Simple test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 MEMS Microphones Expansion Board, built against mbed classic.
Dependencies: X_NUCLEO_CCA02M1 mbed ST_Events-old
Fork of HelloWorld_CCA02M1_mbedOS by
Recording audio with the X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 Expansion Board
This application provides a simple example of usage of the X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 MEMS Microphones Expansion Board, built against mbed classic 2.x.
It shows how to record a 2-channel stereo signal as an array of PCM samples (16 bit/sample) that can be acquired through an audio SW like Audacity, for example.
Microphones configuration
Currently the configurations supported are the following:
- Stereo@48KHz
- Stereo@44.1KHz (default, CD audio quality)
- Stereo@32KHz
- Stereo@16KHz
- Stereo@8KHz
- Mono@48KHz
- Mono@44.1KHz
- Mono@32KHz
- Mono@16KHz
- Mono@8KHz
Mono configurations need a Jumper connecting PB_5 and PB_13 on the Morpho connector to properly work.
Platform compatibility
- This board can be currently used with the Nucleo F4 Family only, please see the ST_I2S library compatibility for further information.
- Please note that the main application makes use of the "events" library (i.e. the "ST_Events" library imported as "events" library), which is not included into the "mbed" library.
- The application built against mbed OS can be found here.
Acquiring through the USB on Windows
In order to acquire the recorded PCM audio channel with an audio SW on a PC, please connect the expansion board to a USB port of the PC, and the Nucleo board to a USB power supply.
On Windows, click on the speaker icon on the bottom bar, select "Recording devices", "Microphone", "Properties", then click on the "Advanced" panel, and select "1/2 channels, 16 bit, 16/32KHz" according to board configuration.
Open your preferred audio SW, like "Audacity" for example, configure it to acquire a 2-channel stereo at 16KHz (for default configuration), and record.
Update with the new version of the library
2018-12-12, by Davidroid [Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:13:19 +0000] rev 18
Update with the new version of the library
Simple test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1MEMS Microphones Expansion Board, built against mbed classic.
2017-07-14, by Davidroid [Fri, 14 Jul 2017 16:37:55 +0000] rev 17
Simple test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1MEMS Microphones Expansion Board, built against mbed classic.
Updating with the new version of the libraries.
2017-07-12, by Davidroid [Wed, 12 Jul 2017 13:57:40 +0000] rev 16
Updating with the new version of the libraries.
Updating with the new version of the libraries.
2017-07-12, by Davidroid [Wed, 12 Jul 2017 13:41:25 +0000] rev 15
Updating with the new version of the libraries.
Updating with the new libraries.
2017-07-10, by Davidroid [Mon, 10 Jul 2017 17:43:44 +0000] rev 14
Updating with the new libraries.
Updating with the new libraries.
2017-07-10, by Davidroid [Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:16:11 +0000] rev 13
Updating with the new libraries.
Updating with the new version of the library.
2017-05-05, by Davidroid [Fri, 05 May 2017 11:38:02 +0000] rev 12
Updating with the new version of the library.
Enabled default configuration at 44.1 KHz (CD audio quality).
2017-05-04, by Davidroid [Thu, 04 May 2017 10:40:50 +0000] rev 11
Enabled default configuration at 44.1 KHz (CD audio quality).
Updating with the version of the library.
2017-05-03, by Davidroid [Wed, 03 May 2017 16:34:44 +0000] rev 10
Updating with the version of the library.
Updating with the new version of the library.
2017-05-03, by Davidroid [Wed, 03 May 2017 16:28:00 +0000] rev 9
Updating with the new version of the library.