Contains the BSP driver for the DISCO_F413ZH board.

Dependents:   DISCO_F413ZH-LCD-demo DISCO_F413ZH-touch-screen-demo DISCO_F413ZH-SD-demo DISCO_F413ZH-PSRAM-demo ... more

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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
accelero.h [code]This header file contains the functions prototypes for the Accelerometer driver
audio.h [code]This header file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the Audio driver
camera.h [code]This header file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the camera driver
epd.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the EPD (E Paper Display) driver
font12.c [code]
font16.c [code]This file provides text font16 for STM32xx-EVAL's LCD driver
font20.c [code]This file provides text font20 for STM32xx-EVAL's LCD driver
font24.c [code]This file provides text font24 for STM32xx-EVAL's LCD driver
font8.c [code]
fonts.h [code]Header for fonts.c file
ft6x06.c [code]This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the FT6X06 IO Expander devices
ft6x06.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the ft6x06.c IO expander driver
gyro.h [code]This header file contains the functions prototypes for the gyroscope driver
idd.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the IDD driver
io.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the IO driver
lcd.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the LCD driver
magneto.h [code]This header file contains the functions prototypes for the MAGNETO driver
n25q128a.h [code]This file contains all the description of the N25Q128A QSPI memory
st7789h2.c [code]This file includes the LCD driver for st7789h2 LCD
st7789h2.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the st7789h2.c driver
stm32f413h_discovery.c [code]This file provides a set of firmware functions to manage LEDs, push-buttons and COM ports available on STM32F413H-DISCOVERY board (MB1209) from STMicroelectronics
stm32f413h_discovery.h [code]This file contains definitions for STM32F413H_DISCOVERY's LEDs, push-buttons and COM ports hardware resources
stm32f413h_discovery_audio.c [code]
stm32f413h_discovery_audio.h [code]This file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the stm32f413h_discovery_audio.c driver
stm32f413h_discovery_lcd.c [code]This file includes the driver for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module mounted on STM32F413H-DISCOVERY board
stm32f413h_discovery_lcd.h [code]This file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the stm32f413h_discovery_lcd.c driver
stm32f413h_discovery_psram.c [code]This file includes the PSRAM driver for the IS61WV51216BLL-10MLI memory device mounted on STM32F413H-DISCOVERY boards
stm32f413h_discovery_psram.h [code]
stm32f413h_discovery_qspi.c [code]This file includes a standard driver for the N25Q128A QSPI memory mounted on STM32F413H-DISCOVERY board
stm32f413h_discovery_qspi.h [code]This file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the stm32f413h_discovery_qspi.c driver
stm32f413h_discovery_sd.c [code]This file includes the uSD card driver mounted on STM32F413H-DISCOVERY board
stm32f413h_discovery_sd.h [code]This file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the stm32413h_discovery_sd.c driver
stm32f413h_discovery_ts.c [code]This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the Touch Screen on STM32F413h-DISCOVERY evaluation board
stm32f413h_discovery_ts.h [code]This file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for the stm32f413h_discovery_ts.c driver
ts.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the Touch Screen driver
tsensor.h [code]This header file contains the functions prototypes for the Temperature Sensor driver
wm8994.c [code]This file provides the WM8994 Audio Codec driver
wm8994.h [code]This file contains all the functions prototypes for the wm8994.c driver