C++ Library for the PsiSwarm Robot - Version 0.8

Dependents:   PsiSwarm_V8_Blank_CPP Autonomia_RndmWlk

Fork of PsiSwarmV7_CPP by Psi Swarm Robot

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for PsiSwarmV8_CPP


Animations Simple predefined LED animations and dances
Basic Functions for the Psi Basic interpreter and file-handling
Colour Functions for reading the base-mounted and top-mounted I2C colour sensors (optional)
Demo Demo class Build in demonstration
Display Display class Functions for use with the Midas 16x2 I2C LCD Display (MCCOG21605x6W) LCD Farnell part 2218942 or 2063206
Eprom Eprom Class Functions for accessing the 64Kb EPROM chip and reading the reserved firmware block
Led Led class Functions to control the various LEDs on the robot
Motors Motors class Functions to control the Psi Swarm robot motors
Psiswarm Psiswarm Class The main class to define a robot
Sensors Sensors class Functions to read values from the Psi Swarm infrared, ultrasonic, temperature and power sensors
SerialControl SerialControl class Functions to handle command and user messages sent over the PC or BT serial interfaces
Setup Internal functions that initiate the I2C components on the robot and send the low level messages to read to these components
Sound Sound class Functions that generate audio tones using the sound module on the PIC coprocessor, where used


animations.cpp [code]
animations.h [code]
basic.cpp [code]
basic.h [code]
colour.cpp [code]
colour.h [code]
demo.cpp [code]
demo.h [code]
display.cpp [code]
display.h [code]
eprom.cpp [code]
eprom.h [code]
i2c_setup.cpp [code]
i2c_setup.h [code]
led.cpp [code]
led.h [code]
motors.cpp [code]
motors.h [code]
psiswarm.cpp [code]
psiswarm.h [code]
sensors.cpp [code]
sensors.h [code]
serial.cpp [code]
serial.h [code]
settings.h [code] Header file containing PsiSwarm define headings
sound.cpp [code]
sound.h [code]