This application provides a set of demos with X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 expansion board.

Dependencies:   NDefLib X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1 mbed

Fork of X-MBED-NFC1 by Giovanni Visentini

This application provides a set of demos with X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 expansion board.

The available demos are:

  • SAMPLE_WRITE_URL: write a tag with the ST home page URL
  • SAMPLE_COUNT_CLICK: create a custom tag to count and report the user button clicks.
  • SAMPLE_WRITE_AND_CHANGE_ALL: write a tag with all the supported records and update the tag contents when the user button is pressed.
  • SAMPLE_LOCK_TAG_CONTENT: use the M24SR component API to set the NFC tag as read-only.

To enable the different demos comment/uncomment the SAMPLE_* macros provided in main.cpp .

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Dec 01 16:01:24 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Dec 03 13:44:40 2015 +0000
@@ -1,441 +1,20 @@
-#if 0
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "Type4NfcTagSTM24SR.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordAAR.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordSMS.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordGeo.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordURI.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordMail.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordText.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordMimeType.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordVCard.h"
-#include "X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1.h"
-DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-void shiftLed(DigitalOut &led1,DigitalOut &led2,DigitalOut &led3){
-	const uint8_t prevLed1=led1;
-	const uint8_t prevLed2=led2;
-	const uint8_t prevLed3=led3;
-	led1=prevLed3;
-	led2=prevLed1;
-	led3=prevLed2;
-static const uint32_t MAX_WRITE_TRY=1;
-void setNFCTag(NDefLib::Type4NfcTag &tag){
-	bool writeStatus,closeStatus;
-	if(tag.openSession()){
-		NDefLib::Message msg;
-		NDefLib::RecordAAR rAAR("");
-		msg.addRecord(&rAAR);
-		NDefLib::RecordSMS rSMS("123456789","");
-		msg.addRecord(&rSMS);
-		NDefLib::RecordGeo rGeo(123.123,-456.789);
-		msg.addRecord(&rGeo);
-		NDefLib::RecordURI rUri(NDefLib::RecordURI::HTTP_WWW,"");
-		msg.addRecord(&rUri);
-		NDefLib::RecordMail rMail("","ciao","da nfc tag");
-		msg.addRecord(&rMail);
-		NDefLib::RecordMimeType rText1("text/plain",(const uint8_t*)"ciao",4);
-		msg.addRecord(&rText1);
-		NDefLib::RecordText rText3(NDefLib::RecordText::UTF8,"it","ciao");
-		msg.addRecord(&rText3);
-		NDefLib::RecordVCard::VCardInfo_t cardInfo;
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::FORMATTED_NAME]="prova prova1";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::ADDRESS_HOME]=";;1 Main St.;Springfield;IL;12345;USA";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::ADDRESS_WORK]=";;2 Main St.;Springfield;IL;12345;USA";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::EMAIL_WORK]="";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::EMAIL_HOME]="";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::GEO]="39.95;-75.1667";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::IMPP]="";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::NAME]="prova2;prova3";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::NICKNAME]="test";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::NOTE]="A good test";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::ORGANIZATION]="STM";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::TEL_HOME]="123";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::TEL_MOBILE]="456";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::TEL_WORK]="789";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::TITLE]="King";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::URL]="";
-		cardInfo[NDefLib::RecordVCard::PHOTO_URI]="";
-		NDefLib::RecordVCard rVCard(cardInfo);
-		msg.addRecord(&rVCard);
-		uint32_t writeTry=0;
-		do{
-			writeStatus = tag.write(msg);
-			writeTry++;
-		}while(!writeStatus && writeTry<MAX_WRITE_TRY);
-		closeStatus = tag.closeSession();
-	}else
-		pc.printf("Error open Session\n\r");
-	if(writeStatus)
-		pc.printf("writeOk\n\r");
-	else
-		pc.printf("writeFail\n\r");
-	if(closeStatus)
-		pc.printf("closeOk\n\r");
-	else
-		pc.printf("CloseFail\n\r");
-	sURI_Info URI;
-	sAARInfo aar;
-	sSMSInfo sms;
-	std::strcpy(sms.PhoneNumber,"123456789\0");
-	std::strcpy(sms.Message,"\0");
-	std::strcpy(sms.Information,"\0");
-	std::strcpy(aar.PakageName,"");
-	// Prepare URI NDEF message content
-	std::strcpy(URI.protocol,URI_ID_0x01_STRING);
-	std::strcpy(URI.URI_Message,"");
-	std::strcpy(URI.Information,"\0");
-	 while (TT4_Init() != NFC_OK);
-		// Prepare URI NDEF message content
-		std::strcpy(URI.protocol,URI_ID_0x01_STRING);
-		std::strcpy(URI.URI_Message,"");
-		std::strcpy(URI.Information,"\0");
-	 //while (TT4_WriteURI(&URI) != NFC_OK);
-	while (TT4_WriteSMS(&sms) != NFC_OK);
-	//while (TT4_Write(&sms) != NFC_OK);
-void printRecord(NDefLib::Record *r){
-	using namespace NDefLib;
-	switch(r->getType()){
-		case Record::TYPE_TEXT:	{
-			RecordText *temp = (RecordText*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read Text: %s\r\n",temp->getText().c_str());
-			break; }
-		case Record::TYPE_AAR:{
-			RecordAAR *temp = (RecordAAR*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read ARR: %s\r\n",temp->getPackage().c_str());
-			break; }
-		case Record::TYPE_MIME:{
-			RecordMimeType *temp = (RecordMimeType*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read mimeType: %s\r\n",temp->getMimeType().c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read mimeData: %s\r\n",
-					std::string((const char*)temp->getMimeData(),
-							temp->getMimeDataLenght()).c_str());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI:{
-			RecordURI *temp = (RecordURI*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read uriId: %d\r\n",temp->getUriId());
-			pc.printf("Read uriType: %s\r\n",temp->getUriType().c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read uriContent: %s\r\n",temp->getContent().c_str());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI_MAIL:{
-			RecordMail *temp = (RecordMail*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read Dest: %s\r\n",temp->getToAddress().c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read Subject: %s\r\n",temp->getSubject().c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read Body: %s\r\n",temp->getBody().c_str());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI_SMS:{
-			RecordSMS *temp = (RecordSMS*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read number: %s\r\n",temp->getNumber().c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read message: %s\r\n",temp->getMessagge().c_str());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI_GEOLOCATION:{
-			RecordGeo *temp = (RecordGeo*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read lat: %f\r\n",temp->getLatitude());
-			pc.printf("Read long: %f\r\n",temp->getLongitude());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_MIME_VCARD:{
-			const RecordVCard *temp = (RecordVCard*)r;
-			pc.printf("Read Name: %s\r\n",(*temp)[RecordVCard::NAME].c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read Mail: %s\r\n",(*temp)[RecordVCard::EMAIL_WORK].c_str());
-			pc.printf("Read ORG: %s\r\n",(*temp)[RecordVCard::ORGANIZATION].c_str());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_UNKNOWN:{
-			pc.printf("Unknown record\r\n");
-			break;}
-	}//switch
+#include "Samples/Samples.h"
+ //#define SAMPLE_WRITE_URL
+int main(void)
+    sample_writeUrl();
+#endif /* SAMPLE_WRITE_URL */
-void changeRecord(NDefLib::Record *r){
-	using namespace NDefLib;
-	switch(r->getType()){
-		case Record::TYPE_TEXT:	{
-			RecordText *temp = (RecordText*)r;
-			temp->setText("CIAOCiao");
-			break; }
-		case Record::TYPE_AAR:{
-			RecordAAR *temp = (RecordAAR*)r;
-			temp->setPackage("set Package Ok");
-			break; }
-		case Record::TYPE_MIME:{
-			RecordMimeType *temp = (RecordMimeType*)r;
-			temp->copyMimeData((const uint8_t *)"String2",sizeof("String2"));
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI:{
-			RecordURI *temp = (RecordURI*)r;
-			temp->setContent("");
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI_MAIL:{
-			RecordMail *temp = (RecordMail*)r;
-			temp->setToAddress("");
-			temp->setSubject("tag change");
-			temp->setBody("read/change Works!");
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI_SMS:{
-			RecordSMS *temp = (RecordSMS*)r;
-			temp->setMessage("Message Change");
-			temp->setNumber("0987654321");
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_URI_GEOLOCATION:{
-			RecordGeo *temp = (RecordGeo*)r;
-			temp->setLatitude(-temp->getLatitude());
-			temp->setLongitude(-temp->getLongitude());
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_MIME_VCARD:{
-			RecordVCard *temp = (RecordVCard*)r;
-			(*temp)[RecordVCard::NAME]="name change";
-			(*temp)[RecordVCard::NICKNAME]="nic change";
-			break;}
-		case Record::TYPE_UNKNOWN:{
-			pc.printf("Unknown record\r\n");
-			break;}
-	}//switch
-void readNfcTag(NDefLib::Type4NfcTag &tag){
-	using namespace NDefLib;
-	if(tag.openSession()){
-		NDefLib::Message readMsg;
-		if(readMsg.getNRecords()==0){
-			pc.printf("Error Read\r\n");
-		}else{
-			for(uint32_t i=0;i<readMsg.getNRecords();i++){
-				Record *r = readMsg[i];
-				printRecord(r);
-				delete r;
-			}//for
-		}//if-else
-		tag.closeSession();
-	}else{
-		pc.printf("Error open Session2\n\r");
-	}
-void changeNfcTag(NDefLib::Type4NfcTag &tag){
-	using namespace NDefLib;
-	if(tag.openSession()){
-		NDefLib::Message readMsg;
-		if(readMsg.getNRecords()==0){
-			pc.printf("Error Read\r\n");
-		}else{
-			for(uint32_t i=0;i<readMsg.getNRecords();i++){
-				Record *r = readMsg[i];
-				changeRecord(r);
-			}//for
-			tag.write(readMsg);
-		}//if-else
-		tag.closeSession();
-	}else{
-		pc.printf("Error open SessionChange\n\r");
-	}
-static bool buttonPress=false;
-void setButtonPress(){
-	buttonPress=true;
-int main() {
-	i2cChannel.frequency(400000);
-	X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1 *nfcNucleo = X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1::Instance(i2cChannel);
-	Type4NfcTagSTM24SR tag(nfcNucleo->getM24SR());
-	InterruptIn mybutton(USER_BUTTON);
-	pc.printf("Hello World !\n\r");
-	nfcNucleo->getLed1()=1;
-	nfcNucleo->getLed2()=0;
-	nfcNucleo->getLed3()=0;
-	setNFCTag(tag);
-	readNfcTag(tag);
-	mybutton.fall(setButtonPress);
-	while(1) {
-		wait(1);
-		myled = !myled;
-		shiftLed(nfcNucleo->getLed1(),nfcNucleo->getLed2(),nfcNucleo->getLed3());
-		if(buttonPress){
-			changeNfcTag(tag);
-			readNfcTag(tag);
-			buttonPress=false;
-		}
-	}
+    sample_countClick();
+#endif /* SAMPLE_COUNT_CLICK */
-#if 0
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "Type4NfcTagSTM24SR.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordURI.h"
-#include "X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1.h"
-int main() {
-	Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
-	i2cChannel.frequency(400000);
-	X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1 *nfcNucleo = X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1::Instance(i2cChannel);
-	//create the wrapper for use the NdefLib
-	Type4NfcTagSTM24SR tag(nfcNucleo->getM24SR());
-	pc.printf("System Init done: !\n\r");
-	//open the i2c session with the nfc chip
-	if(tag.openSession()){
-		nfcNucleo->getLed1()=1;
-		//create the NDef message and record
-		NDefLib::Message msg;
-		NDefLib::RecordURI rUri(NDefLib::RecordURI::HTTP_WWW,"");
-		msg.addRecord(&rUri);
-		//write the tag
-		if(tag.write(msg)){
-			pc.printf("Tag writed \n\r");
-			nfcNucleo->getLed2()=1;
-		}
-		//close the i2c session
-		if(!tag.closeSession()){
-			pc.printf("Error Closing the session\n\r");
-		}else
-			nfcNucleo->getLed3()=1;
-	}else
-		pc.printf("Error open Session\n\r");
-	return 0;
-#if 1
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "Type4NfcTagSTM24SR.h"
-#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordText.h"
-#include "X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1.h"
-class MyRecord : public NDefLib::RecordText{
-	char nClickStringBuffer[12];
-	uint32_t nClick;
-	void syncTextValue(){
-		sprintf(nClickStringBuffer,"%d",nClick);
-		setText(nClickStringBuffer);
-	}
-	MyRecord():nClick(0){
-		syncTextValue();
-	}
-	void incrementClick(){
-		nClick++;
-		syncTextValue();
-	}
-static volatile bool buttonPress=false;
-void setButtonPress(){
-	buttonPress=true;
-}//if buttonPress
-void writeMessage(X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1 *nfcNucleo,NDefLib::Message &msg){
-	Type4NfcTagSTM24SR tag(nfcNucleo->getM24SR());
-	//open the i2c session with the nfc chip
-	if(tag.openSession()){
-		nfcNucleo->getLed1()=! nfcNucleo->getLed1();
-		//write the tag
-		if(tag.write(msg)){
-			nfcNucleo->getLed2()=!nfcNucleo->getLed2();
-		}//if
-		//close the i2c session
-		if(tag.closeSession())
-			nfcNucleo->getLed3()=!nfcNucleo->getLed3();
-	}//if open session
-void main() {
-	i2cChannel.frequency(400000);
-	X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1 *nfcNucleo = X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1::Instance(i2cChannel);
-	//create the wrapper for use the NdefLib
-	Type4NfcTagSTM24SR tag(nfcNucleo->getM24SR());
-	InterruptIn userButton(USER_BUTTON);	
-	userButton.fall(setButtonPress);
-	//create the NDef message and record
-	NDefLib::Message msg;
-	MyRecord rClickCount;
-	msg.addRecord(&rClickCount);
-	writeMessage(nfcNucleo,msg);
-	while(1){
-		if(buttonPress){
-			rClickCount.incrementClick();
-			writeMessage(nfcNucleo,msg);			
-			buttonPress=false;
-		}//if
-	}//while
+    sample_writeAndChangeAll();
\ No newline at end of file