, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  //L6208_Enable();
+  return COMPONENT_OK;
+ * @brief Read id
+ * @param id pointer to the identifier to be read.
+ * @retval COMPONENT_OK in case of success.
+ **********************************************************/
+status_t L6208::L6208_ReadID(uint8_t *id)
+  *id = deviceInstance;
+  return COMPONENT_OK;
+ * @brief  Attaches a user callback to the error Handler.
+ * The call back will be then called each time the library 
+ * detects an error
+ * @param[in] callback Name of the callback to attach 
+ * to the error Hanlder
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_AttachErrorHandler(void (*callback)(uint16_t error))
+  errorHandlerCallback = (void (*)(uint16_t error)) callback;
+ * @brief Disable the power bridges (leave the output bridges HiZ)
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_Disable(void)
+  L6208_Board_Disable();
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(EN_A_set);
+ * @brief Error handler which calls the user callback (if defined)
+ * @param[in] error Number of the error
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_ErrorHandler(uint16_t error)
+  if (errorHandlerCallback != 0)
+  {
+    errorHandlerCallback(error);
+  }
+  else   
+  {
+    while(1)
+    {
+      /* Infinite loop */
+    }
+  }
+ * @brief Enable the power bridges
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_Enable(void)
+  L6208_Board_Enable();
+  L6208_SetSysFlag(EN_A_set);
+ * @brief Get the stepper acceleration rate
+ * in step/s^2 for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s^2 for microstep modes
+ * @retval the stepper acceleration rate in step/s^2 or microstep/s^2
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+uint16_t L6208::L6208_GetAcceleration(void)
+    return devicePrm.accelerationSps2;
+ * @brief Get the current speed
+ * in step/s for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s for microstep modes
+ * @retval return the current speed in step/s or microstep/s
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+uint16_t L6208::L6208_GetCurrentSpeed(void)
+  uint64_t tmp64 = (uint64_t) devicePrm.speedSpt * L6208_Board_TickGetFreq();
+  devicePrm.speedSps = (uint16_t)(tmp64 >> 23);
+  if (devicePrm.speedSps & 0x1)
+  {
+    devicePrm.speedSps = (devicePrm.speedSps >> 1) + 1;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    devicePrm.speedSps = devicePrm.speedSps >> 1;
+  }
+  return devicePrm.speedSps;
+ * @brief Get the motor decay mode
+ * @retval decay mode
+ **********************************************************/
+motorDecayMode_t L6208::L6208_get_decay_mode(void)
+  if (L6208_IsSysFlag(fastdecaymode)) return (FAST_DECAY);
+  else return (SLOW_DECAY);
+ * @brief Get the stepper deceleration rate
+ * in step/s^2 for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s^2 for microstep modes
+ * @retval the stepper deceleration rate in step/s^2 or microstep/s^2
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+uint16_t L6208::L6208_GetDeceleration(void)
+    return devicePrm.decelerationSps2;
+ * @brief Get the motor current direction
+ * @retval direction
+ **********************************************************/
+motorDir_t L6208::L6208_GetDirection(void)
+  if (L6208_IsSysFlag(forward))
+  {
+    return FORWARD;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return BACKWARD;
+  }
+ * @brief Return the FW version.
+ * @retval FW version
+ **********************************************************/
+uint32_t L6208::L6208_GetFwVersion(void)
+  return L6208_FW_VERSION;
+ * @brief Get the mark position (32b signed) 
+ * @retval mark position
+ **********************************************************/
+int32_t L6208::L6208_GetMark(void)
+  return devicePrm.markPos;
+ * @brief Get the max speed
+ * in step/s for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s for microstep modes
+ * @retval return the max speed in step/s or microstep/s
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+uint16_t L6208::L6208_GetMaxSpeed(void)
+  return devicePrm.maxSpeedSps;
+ * @brief Get the min speed
+ * in step/s for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s for microstep modes
+ * @retval return the min speed in step/s or microstep/s
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+uint16_t L6208::L6208_GetMinSpeed(void)
+  return devicePrm.minSpeedSps;
+ * @brief Get the stepper state machine index
+ * @retval one of the stepper state machine index in the motorState_t enum
+ **********************************************************/
+motorState_t L6208::L6208_GetMotionState(void)
+  // gets the new stepper state machine index
+  return devicePrm.motionState;    
+ * @brief Get the current position (32b signed) 
+ * @retval current absoulte position
+ **********************************************************/
+int32_t L6208::L6208_GetPosition(void)
+  return devicePrm.absolutePos;
+ * @brief Get the motor step mode
+ * @retval step mode
+ **********************************************************/
+motorStepMode_t L6208::L6208_GetStepMode(void)
+  return devicePrm.stepMode;
+ * @brief Get the selected stop mode
+ * @retval the selected stop mode
+ **********************************************************/
+motorStopMode_t L6208::L6208_GetStopMode(void)
+  if (L6208_IsSysFlag(HiZstop) == FALSE)
+  {
+      return (HOLD_MODE);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+      return (HIZ_MODE);
+  }
+ * @brief Go to the home position
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_GoHome(void)
+  L6208_GoTo(0);
+ * @brief Go to the Mark position
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_GoMark(void)
+  L6208_GoTo(devicePrm.markPos);
+ * @brief move the motor to the absolute position using the shortest path
+ * @param[in] abs_pos 32 bit signed value position
+ * @retval None
+ * @note The position is at the resolution corresponding to the
+ * selected step mode.
+ * STEP_MODE_HALF                     : 1/2 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_4              : 1/4 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_8              : 1/8 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_16             : 1/16 step 
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_GoTo(int32_t abs_pos)
+  uint32_t steps = 0;
+  if(L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+    L6208_HardStop();
+  }
+  if (abs_pos > devicePrm.absolutePos)
+  {
+    steps = abs_pos - devicePrm.absolutePos;
+    if (steps < (L6208_POSITION_RANGE>>1))
+    {
+      L6208_Move(FORWARD, steps);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      L6208_Move(BACKWARD, (L6208_POSITION_RANGE - steps));
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    steps = devicePrm.absolutePos - abs_pos;
+    if (steps < (L6208_POSITION_RANGE>>1))
+    {
+      L6208_Move(BACKWARD, steps);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      L6208_Move(FORWARD, (L6208_POSITION_RANGE - steps));
+    }
+  }
+ * @brief move the motor to the absolute position
+ * @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
+ * @param[in] abs_pos 32 bit signed value position
+ * @retval None
+ * @note The position is at the resolution corresponding to the
+ * selected step mode.
+ * STEP_MODE_HALF                     : 1/2 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_4              : 1/4 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_8              : 1/8 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_16             : 1/16 step 
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_GoToDir(motorDir_t direction, int32_t abs_pos)
+  uint32_t steps = 0;
+  if(L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+    L6208_HardStop();
+  }
+  if (direction != BACKWARD)
+  {
+    if (abs_pos > devicePrm.absolutePos)
+    {
+      steps = abs_pos - devicePrm.absolutePos;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      steps = L6208_POSITION_RANGE + (abs_pos - devicePrm.absolutePos);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (abs_pos > devicePrm.absolutePos)
+    {
+      steps = L6208_POSITION_RANGE + (devicePrm.absolutePos - abs_pos);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      steps = devicePrm.absolutePos - abs_pos;
+    }
+  }
+  L6208_Move(direction, steps);
+ * @brief Immediately stop the motor and disables the power bridges
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_HardHiZ(void)
+  /* Disables power stage */
+  L6208_Disable();
+  /* Sets inactive state */
+  L6208_SetMotionState(INACTIVE);
+  /* Clears the running motor and the position */
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(running);
+  /* Disables PWMs */
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmStop(BRIDGE_A);
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmStop(BRIDGE_B);
+  /* Disables tick timer */
+  L6208_Board_TickStop();
+ * @brief Immediately stop the motor and keeps holding torque
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_HardStop(void) 
+  /* Sets inactive state */
+  L6208_SetMotionState(INACTIVE);
+  /* Clears the running motor and the position */
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(running);
+  L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.holdTorque);
+  /* Disables tick timer */
+  L6208_Board_TickStop();
+ * @brief move the motor by the specified number of steps
+ * in the specified direction
+ * @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
+ * @param[in] stepCount 32 bit unsigned step count
+ * @retval None
+ * @note The step count resolution is corresponding to the
+ * selected step mode.
+ * STEP_MODE_HALF                   : 1/2 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_4                    : 1/4 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_8                    : 1/8 step
+ * STEP_MODE_1_16                   : 1/16 step 
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_Move(motorDir_t direction, uint32_t stepCount)
+  if(L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+    L6208_HardStop();
+  }
+  /* clear the velocity driving mode flag */
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(velocitymode);
+  /* Set the indexing driving mode flag */
+  /* and the user command executing flag */
+  L6208_SetSysFlag(positionmode);
+  /* store relative number of steps to move */
+  devicePrm.positionTarget = stepCount;
+  L6208_SetDirection(direction); 
+  /* Motor activation */
+  L6208_StartMovement(); 
+ * @brief  Release the L6208 reset (Reset pin set to high level)
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_ReleaseReset(void)
+  L6208_Board_ReleaseReset(); 
+ * @brief Reset the L6208 (Reset pin set to low level)
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_Reset(void)
+  L6208_Board_Reset();
+ * @brief Call L6208_SetStepMode with current step mode, 
+ * the L6208_SetStepMode function along with setting the step mode resets
+ * the L6208 device
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_ResetDevice(void)
+  L6208_SetStepMode(L6208_GetStepMode());
+ * @brief run the motor in the specified direction
+ * according to the speed profile defined by the minimum speed,
+ * maximum speed, and acceleration parameters. 
+ * The device accelerates from the minimum speed up to the maximum
+ * speed by using the device acceleration.
+ * @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_Run(motorDir_t direction)
+  if(L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+    L6208_HardStop();
+  }
+  L6208_SetDirection(direction);
+  /* Clear the indexing driving mode flag */
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(positionmode);
+  /* Set the velocity driving mode flag */
+  L6208_SetSysFlag(velocitymode);
+  /* Motor activation */
+  L6208_StartMovement(); 
+ * @brief Set the stepper acceleration rate
+ * in step/s^2 and step/tick^2 for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s^2 and microsteps/tick^2 for microstep modes
+ * @param[in] newAcc new acceleration rate in step/s^2 or microstep/s^2
+ * @retval TRUE
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SetAcceleration(uint16_t newAcc)
+  uint16_t newAccSpt2 = L6208_ConvertAcceDecelRateValue(newAcc);
+  if (newAccSpt2)
+  {
+    devicePrm.accelerationSps2 = newAcc;
+    devicePrm.accelerationSpt2 = newAccSpt2; 
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_ACCELERATION);
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Select the motor decay mode
+ * @param[in] decayMode (SLOW_DECAY or FAST_DECAY)
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetDecayMode(motorDecayMode_t decayMode)
+  if ((decayMode & L6208_FAST_DECAY_MODE_MASK) == L6208_FAST_DECAY_MODE_MASK)
+  {
+    L6208_Board_CONTROL_PIN_Set();
+    L6208_SetSysFlag(fastdecaymode);
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    L6208_Board_CONTROL_PIN_Reset();
+    L6208_ClearSysFlag(fastdecaymode);
+  }
+ * @brief Set the stepper deceleration rate
+ * in step/s^2 and step/tick^2 for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s^2 and microsteps/tick^2 for microstep modes
+ * @param[in] newDec new deceleration rate in step/s^2 or microstep/s^2
+ * @retval TRUE
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SetDeceleration(uint16_t newDec)
+  uint16_t newDecSpt2 = L6208_ConvertAcceDecelRateValue(newDec);
+  if (newDecSpt2)
+  {
+    devicePrm.decelerationSps2 = newDec;
+    devicePrm.decelerationSpt2 = newDecSpt2;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_DECELERATION);
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Specify the direction
+ * @param[in] dir FORWARD or BACKWARD
+ * @note In velocity mode a direction change forces the device to stop and 
+ * then run in the new direction. In position mode, if the device is 
+ * running, a direction change will generate an error.
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetDirection(motorDir_t dir)
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(dir2change);
+  if (dir == FORWARD)
+  {
+    if (!L6208_IsSysFlag(forward))
+    {
+      if (L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+      {
+        /* motor is running */
+        if (L6208_IsSysFlag(positionmode))
+        {
+          L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_DIRECTION);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* set the rotation direction to change flag */
+          L6208_SetSysFlag(dir2change);
+        }
+      }
+      else /* the motor is stopped, cw direction selected */
+      {
+        L6208_SetSysFlag(forward);
+        L6208_Board_DIR_PIN_Set();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (L6208_IsSysFlag(forward))
+   {
+      if (L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+      {
+        /* motor is running */
+        if (L6208_IsSysFlag(positionmode))
+        {
+          L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_DIRECTION);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* set the rotation direction to change flag */
+          L6208_SetSysFlag(dir2change);
+        }
+      }
+      else /* the motor is stopped, ccw direction selected */
+      {
+        L6208_ClearSysFlag(forward);
+        L6208_Board_DIR_PIN_Reset();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(L6208_IsSysFlag(dir2change))
+  {
+    L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.decelTorque);     
+    L6208_SetMotionState(DECELERATINGTOSTOP);  
+  }
+ * @brief Set current position to be the home position
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetHome(void)
+  if (!L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+      devicePrm.absolutePos = 0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+      L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_HOME);
+  }
+ * @brief Set current position to be the mark position 
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetMark(void)
+  devicePrm.markPos = devicePrm.absolutePos;
+ * @brief Set the user selected maximum speed 
+ * in step/s and step/tick for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s and microsteps/tick for microstep modes
+ * @param[in] newSpeed speed value (step/s or microstep/s)
+ * @retval TRUE
+ * @note One microstep is 1/16 step
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SetMaxSpeed(uint16_t newSpeed)
+  if (L6208_SetSpeed(newSpeed, &devicePrm.maxSpeedSpt))
+  {
+    devicePrm.maxSpeedSps = newSpeed;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_MAX_SPEED);
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Set the user selected minimum speed 
+ * in step/s and step/tick for full, half and wave modes
+ * in microsteps/s and microsteps/tick for microstep modes
+ * @param[in] newSpeed speed value (step/s or microstep/s)
+ * @retval TRUE
+ * @note One microstep is 1/16 step
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SetMinSpeed(uint16_t newSpeed)
+  if (L6208_SetSpeed(newSpeed, &devicePrm.minSpeedSpt))
+  {
+    devicePrm.minSpeedSps = newSpeed;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_ErrorHandler(L6208_ERROR_SET_MIN_SPEED);
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Set the step mode
+ * @param[in] stepMode
+ * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
+ * @note Every time the step mode is changed, the step state machine is reset
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SetStepMode(motorStepMode_t stepMode)
+  devicePrm.stepMode = stepMode;
+  L6208_ClearSysFlag(fullstep | halfstep | microstep | wavestep);
+  switch (stepMode)
+  {
+    case STEP_MODE_HALF:
+      /* Set the Half/Full pin low and Reset and the set the Half/Full pin high*/
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset(); 
+      L6208_Board_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Set();
+      /* Set system flag */
+      L6208_SetSysFlag(halfstep);
+      break;
+    case STEP_MODE_FULL:
+       /* Set the Half/Full pin low and Reset */
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset(); 
+      L6208_Board_Reset();
+      /* Set system flag */
+      L6208_SetSysFlag(fullstep);
+      break;
+    case STEP_MODE_WAVE:
+      /* Set the Half/Full pin low and Reset and the set the Half/Full pin high*/
+      L6208_Board_CLOCK_PIN_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_CLOCK_PIN_Set();
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Set();
+      L6208_Board_Delay(2);
+      L6208_Board_CLOCK_PIN_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_Delay(2);
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset();
+      /* Set system flag */
+      L6208_SetSysFlag(wavestep);
+      break;
+      case STEP_MODE_1_4:
+      /* Set the Half/Full pin low and Reset */
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_Reset();
+      /* Set system flag */
+      L6208_SetSysFlag(microstep);
+      devicePrm.uStepInc = 4;
+      break;
+    case STEP_MODE_1_8:
+      /* Set the Half/Full pin low and Reset */
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_Reset();
+      /* Set system flag */
+      L6208_SetSysFlag(microstep);
+      devicePrm.uStepInc = 2;
+      break;
+      case STEP_MODE_1_16:
+      /* Set the Half/Full pin low and Reset */
+      L6208_Board_HALF_FULL_PIN_Reset();
+      L6208_Board_Reset();
+      /* Set system flag */
+      L6208_SetSysFlag(microstep);
+      devicePrm.uStepInc = 1;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  L6208_Board_Delay(2);
+  L6208_Board_ReleaseReset();
+  L6208_ResetSteps();
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Select the mode to stop the motor. When the motor
+ * is stopped, if autoHiZ is TRUE, the power bridges are disabled
+ * if autoHiZ is FALSE, the power bridges are kept enabled.
+ * @param[in] stopMode HOLD_MODE to let power bridge enabled
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetStopMode(motorStopMode_t stopMode)
+  if (stopMode == HOLD_MODE)
+  {
+    L6208_ClearSysFlag(HiZstop);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_SetSysFlag(HiZstop);
+  }
+ * @brief  Stop the motor by using the device deceleration and set deceleration torque
+ * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
+ * @note .
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SoftStop(void)
+  L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.decelTorque);
+  L6208_SetMotionState(DECELERATINGTOSTOP);
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief  Handle the device state machine at each tick timer pulse end.
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_TickHandler(void)
+  uint32_t locMaxSpeedSpt = devicePrm.maxSpeedSpt;
+  uint32_t locMinSpeedSpt = devicePrm.minSpeedSpt;
+  /* Update state, target speed, acceleration and deceleration rates */
+  L6208_Board_CLOCK_PIN_Reset();
+  switch(L6208_GetMotionState())
+  {
+    /* ============ Velocity control mode states ======================== */
+      /* velocity mode: acceleration phase */
+      /* Increase Speed and update position */
+      L6208_DoAccel();
+      if(locMaxSpeedSpt < devicePrm.speedSpt)
+      {  
+        /*Target speed reached */
+        devicePrm.speedSpt = locMaxSpeedSpt;
+        L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.runTorque); 
+        L6208_SetMotionState(STEADY);
+      }
+      break;
+    case STEADY:  
+      /* velocity mode: constant speed phase */
+      /* Update position */
+      L6208_DoRun();  
+      if(locMaxSpeedSpt != devicePrm.speedSpt)
+      { 
+        /* targeted speed  has changed */
+        if(locMaxSpeedSpt< devicePrm.speedSpt)
+        { 
+          /* Slow down the motor */
+          L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.decelTorque);     
+          L6208_SetMotionState(DECELERATING); 
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+          /* speed up the motor */
+          L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.accelTorque);     
+          L6208_SetMotionState(ACCELERATING);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case DECELERATING:  
+      /* velocity mode: running motor deceleration phase */
+      /* Decrease Speed and update position */
+      L6208_DoDecel();  
+      if(locMaxSpeedSpt > devicePrm.speedSpt)
+      { 
+        /*Target speed reached but motor has still to be run*/
+        devicePrm.speedSpt = locMaxSpeedSpt;
+        L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.runTorque);   
+        L6208_SetMotionState(STEADY);  
+      }
+      break;
+      /* velocity mode: decelerate to stopped phase */
+      /* Decrease current speed */
+      L6208_DoDecel();
+      if(devicePrm.speedSpt == locMinSpeedSpt)
+      { 
+        if (L6208_IsSysFlag(dir2change))
+        { 
+          L6208_ClearSysFlag(running);
+          /* Change direction */
+          if (L6208_IsSysFlag(forward))
+          {
+            /* switch to reverse rotation */
+            L6208_SetDirection(BACKWARD);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            /* switch to forward rotation */
+            L6208_SetDirection(FORWARD);
+          }
+          L6208_SetSysFlag(running);
+          L6208_SetMotionState(ACCELERATING);
+          /* Set VRefA and VRefB to the selected acceleration torque */
+          L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.accelTorque);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          if (L6208_IsSysFlag(HiZstop))
+          { 
+            L6208_HardHiZ();
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            L6208_HardStop();
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    /* ============ Position (indexed) control mode states ======================== */
+    case INDEX_ACCEL:
+      /*  position mode: acceleration state*/
+      /* Increase Speed and update position */
+      L6208_DoAccel();  
+      if(devicePrm.positionTarget1 <= devicePrm.step)
+      { 
+        /* End of acceleration phase */
+        L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.runTorque); 
+        L6208_SetMotionState(INDEX_RUN);    
+      }
+      break;
+      case INDEX_RUN:   
+        /* position mode: constant speed phase */
+        /* Update position */
+        L6208_DoRun();  
+        if(devicePrm.positionTarget2 <= devicePrm.step)
+        {  
+          /* reach position targeted for constant speed */
+          L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.decelTorque);   
+          L6208_SetMotionState(INDEX_DECEL); 
+        }
+        break;
+      case INDEX_DECEL: 
+        /* position mode: deceleration phase */
+        /* Decrease Speed and update position */
+        L6208_DoDecel();  
+        if(devicePrm.positionTarget3 <= devicePrm.step)
+        {  
+          /* reach position targeted for deceleration phase */
+          /* the motor terminated its run */
+          /* the torque will be the deceleration one */
+          devicePrm.step = devicePrm.positionTarget3;
+          L6208_SetMotionState(INDEX_DWELL);   
+        }
+        break;
+      case INDEX_DWELL: 
+        /* position mode: dwelling state */
+        if(devicePrm.dwellCounter > 0)
+        {
+          /* decrease the dwelling wait tick counter */
+          devicePrm.dwellCounter--;
+        }
+        if(devicePrm.dwellCounter == 0)
+        { 
+          /* dwelling wait time is elapsed */
+          /* so stop the motor */
+          if (L6208_IsSysFlag(HiZstop))
+          { 
+            L6208_HardHiZ();
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            L6208_HardStop();
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+    /* ============ stopped state ======================== */
+    case INACTIVE:
+    {
+      if(L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+      {
+        /* clear the user move command executing  */
+        /* and the motor running flags */
+        L6208_ClearSysFlag(running);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      break;
+  } /* switch(L6208_GetMotionState()) */
+  if(L6208_GetMotionState() != INACTIVE)
+  {
+    if (L6208_IsSysFlag(microstep))
+    { 
+      /* Microstep handling */     
+      switch(devicePrm.uStepInc)
+      {
+        default:
+        case 1:  
+          /* 1 microstep increment */
+          devicePrm.lsbTicks = (uint8_t)(devicePrm.ticks>>16);
+          break;
+        case 2:  
+          /* 2 microsteps increment */           
+          devicePrm.lsbTicks = (uint8_t)(devicePrm.ticks>>17);
+          break;
+        case 4:  
+          /* 4 microsteps increment */
+          devicePrm.lsbTicks = (uint8_t)(devicePrm.ticks>>18);
+          break;
+      }
+      devicePrm.lsbTicks &= 0x01;
+      if(devicePrm.lsbOldUSteppingTicks != devicePrm.lsbTicks)
+      { 
+        /*  waveform sample to update */
+        devicePrm.lsbOldUSteppingTicks = devicePrm.lsbTicks;
+        devicePrm.step++;
+        if(L6208_IsSysFlag(forward))
+        { 
+          /* the motor is going forward */
+          devicePrm.absolutePos++;
+          /* Reset the absolute motor position in step/microsteps */
+          /* Get next microstep sample */
+          devicePrm.uStepSample += devicePrm.uStepInc;  
+          if(devicePrm.uStepSample > 31)
+          {
+            devicePrm.uStepSample = 0;
+          }
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+         /* the motor is going backward */
+          devicePrm.absolutePos--;
+          if(devicePrm.uStepSample >= devicePrm.uStepInc)
+          {
+            /* Get previous microstep sample */
+            devicePrm.uStepSample -= devicePrm.uStepInc; 
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            devicePrm.uStepSample = 32 - devicePrm.uStepInc;
+          }
+        }
+        /* set the PWM to update VRefs */
+        L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(BRIDGE_A, pMicroTable2[devicePrm.uStepSample], FALSE);
+        L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(BRIDGE_B, microTable1[devicePrm.uStepSample], FALSE);
+        if(devicePrm.uStepsample2update > 0)
+        { 
+          /*  the waveform samples table has been recalculated 
+          so update the waveform scanning table */
+          L6208_UpdateScanWaveformTable();
+          devicePrm.uStepsample2update = 0;
+        }
+      }
+      /* Microstep: use the bit4 toggling as step clock */
+      /* this bit is used because there are 16 microstep samples per quarter period */
+      devicePrm.lsbTicks = (uint8_t)((devicePrm.uStepSample>>4) & 0x01);
+      if(devicePrm.lsbOldTicks != devicePrm.lsbTicks)
+      { 
+        /* the selected bit status changed ==> get the next motor step
+        save the current masked motor tick position for step setting scope ... */
+        devicePrm.lsbOldTicks = devicePrm.lsbTicks;
+        L6208_Board_CLOCK_PIN_Set();
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Full and half step handling code */ 
+      if(!L6208_IsSysFlag(halfstep))
+      { 
+        /* Full step: use the bit 16 toggling as step clock */
+        devicePrm.lsbTicks = (uint8_t)((devicePrm.ticks>>16) & 0x00000001);
+      }
+      else
+      { 
+        /* half step: use the bit 15 toggling as step clock */
+        devicePrm.lsbTicks = (uint8_t)((devicePrm.ticks>>15) & 0x00000001);
+      }
+      if(devicePrm.lsbOldTicks != devicePrm.lsbTicks)
+      { 
+        /* the selected bit status changed ==> get the next motor step */
+        devicePrm.step++;
+        if(L6208_IsSysFlag(forward))
+        { 
+          /* the motor is going forward */
+          devicePrm.absolutePos++;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* the motor is going backward */
+          devicePrm.absolutePos--;          
+        }
+        /* save the current masked motor tick position for step setting scope ... */
+        devicePrm.lsbOldTicks = devicePrm.lsbTicks;
+        L6208_Board_CLOCK_PIN_Set();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  L6208_UstepWaveformHandling();
+  L6208_VrefPwmUpdatePulseWidth();
+ * @brief Get the frequency of VREFA and VREFB PWM
+ * @retval the frequency of VREFA and VREFB PWM in Hz
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+uint32_t L6208::L6208_VrefPwmGetFreq(void)
+  return devicePrm.vrefPwmFreq;
+ * @brief Set the frequency of the VREFA and VREFB PWM
+ * @param[in] newFreq in Hz
+ * @retval None
+ * @note
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_VrefPwmSetFreq(uint32_t newFreq)
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmFreq = newFreq;
+  /* Compute the pwm period in 1/256th of a microsecond */
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod = (uint16_t)((1000000<<8)/newFreq);
+  /* Re-Initialise the PWMs -----------------------------------------------------*/
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmInit(BRIDGE_A, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmInit(BRIDGE_B, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  /* Recompute the waveform samples according to the new PWM frequency */
+  L6208_ScaleWaveformTable();
+  /* Update the waveform scanning table */
+  L6208_UpdateScanWaveformTable();
+  if (L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+    L6208_Board_VrefPwmStart(BRIDGE_A, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+    L6208_Board_VrefPwmStart(BRIDGE_B, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  }
+ * @brief Lock while motor is running
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_WaitWhileActive(void)
+  /* Wait while motor is running */
+  while (L6208_IsSysFlag(running));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Private functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @brief Clear the bit/s of flags according to the specified mask
+ * @param[in] mask flag bit mask
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+inline void L6208::L6208_ClearSysFlag(uint32_t mask)
+  devicePrm.flags &= ~mask;    
+ * @brief Compute the number of steps at the end of the accereration/deceleration phase
+ * P = position in steps at the end of the acceleration/deceleration phase
+ * T = acceleration/deceleration time in seconds
+ * A =  acceleration/deceleration rate in steps per second per second (steps/sec^2)
+ * V = peak velocity during acceleration/deceleration phase
+ * V1 = average velocity during acceleration/deceleration phase
+ * T = V/A
+ * V1 = V/2
+ * P = V1*T
+ * P = V^2/2A
+ * @param  accOrDecRate acceleration/deceleration rate in steps per second per second (steps/sec^2)
+ * @retval end position or 0xFFFFFFFF on error 
+ **********************************************************/
+uint32_t L6208::L6208_ComputeNbAccOrDecSteps(uint16_t accOrDecRate)
+  uint32_t nbAccOrDecSteps;
+  uint32_t locMaxSpeedSps = (uint32_t)devicePrm.maxSpeedSps;
+  if (L6208_IsSysFlag(microstep))
+  {
+    switch(devicePrm.uStepInc)
+    {
+      case 1:  
+        locMaxSpeedSps = (uint32_t)devicePrm.maxSpeedSps;
+        break;
+      case 2:            
+        locMaxSpeedSps = ((uint32_t)devicePrm.maxSpeedSps)>>1;
+        accOrDecRate >>= 1;
+        break;
+      case 4:  
+        locMaxSpeedSps = ((uint32_t)devicePrm.maxSpeedSps)>>2;
+        accOrDecRate >>= 2;
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (L6208_IsSysFlag(halfstep))
+  {
+    locMaxSpeedSps = ((uint32_t)devicePrm.maxSpeedSps)<<1;
+    accOrDecRate <<= 1;
+  }
+  if(accOrDecRate == 0)
+  {
+    /* division by 0 error */
+    return 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  }
+  nbAccOrDecSteps = locMaxSpeedSps * locMaxSpeedSps;
+  nbAccOrDecSteps /= (uint32_t)accOrDecRate;
+  nbAccOrDecSteps /= 2;
+  return nbAccOrDecSteps;
+ * @brief Compute the acceleration/deceleration speed increment value
+ * @param[in] newAccOrDecRate acceleration or deceleration value (steps/s^2) greater or equal than 24
+ * @retval the speed (step/tick) increment value
+ * LSB = 2^-24 step/tick^2 or 2^-20 microstep/tick^2
+ * @note return 0 if the rate is too low or if the tick frequency is too small
+ * or if the device is running in position mode
+ **********************************************************/
+uint16_t L6208::L6208_ConvertAcceDecelRateValue(uint16_t newAccOrDecRate)
+  uint64_t tmp64;
+  uint32_t tmp32;
+  if (((L6208_IsSysFlag(running))&&(L6208_IsSysFlag(positionmode)))||\
+      (newAccOrDecRate < L6208_MIN_ACC_DEC_RATE))
+  {
+    return 0;
+  } 
+  /* Compute (tick frequency)^2 */
+  tmp32 = (uint32_t)L6208_Board_TickGetFreq();
+  tmp32 *= tmp32;
+  /* Return 0 if the (tick frequency)^2 is too small */
+  if ( tmp32 < (uint32_t)newAccOrDecRate )
+  {
+    return 0;
+  } 
+  /* Compute the decimal number of microstep or step per tick^2 */
+  /* Decimal part is on 32 bits */
+  tmp64 = (uint64_t)newAccOrDecRate << 32;
+  tmp64 /= ((uint64_t)tmp32);
+  return (uint16_t)((tmp64 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF)>>8);
+ * @brief Compute next position and speed according to the acceleration rate
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_DoAccel(void)
+  /* Increase speed by acceleration rate */
+  uint32_t locAccelerationSpt2 = (uint32_t)devicePrm.accelerationSpt2;
+  uint32_t locMinSpeedSpt = devicePrm.minSpeedSpt;
+  if ((devicePrm.speedSpt + locAccelerationSpt2) < locMinSpeedSpt)
+  {
+    devicePrm.speedSpt = locMinSpeedSpt;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    devicePrm.speedSpt += locAccelerationSpt2;
+  }
+  /* Compute next position */
+  L6208_DoRun();
+ * @brief Compute next position and speed according to the deceleration rate
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_DoDecel(void)
+  /* Decrease current speed by deceleration rate */
+  uint32_t locDecelerationSpt2 = (uint32_t)devicePrm.decelerationSpt2;
+  uint32_t locMinSpeedSpt = devicePrm.minSpeedSpt;
+  if((devicePrm.speedSpt - locMinSpeedSpt) > (uint32_t)locDecelerationSpt2)  
+  {
+    devicePrm.speedSpt -= (uint32_t)locDecelerationSpt2;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Set minimum speed */
+    devicePrm.speedSpt = locMinSpeedSpt;
+  }
+  /* Compute next position */
+  L6208_DoRun(); 
+ * @brief Compute next position by adding current speed
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_DoRun(void)
+  devicePrm.ticks += (devicePrm.speedSpt >> 8) & 0x0000FFFF;
+ * @brief Get number of samples to rescale
+ * @retval uStepsample2scale the number of micro stepping waveform samples to rescale
+ **********************************************************/
+uint8_t L6208::L6208_GetMicrostepSample2Scale(void)
+  return devicePrm.uStepsample2scale;
+ * @brief  Initialize the system for position mode motor moving command
+ *  P = total move distance in steps
+ *  P1 = steps required to accel from 0 to V
+ *  P2 = steps required to decel from V to 0
+ *  V = peak velocity in steps per second (steps/sec)
+ *  V1 = average velocity during accel or decel*
+ *  A = required accel rate in steps per second per second (steps/sec2)
+ *  D = required decel rate in steps per second per second (steps/sec2)
+ *  T1 = acceleration time in seconds
+ *  T2 = deceleration time in seconds*
+ *
+ *  1) T1 = V / A
+ *  2) V1 = V / 2
+ *  3) P1 = V1 T1
+ *  Substituting 1 and 2 into 3 yields:
+ *  4) P1 = V2 / 2A
+ *  In the same manner we have:
+ *  5) P2 = V2 / 2D
+ *
+ *  P1 = PD/(D+A)
+ *
+ *  \sa Application Note: AN2044  
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_Indexmodeinit(void)
+  uint32_t tmpVal0;
+  uint32_t tmpVal1;
+  uint32_t locAccelSteps;
+  uint32_t locDecSteps;
+  /* calculate the number of steps to get the running speed */
+  locAccelSteps = L6208_ComputeNbAccOrDecSteps(devicePrm.accelerationSps2);
+  /* calculate the number of steps to get the motor stopped */
+  locDecSteps = L6208_ComputeNbAccOrDecSteps(devicePrm.decelerationSps2);
+  if(( locAccelSteps + locDecSteps ) > devicePrm.positionTarget)
+  { 
+    /* Triangular move needed */
+    /* accelsteps = P1 = PD/(D+A) */
+    tmpVal0 = devicePrm.positionTarget * devicePrm.decelerationSps2;
+    tmpVal1 = (uint32_t)devicePrm.decelerationSps2;
+    tmpVal1 += (uint32_t)devicePrm.accelerationSps2;
+    locAccelSteps = tmpVal0 / tmpVal1;
+    devicePrm.positionTarget1 = locAccelSteps;
+    devicePrm.positionTarget2 = devicePrm.positionTarget1 + 1;
+    devicePrm.positionTarget3 = devicePrm.positionTarget;
+    if(devicePrm.positionTarget1 == 0)
+    {
+      devicePrm.positionTarget1 = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {  
+    /* trapezoidal move needed */
+    /* P1 = V^2/2A */
+    /* P2 = P - V^2/2D */
+    devicePrm.positionTarget1 = locAccelSteps;
+    devicePrm.positionTarget2 = devicePrm.positionTarget - locDecSteps;
+    devicePrm.positionTarget3 = devicePrm.positionTarget;
+  }
+  L6208_SetMotionState(INDEX_ACCEL);  
+ * @brief Check the bit/s of flags according to the specified mask
+ * @param[in] mask flag bit mask
+ * @retval TRUE if the bit of the mask are set
+ **********************************************************/
+inline bool L6208::L6208_IsSysFlag(uint32_t mask)
+  return (bool)((devicePrm.flags & mask) == mask);    
+ * @brief Stepper driver device step state reset subroutine
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_ResetSteps(void)
+  devicePrm.speedSpt = 0;             // reset the current speed value
+  devicePrm.ticks = 0;                // reset the current ticks counter value
+  devicePrm.step = 0;                 // reset the current step counter value
+  devicePrm.lsbOldTicks = 0;          // reset copy of the previous position (tick)
+  devicePrm.lsbOldUSteppingTicks = 0; // reset copy of the previous position (tick) ( micro stepping )
+  devicePrm.lsbTicks = 0;             // reset copy of the current position (tick)
+  devicePrm.absolutePos = 0;          // reset the absolute motor position in step/microsteps
+  devicePrm.uStepSample = 0;          // reset the microstepping waveform sample index
+ * @brief Compute the specified micro stepping waveform sample with the
+ * current selected torque and pwm period
+ * @param[in] sampleIndex sample Index
+ * @retval scaled sample value
+ **********************************************************/
+uint32_t L6208::L6208_ScaleWaveformSample(uint8_t sampleIndex)
+  uint32_t sample;
+  sample = (uint32_t)RefMicroTable[sampleIndex];
+  sample *= devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod;
+  sample >>= (uint32_t)L6208_SINE_WAVEFORM_POWER_OF_TWO_MAX_VALUE;
+  sample *= (uint32_t)devicePrm.curTorqueScaler; // torque val (%)
+  sample /= (uint32_t)100;
+  return sample;
+ * @brief Compute the micro stepping waveform sample table samples with the
+ * current selected torque and pwm period
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_ScaleWaveformTable(void)
+  uint8_t index;
+  for(index=0; index<=L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD; index++)
+  { 
+    /* Calculate the scaled sample and save its value into the waveform to update table */
+    updatedMicroTable[index] = (uint16_t)L6208_ScaleWaveformSample(index);
+  }
+ * @brief  Set the parameters of the device to values of the structure pointed
+ * by pInitDevicePrm. Set GPIO according to these values.
+ * @param pInitDevicePrm pointer onto the structure containing values to
+ * initialize the device parameters.
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetDeviceParamsToGivenValues(l6208_init_t* pInitDevicePrm)
+  memset(&devicePrm, 0, sizeof(devicePrm));
+  L6208_SetAcceleration(pInitDevicePrm->accelerationSps2);
+  L6208_SetDeceleration(pInitDevicePrm->decelerationSps2);
+  L6208_SetMaxSpeed(pInitDevicePrm->maxSpeedSps);
+  L6208_SetMinSpeed(L6208_MIN_SPEED);
+  devicePrm.accelTorque = pInitDevicePrm->accelTorque;
+  devicePrm.decelTorque = pInitDevicePrm->decelTorque;
+  devicePrm.runTorque = pInitDevicePrm->runTorque;
+  devicePrm.holdTorque = pInitDevicePrm->holdTorque;
+  /* Only once acceleration, deceleration, min speed and max speed have been */
+  /* initialized, set the step mode */
+  devicePrm.stepMode = pInitDevicePrm->stepMode;
+  L6208_SetDecayMode(pInitDevicePrm->decayMode);
+  devicePrm.moveDwellTime = pInitDevicePrm->moveDwellTime;
+  if (L6208_CONF_PARAM_AUTO_HIZ_STOP) L6208_SetSysFlag(pInitDevicePrm->autoHiZstop);
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmFreq = pInitDevicePrm->vrefPwmFreq;
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod = (uint16_t)((1000000<<8)/pInitDevicePrm->vrefPwmFreq);
+  /* Initialize current stepper state machine index  */
+  L6208_SetMotionState(INACTIVE);
+ * @brief  Set the parameters of the device to predefined values
+ * Set GPIO according to these values
+ * from l6208_target_config.h
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetDeviceParamsToPredefinedValues(void)
+  memset(&devicePrm, 0, sizeof(devicePrm));
+  L6208_SetAcceleration(L6208_CONF_PARAM_ACC_RATE);
+  L6208_SetDeceleration(L6208_CONF_PARAM_DEC_RATE);
+  L6208_SetMaxSpeed(L6208_CONF_PARAM_RUNNING_SPEED);
+  L6208_SetMinSpeed(L6208_MIN_SPEED);
+  devicePrm.accelTorque = L6208_CONF_PARAM_ACC_CURRENT;
+  devicePrm.decelTorque = L6208_CONF_PARAM_DEC_CURRENT;
+  devicePrm.runTorque = L6208_CONF_PARAM_RUNNING_CURRENT;
+  devicePrm.holdTorque = L6208_CONF_PARAM_HOLDING_CURRENT;
+  /* Only once acceleration, deceleration, min speed and max speed have been */
+  /* initialized, set the step mode */
+  devicePrm.stepMode = (motorStepMode_t) L6208_CONF_PARAM_STEP_MODE;
+  L6208_SetDecayMode(L6208_CONF_PARAM_DECAY_MODE);
+  devicePrm.moveDwellTime = L6208_CONF_PARAM_DWELL_TIME;
+  if (L6208_CONF_PARAM_AUTO_HIZ_STOP) L6208_SetSysFlag(HiZstop);
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmFreq = L6208_CONF_VREF_PWM_FREQUENCY;
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod = (uint16_t)((1000000<<8)/L6208_CONF_VREF_PWM_FREQUENCY);
+  /* Initialize current stepper state machine index  */
+  L6208_SetMotionState(INACTIVE);
+ * @brief Set the number of micro stepping waveform samples to rescale
+ * @param[in] value number of micro stepping waveform samples 
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetMicrostepSample2Scale(uint8_t value)
+  if(value > L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD)
+  {
+    value = L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD;  // clamp to maximum number of samples per period/4
+  }
+  devicePrm.uStepsample2scale = value;    
+ * @brief Set the number of micro stepping waveform samples to update into scanning
+ * @param[in] value number of micro stepping waveform samples 
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetMicrostepSample2Update(uint8_t value)
+  // clamp to maximum number of samples per period/4
+  if(value > L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD)
+  {
+    value = L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD;  
+  }
+  // copy the stepper acceleration rate
+  devicePrm.uStepsample2update = value;    
+ * @brief Set the stepper state machine index
+ * @param[in] newMotionState
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_SetMotionState(motorState_t newMotionState)
+  // sets the new stepper state machine index
+  devicePrm.motionState = newMotionState;    
+ * @brief Set the user selected speed in step/tick
+ * @param[in] newSpeed speed value (step/s)
+ * @param[in] pSpeed pointer to the selected speed field
+ * @retval return FALSE if the speed is too low or too high
+ * or if the device is running in position mode, else TRUE
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_SetSpeed(uint16_t newSpeed, uint32_t volatile *pSpeed)
+  uint64_t tmp64;
+  uint32_t tmp32;
+  if (((L6208_IsSysFlag(running))&&(L6208_IsSysFlag(positionmode)))||\
+      (newSpeed < L6208_MIN_SPEED))
+  {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  tmp32 = (uint32_t)L6208_Board_TickGetFreq();
+  if (tmp32 < newSpeed)
+  {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  /* Compute the decimal number of microstep or step per tick */
+  /* Decimal part is on 32 bits */
+  tmp64 = (uint64_t)newSpeed << 32;
+  tmp64 /= ((uint64_t)tmp32);
+  /* set the running constant speed value (step/tick) */
+  *pSpeed = (uint32_t)((tmp64 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF)>>8);
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Set the bit/s of flags according to the specified mask
+ * @param[in] mask flag bit mask
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+inline void L6208::L6208_SetSysFlag(uint32_t mask)
+  devicePrm.flags |= mask;    
+ * @brief Stepper motor start command
+ * @retval true on correct command execution
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_StartMovement(void)
+  uint32_t tmp;
+  if (L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+  {
+    /* Motor is already running ==> quit */
+    return FALSE;    
+  }
+  if (!L6208_IsSysFlag(positionmode))
+  {
+    /* Set the VREFA and VREFB to the selected acc. torque */
+    L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.accelTorque);
+    /* If the speed control mode is selected */
+    /* setup the motor acceleration for velocity mode driving */
+    L6208_SetMotionState(ACCELERATING);  
+  }
+  else
+  {  
+    /* if position control mode is selected, reset the current step counter  */
+    devicePrm.step = 0;    
+    if(devicePrm.uStepSample > 31)
+    {
+      /* check the micro stepping waveform sample index */
+      devicePrm.uStepSample = 0;
+    }
+    /* Set the position dwelling wait time */
+    /* compute number of ticks per millisecond */
+    tmp = (uint32_t)L6208_Board_TickGetFreq() / 1000;
+    /* Compute the dwelling time in ticks => dwellCounter (ticks) */
+    devicePrm.dwellCounter = tmp * (uint32_t)devicePrm.moveDwellTime;
+    if (devicePrm.positionTarget == 0)
+    {
+      /* if the position to go is 0 (no move) */
+      /* Set the deceleration torque */
+      L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.decelTorque); 
+      /* Set the dwelling delay state index */
+      L6208_SetMotionState(INDEX_DWELL);       
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Set the VREFA and VREFB to the selected acc. torque */
+      L6208_VectorCalc(devicePrm.accelTorque);
+      /* go to the selected position */
+      L6208_Indexmodeinit();
+      L6208_SetMotionState(INDEX_ACCEL);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Sets the motor running flag */
+  L6208_SetSysFlag(running);
+  /* Start the VREFA and VREFB PWMs */
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmStart(BRIDGE_A, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  L6208_Board_VrefPwmStart(BRIDGE_B, devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod);
+  if (!(L6208_IsSysFlag(EN_A_set)))
+  {
+    /* Enable power bridges */
+    L6208_Enable();
+  }
+  /* Start the tick */
+  L6208_Board_TickStart(L6208::tickFreq);
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Update the micro stepping waveform samples table with the
+ * values previously scaled with current selected torque and tick period
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_UpdateScanWaveformTable(void)
+  uint8_t index;
+  for(index=0; index<=L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD; index++)
+  {
+    microTable1[index] = updatedMicroTable[index];
+    microTable1[L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD*2 - index] = microTable1[index];
+    microTable1[index + L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD*2] = updatedMicroTable[index];
+  }
+  /* clear the number of samples to update */
+  L6208_SetMicrostepSample2Update(0); 
+ * @brief Check if there are waveform samples to rescale and if so, perform the rescaling
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_UstepWaveformHandling(void)
+  /* micro stepper waveform samples rescaling ... and updating */
+  uint8_t nbSamplesToRescale = L6208_GetMicrostepSample2Scale();
+  if(nbSamplesToRescale > 0)
+  { 
+    /* Current torque value has been changed, so recalculate the waveform table */
+    L6208_ScaleWaveformTable();
+    /* Set the number of samples to update */
+    L6208_SetMicrostepSample2Update(L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD);
+    /* Reset the number of samples to rescaled afer rescaling */
+    L6208_SetMicrostepSample2Scale(0);
+  }
+ * @brief Set the current torque value (Vref)
+ * @param[in] newTorque Selected torque value
+ * @retval always TRUE
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_VectorCalc(uint8_t newTorque)
+  /* save current selected torque value */
+  devicePrm.curTorqueScaler = (uint16_t)newTorque;
+  if(!L6208_IsSysFlag(microstep))
+  {
+    /* full/half step mode or the motor is not running */
+    /* set the PWM duty cycle according to the current torque value (%). */
+    /* The TON value will be calculated inside the TIMx_PWM_duty_setup f(). */
+    L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(BRIDGE_A, devicePrm.curTorqueScaler, TRUE);
+    L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(BRIDGE_B, devicePrm.curTorqueScaler, TRUE);
+    devicePrm.vRefAVal = devicePrm.curTorqueScaler; // save current VREFA value
+    devicePrm.vRefBVal = devicePrm.curTorqueScaler; // save current VREFB value
+  }
+  else
+  { 
+    /* microstep mode */
+    if(L6208_IsSysFlag(running))
+    {
+      /* set the number of waveform sample to rescale according current selected */
+      /* torque value */
+      L6208_SetMicrostepSample2Scale(L6208_USTEPS_PER_QUARTER_PERIOD);
+    }
+    else
+    { 
+      /* micro stepping mode motor stopped */
+      L6208_ScaleWaveformTable();
+      L6208_UpdateScanWaveformTable();
+      /* Set the VREF timer PWM TON to update VREFA and VREFB */
+      L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(BRIDGE_A, pMicroTable2[devicePrm.uStepSample], FALSE);      
+      L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(BRIDGE_B, microTable1[devicePrm.uStepSample], FALSE);
+    }
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Compute the pulse width of VREFA or VREFB PWM
+ * @param[in] bridgeId
+ *            0 for BRIDGE_A
+ *            1 for BRIDGE_B
+ * @param[in] value pulse length in 1/256th of microsecond
+ * or PWM duty cycle: 0 - 100 %
+ * @param[in] valueIsPwmDutyCycle must be TRUE if value is a PWM duty cycle
+ * @retval FALSE if wrong timer handle is used, else TRUE
+ **********************************************************/
+bool L6208::L6208_VrefPwmComputePulseWidth(uint8_t bridgeId, uint16_t value, bool valueIsPwmDutyCycle)
+  if(valueIsPwmDutyCycle)
+  {
+    if (value > 100) value = 100;
+    value = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)devicePrm.vrefPwmPeriod * (uint32_t)value) / 100); 
+  }
+  if (bridgeId == 0)
+  {
+    devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthTargetA = value;
+    devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedA = 0;
+  } 
+  else if (bridgeId == 1)
+  {
+    devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthTargetB = value;
+    devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedB = 0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * @brief Update the pulse width of VREFA or VREFB PWM
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ **********************************************************/
+void L6208::L6208_VrefPwmUpdatePulseWidth(void)
+  uint16_t pulseWidthUs;
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedA += devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthTargetA;
+  pulseWidthUs = devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedA>>8;
+  if (pulseWidthUs!=0)
+  {
+    L6208_Board_VrefPwmSetPulseWidthA(pulseWidthUs);
+    devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedA -= (pulseWidthUs<<8);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_Board_VrefPwmSetPulseWidthA(0);
+  }
+  devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedB += devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthTargetB;
+  pulseWidthUs = devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedB>>8;
+  if (pulseWidthUs!=0)
+  {
+    L6208_Board_VrefPwmSetPulseWidthB(pulseWidthUs);
+    devicePrm.vrefPwmPulseWidthToBeGeneratedB -= (pulseWidthUs<<8);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    L6208_Board_VrefPwmSetPulseWidthB(0);
+  }
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/