C++ Library for the PsiSwarm Robot - Version 0.8

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Sensors Class Reference

Sensors Class Reference

Sensors class Functions to read values from the Psi Swarm infrared, ultrasonic, temperature and power sensors. More...

#include <sensors.h>

Public Member Functions

float get_battery_voltage (void)
 Returns the current battery voltage for the robot.
float get_current (void)
 Returns the current being used by the robot.
float get_dc_voltage (void)
 Returns the voltage sensed from the DC input (post rectification)
float get_temperature (void)
 Returns the temperature sensed by the digital thermometer placed near the front of the MBED socket.
void enable_ultrasonic_ticker (void)
 Enables a 10Hz ticker that automatically takes readings from the SRF-02 ultrasonic sensor (if fitted)
void disable_ultrasonic_ticker (void)
 Disables the ultrasonic ticker.
void update_ultrasonic_measure (void)
 Sends a message to SRF-02 ultrasonic sensor (if fitted) to instruct it to take a new reading.
void store_background_raw_ir_values (void)
 Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors without enabling IR emitters.
void store_illuminated_raw_ir_values (void)
 Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors after enabling IR emitters.
void store_ir_values (void)
 Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors both before and after enabling IR emitters Calls store_background_raw_ir_values() then store_illuminated_raw_ir_values()
char get_background_raw_ir_value (char index)
 Returns the stored value of the non-illuminated side-facing IR sensor value based on last call of store_background_raw_ir_values Call either store_ir_values() or store_background_raw_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.
unsigned short get_illuminated_raw_ir_value (char index)
 Returns the stored value of the illuminated side-facing IR sensor value based on last call of store_illuminated_raw_ir_values Call either store_ir_values() or store_illuminated_raw_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.
unsigned short calculate_side_ir_value (char index)
 Returns the subtraction of the background side IR value from the reflection based on last call of store_ir_values() For most purposes this is the best method of detected obstacles etc as it mitigates for varying background levels of IR.
unsigned short read_illuminated_raw_ir_value (char index)
 Enables the IR emitter then returns the value of the given side-facing IR sensor This function is used when just one sensor is needed to be read; in general using store_ir_values() and get_illuminated_raw_ir_value(index) is preferable.
void store_background_base_ir_values (void)
 Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors without enabling IR emitters.
void store_illuminated_base_ir_values (void)
 Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors after enabling IR emitters.
void store_base_ir_values (void)
 Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors both before and after enabling IR emitters Calls store_background_base_ir_values() then store_illuminated_base_ir_values()
unsigned short get_background_base_ir_value (char index)
 Returns the stored value of the non-illuminated base IR sensor value based on last call of store_background_base_ir_values Call either store_base_ir_values() or store_background_base_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.
unsigned short get_illuminated_base_ir_value (char index)
 Returns the stored value of the illuminated base IR sensor value based on last call of store_illuminated_base_ir_values Call either store_base_ir_values() or store_illuminated_base_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.
unsigned short calculate_base_ir_value (char index)
 Returns the subtraction of the background base IR value from the reflection based on last call of store_base_ir_values() For most purposes this is the best method of getting values from the base IR sensor as it mitigates for background levels of IR.

Detailed Description

Sensors class Functions to read values from the Psi Swarm infrared, ultrasonic, temperature and power sensors.


 #include "psiswarm.h"

 int main() {


Definition at line 39 of file sensors.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned short calculate_base_ir_value ( char  index )

Returns the subtraction of the background base IR value from the reflection based on last call of store_base_ir_values() For most purposes this is the best method of getting values from the base IR sensor as it mitigates for background levels of IR.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 4, sensor from left to right viewed from above - 2 is in middle of front)
Unsigned short of compensated ir value (illuminated value - background value) (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 407 of file sensors.cpp.

unsigned short calculate_side_ir_value ( char  index )

Returns the subtraction of the background side IR value from the reflection based on last call of store_ir_values() For most purposes this is the best method of detected obstacles etc as it mitigates for varying background levels of IR.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
Unsigned short of compensated ir value (illuminated value - background value) (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 420 of file sensors.cpp.

void disable_ultrasonic_ticker ( void   )

Disables the ultrasonic ticker.

Definition at line 37 of file sensors.cpp.

void enable_ultrasonic_ticker ( void   )

Enables a 10Hz ticker that automatically takes readings from the SRF-02 ultrasonic sensor (if fitted)

Definition at line 32 of file sensors.cpp.

unsigned short get_background_base_ir_value ( char  index )

Returns the stored value of the non-illuminated base IR sensor value based on last call of store_background_base_ir_values Call either store_base_ir_values() or store_background_base_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 4, sensor from left to right viewed from above - 2 is in middle of front)
Unsigned short of background IR reading (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 299 of file sensors.cpp.

char get_background_raw_ir_value ( char  index )

Returns the stored value of the non-illuminated side-facing IR sensor value based on last call of store_background_raw_ir_values Call either store_ir_values() or store_background_raw_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
Unsigned short of background IR reading (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 175 of file sensors.cpp.

float get_battery_voltage ( void   )

Returns the current battery voltage for the robot.

The voltage (in V); this should range between 3.5V for a discharged battery and 4.2V for a fully charged battery

Definition at line 87 of file sensors.cpp.

float get_current ( void   )

Returns the current being used by the robot.

The current (in A)

Definition at line 93 of file sensors.cpp.

float get_dc_voltage ( void   )

Returns the voltage sensed from the DC input (post rectification)

The voltage (in V); note some back-voltage from the battery is expected even when no DC input is detected

Definition at line 101 of file sensors.cpp.

unsigned short get_illuminated_base_ir_value ( char  index )

Returns the stored value of the illuminated base IR sensor value based on last call of store_illuminated_base_ir_values Call either store_base_ir_values() or store_illuminated_base_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 4, sensor from left to right viewed from above - 2 is in middle of front)
Unsigned short of illuminated IR reading (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 307 of file sensors.cpp.

unsigned short get_illuminated_raw_ir_value ( char  index )

Returns the stored value of the illuminated side-facing IR sensor value based on last call of store_illuminated_raw_ir_values Call either store_ir_values() or store_illuminated_raw_ir_values() before using this function to update reading.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
Unsigned short of illuminated IR reading (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 183 of file sensors.cpp.

float get_temperature ( void   )

Returns the temperature sensed by the digital thermometer placed near the front of the MBED socket.

The temperature (in degrees C)

Definition at line 77 of file sensors.cpp.

unsigned short read_illuminated_raw_ir_value ( char  index )

Enables the IR emitter then returns the value of the given side-facing IR sensor This function is used when just one sensor is needed to be read; in general using store_ir_values() and get_illuminated_raw_ir_value(index) is preferable.

index- The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
Unsigned short of illuminated IR reading (range 0 to 4095)

Definition at line 256 of file sensors.cpp.

void store_background_base_ir_values ( void   )

Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors without enabling IR emitters.

Definition at line 325 of file sensors.cpp.

void store_background_raw_ir_values ( void   )

Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors without enabling IR emitters.

Definition at line 207 of file sensors.cpp.

void store_base_ir_values ( void   )

Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors both before and after enabling IR emitters Calls store_background_base_ir_values() then store_illuminated_base_ir_values()

Definition at line 315 of file sensors.cpp.

void store_illuminated_base_ir_values ( void   )

Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors after enabling IR emitters.

Definition at line 334 of file sensors.cpp.

void store_illuminated_raw_ir_values ( void   )

Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors after enabling IR emitters.

Definition at line 216 of file sensors.cpp.

void store_ir_values ( void   )

Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors both before and after enabling IR emitters Calls store_background_raw_ir_values() then store_illuminated_raw_ir_values()

Definition at line 200 of file sensors.cpp.

void update_ultrasonic_measure ( void   )

Sends a message to SRF-02 ultrasonic sensor (if fitted) to instruct it to take a new reading.

The result is available approx 70ms later

Definition at line 42 of file sensors.cpp.