STM32Cube BSP FW for STM32F769I-Discovery

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OTM8009A Exported Functions

OTM8009A Exported Functions


__weak void DSI_IO_WriteCmd (uint32_t NbrParams, uint8_t *pParams)
 DSI IO write short/long command.
uint8_t OTM8009A_Init (uint32_t ColorCoding, uint32_t orientation)
 Initializes the LCD KoD display part by communication in DSI mode in Video Mode with IC Display Driver OTM8009A (see IC Driver specification for more information).

Function Documentation

__weak void DSI_IO_WriteCmd ( uint32_t  NbrParams,
uint8_t *  pParams 

DSI IO write short/long command.

: Can be surcharged by application code implementation of the function.

Definition at line 179 of file otm8009a.c.

uint8_t OTM8009A_Init ( uint32_t  ColorCoding,
uint32_t  orientation 

Initializes the LCD KoD display part by communication in DSI mode in Video Mode with IC Display Driver OTM8009A (see IC Driver specification for more information).

hdsi_eval: pointer on DSI configuration structure
hdsivideo_handle: pointer on DSI video mode configuration structure
Return values:

CABC : Content Adaptive Backlight Control section start >>

CABC : Content Adaptive Backlight Control section end <<

Definition at line 193 of file otm8009a.c.