
Forks of BLENano_SimpleControls

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

SimpleControls works with the BLEController iOS/Android App. The mbed's pin can acts as DIGITAL_IN, DIGITAL_OUT, PWM, SERVO, ANALOG_IN. The sketch is to show you how to control the pin as … BLE, nRF51822, RedBearLab
SimpleControls works with the BLEController iOS/Android App. The BLE Controll App will allow you to switch the onboard LED on/off with the control named 'Digital Out pin2' BLE, nRF51822, RedBearLab
SimpleControls works with the BLEController iOS/Android App. The mbed's pin can acts as DIGITAL_IN, DIGITAL_OUT, PWM, SERVO, ANALOG_IN. The sketch is to show you how to control the pin as … BLE, nRF51822, RedBearLab
SimpleControls works with the BLEController iOS/Android App. The mbed's pin can acts as DIGITAL_IN, DIGITAL_OUT, PWM, SERVO, ANALOG_IN. The sketch is to show you how to control the pin as … BLE, nRF51822, RedBearLab
ECG data acquisition with Analog device frontend and Redbear nano BLE medtricsIO
This is a simplified version of RedBearLab's SimpleControls for a one input iOS app bluetooth, BUTTON, iOS, pushbutton
micro code for pen oscilloscope