C++ Library for the PsiSwarm Robot - Version 0.8

Dependents:   PsiSwarm_V8_Blank_CPP Autonomia_RndmWlk

Fork of PsiSwarmV7_CPP by Psi Swarm Robot

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00001 /* University of York Robotics Laboratory PsiSwarm Library: Sensor Functions Header File
00002  *
00003  * Copyright 2016 University of York
00004  *
00005  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00007  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS
00008  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00009  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00010  *
00011  * File: sensors.h
00012  *
00013  * (C) Dept. Electronics & Computer Science, University of York
00014  * James Hilder, Alan Millard, Alexander Horsfield, Homero Elizondo, Jon Timmis
00015  *
00016  * PsiSwarm Library Version: 0.8
00017  *
00018  * October 2016
00019  *
00020  */
00022 #ifndef SENSORS_H
00023 #define SENSORS_H
00025 /**
00026  * Sensors class
00027  * Functions to read values from the Psi Swarm infrared, ultrasonic, temperature and power sensors
00028  *
00029  * Example:
00030  * @code
00031  * #include "psiswarm.h"
00032  *
00033  * int main() {
00034  *     init();
00035  *
00036  * }
00037  * @endcode
00038 */
00039 class Sensors
00040 {
00041 public:
00043     /** Returns the current battery voltage for the robot
00044      * @return The voltage (in V); this should range between 3.5V for a discharged battery and 4.2V for a fully charged battery
00045      */
00046     float get_battery_voltage ( void );
00048     /** Returns the current being used by the robot
00049      * @return The current (in A)
00050      */
00051     float get_current ( void );
00053     /** Returns the voltage sensed from the DC input (post rectification)
00054      * @return The voltage (in V); note some back-voltage from the battery is expected even when no DC input is detected
00055      */
00056     float get_dc_voltage ( void );
00058     /** Returns the temperature sensed by the digital thermometer placed near the front of the MBED socket
00059      * @return The temperature (in degrees C)
00060      */
00061     float get_temperature ( void );
00063     /** Enables a 10Hz ticker that automatically takes readings from the SRF-02 ultrasonic sensor (if fitted)
00064      */
00065     void enable_ultrasonic_ticker( void );
00067     /** Disables the ultrasonic ticker
00068      */
00069     void disable_ultrasonic_ticker( void );
00071     /** Sends a message to SRF-02 ultrasonic sensor (if fitted) to instruct it to take a new reading.  The result is available approx 70ms later
00072      */
00073     void update_ultrasonic_measure ( void );
00074     void IF_read_ultrasonic_measure ( void );
00076     /** Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors without enabling IR emitters
00077     */
00078     void store_background_raw_ir_values ( void );
00080     /** Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors after enabling IR emitters
00081     */
00082     void store_illuminated_raw_ir_values ( void );
00084     /** Stores the raw ADC values for all 8 IR side-facing sensors both before and after enabling IR emitters
00085     * Calls store_background_raw_ir_values() then store_illuminated_raw_ir_values()
00086     */   
00087     void store_ir_values ( void );
00089     /** Returns the stored value of the non-illuminated side-facing IR sensor value based on last call of store_background_raw_ir_values
00090     * Call either store_ir_values() or store_background_raw_ir_values() before using this function to update reading
00091     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
00092     * @return Unsigned short of background IR reading (range 0 to 4095)
00093     */
00094     char get_background_raw_ir_value ( char index );
00096     /** Returns the stored value of the illuminated side-facing IR sensor value based on last call of store_illuminated_raw_ir_values
00097     * Call either store_ir_values() or store_illuminated_raw_ir_values() before using this function to update reading
00098     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
00099     * @return Unsigned short of illuminated IR reading (range 0 to 4095)
00100     */
00101     unsigned short get_illuminated_raw_ir_value ( char index );
00103     /** Returns the subtraction of the background side IR value from the reflection based on last call of store_ir_values()
00104     * For most purposes this is the best method of detected obstacles etc as it mitigates for varying background levels of IR
00105     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
00106     * @return Unsigned short of compensated ir value (illuminated value - background value) (range 0 to 4095)
00107     */
00108     unsigned short calculate_side_ir_value ( char index );
00110     /** Enables the IR emitter then returns the value of the given side-facing IR sensor
00111     * This function is used when just one sensor is needed to be read; in general using store_ir_values() and get_illuminated_raw_ir_value(index) is preferable
00112     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 7, clockwise around robot from front-right)
00113     * @return Unsigned short of illuminated IR reading (range 0 to 4095)
00114     */
00115     unsigned short read_illuminated_raw_ir_value ( char index ) ;
00117     /** Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors without enabling IR emitters
00118     */
00119     void store_background_base_ir_values ( void );
00121     /** Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors after enabling IR emitters
00122     */
00123     void store_illuminated_base_ir_values ( void );
00125     /** Stores the raw ADC values for all 5 base IR sensors both before and after enabling IR emitters
00126     * Calls store_background_base_ir_values() then store_illuminated_base_ir_values()
00127     */   
00128     void store_base_ir_values ( void );
00130     /** Returns the stored value of the non-illuminated base IR sensor value based on last call of store_background_base_ir_values
00131     * Call either store_base_ir_values() or store_background_base_ir_values() before using this function to update reading
00132     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 4, sensor from left to right viewed from above - 2 is in middle of front)
00133     * @return Unsigned short of background IR reading (range 0 to 4095)
00134     */
00135     unsigned short get_background_base_ir_value ( char index );
00137     /** Returns the stored value of the illuminated base IR sensor value based on last call of store_illuminated_base_ir_values
00138     * Call either store_base_ir_values() or store_illuminated_base_ir_values() before using this function to update reading
00139     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 4, sensor from left to right viewed from above - 2 is in middle of front)
00140     * @return Unsigned short of illuminated IR reading (range 0 to 4095)
00141     */
00142     unsigned short get_illuminated_base_ir_value ( char index );
00145     /** Returns the subtraction of the background base IR value from the reflection based on last call of store_base_ir_values()
00146     * For most purposes this is the best method of getting values from the base IR sensor as it mitigates for background levels of IR
00147     * @param index - The index of the sensor to read (range 0 to 4, sensor from left to right viewed from above - 2 is in middle of front)
00148     * @return Unsigned short of compensated ir value (illuminated value - background value) (range 0 to 4095)
00149     */
00150     unsigned short calculate_base_ir_value ( char index );
00152     // The following functions are used for special programs or to retain backwards compatability but are not documented as part of the API
00154     void store_reflected_ir_distances ( void );
00155     float read_reflected_ir_distance ( char index );
00156     float get_reflected_ir_distance ( char index );
00157     float calculate_reflected_distance ( unsigned short background_value, unsigned short illuminated_value );
00158     int get_bearing_from_ir_array ( unsigned short * ir_sensor_readings);
00159     void store_line_position ( void );
00160     void calibrate_base_ir_sensors ( void );
00162 };
00163 #endif