An exciting survival game with random terrain by Jonne

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

Fork of AnimationTest by Pokitto Community Team

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 02 06:46:41 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1293 @@
+#include "Pokitto.h"
+#include "Pixonia.h"
+#include "Synth.h"
+Pokitto::Core gb;
+#define YOFF 4
+#define XOFF 8
+#define WORLDSIZE 50
+#define SUBDIVS 4
+#define XSPEED 2<<4//2
+#define YSPEED 1<<4//1
+#define GROUNDLIFT 1
+#define MAXSTEP 2
+#define MAXWOLFSTEP 3
+#define WOLFENERGY 0x26F
+#define MONSTERNIGHT 130
+//#define DEBUG
+#define DIGMAX 2
+#define MAXHUMANS 10
+#define MAXWOLVES 10
+#define TREESNROCKS 1
+#define HUTPROB 0x01
+#define STONEPROB 0x24
+#define TREEPROB 0x30
+#define GOLDPROB 0x08 //was 7
+#define MAXGOLD 50
+#define GOLDMULT 3
+#define WOLFMULT 1
+#define MAPMULT 10
+#define GLIMMERPROB 0x20
+#define WOLFPROB 0x2000
+#define DIR_NE 0
+#define DIR_E 1
+#define DIR_SE 2
+#define DIR_S 3
+#define DIR_SW 4
+#define DIR_W  5
+#define DIR_NW 6
+#define DIR_N 7
+#define TER_UNDEFINED 0
+#define TER_WATER 31
+#define TER_PLAIN 1
+#define TER_HUT 2
+#define TER_TREE 3
+#define TER_STONE 4
+#define TER_BUMP_NW 5
+#define TER_BUMP_SE 6
+#define TER_BUMP_NE 7
+#define TER_BUMP_SW 8
+#define TER_BUMP_N 9
+#define TER_BUMP_S 10
+#define TER_BUMP_E 11
+#define TER_BUMP_W 12
+#define TER_GOLD 13
+#define TER_ROCK 14
+#define TER_BEACHSW 29
+#define TER_BEACHSE 30
+enum walkDir {
+    NE,
+    SE,
+    SW,
+    NW
+enum humanTasks {
+    IDLE,
+    MOVING,
+enum AImodes {
+    HOMING,
+    CHASE,
+    TURNCW,
+    GOTO
+enum Gamestates {
+    TITLE,
+    INTRO,
+    GAME,
+Gamestates gamestate = TITLE;
+int gamelevel=1;
+uint16_t worldsize=10;
+int32_t wx=-8,wy=0,cx=10,cy=10;
+uint16_t prevtile=0, playertile=0, focustile=0, centertile=0,oldcenter, tween_palette[16], golds=0, playergolds=0;
+uint16_t timeofday=0; //value>>8 0 is full daytime, 127 is full night
+uint8_t wave=0, oldtime=0,wolvestick=0,watertick=0;
+int8_t wading=1;
+bool focusing=false;
+bool inHut = false;
+int16_t tweenfactor=0,numwolves=0;
+/** function declarations **/
+bool raiseTile(uint16_t);
+bool lowerTile(uint16_t);
+bool caught=false;
+int8_t getTileHeightToTile(uint16_t, uint16_t);
+uint8_t digCount=0, monsterdrain=1;
+uint16_t workingOnTile=0;
+struct coords {
+    int16_t x;
+    int16_t y;
+struct creature {
+    int16_t energy;
+    bool visible;
+    walkDir facing;
+    uint8_t animframe;
+    uint16_t tile;
+    coords position;
+    coords goingto;
+    AImodes ai;
+creature humans[MAXHUMANS];
+creature werewolves[MAXWOLVES];
+coords player,oldplayer,focus,goldnugget;
+uint8_t oldplayercount=0, goldnuggetcount;
+uint8_t world[WORLDSIZE*WORLDSIZE];
+int getTileHeight(uint16_t i) {
+    return (world[i]>>5);
+int getTileType(uint16_t i) {
+    return (world[i]&0x1F);
+void setTileHeight(uint16_t i, int8_t h) {
+    world[i] &= 0x1F; //save tile type, wipe height bits
+    world[i] |= (h<<5); //store height in highest 3 bits
+void setTileType(uint16_t i, uint8_t t) {
+    world[i] &= 0xE0; // wipe bottom 5 bits (tile type)
+    world[i] |= (t&0x1F); // set bottom 5 bits to type
+uint16_t tileFromCoords (int16_t x,int16_t y) {
+    if (x<0) x=0;
+    if (y<0) y=0;
+    uint16_t tile = (x/SUBDIVS)+(y/SUBDIVS)*gamelevel*MAPMULT;
+    return tile;
+coords tileToScreenXY (uint16_t tile) {
+    coords s;
+    uint16_t x = tile % worldsize;
+    uint16_t y = tile / worldsize;
+    s.y = y*YOFF+wy+(3+x)*YOFF+2+getTileHeight(tile);
+    s.x = x*XOFF+wx+2*XOFF+2;
+    return s;
+uint16_t screenToTile (int16_t x, int16_t y) {
+    /* tile 0 is at wx,wy in screen space */
+    int16_t distx = x-wx;
+    int16_t disty = y-wy;
+    uint16_t tilesx,tilesy,tx,ty;
+    if (distx>0) {
+            // point is to the right of 0 tile
+            tilesx = distx/XOFF; //number of tiles moved right, XOFF = half width of tile
+            tilesy = disty/YOFF; //num tiles downwards
+            tx = tilesx + tilesy; // this actually gives on an isometric grid, the x row of tiles !
+    } else {
+            // point is to the left of 0 tile
+            distx = -distx;
+            tilesx = distx/XOFF; //number of tiles moved right
+            tilesy = disty/YOFF; //num tiles downwards
+    }
+    /* calculate how many tiles fit in between */
+    int32_t tilex = (x - wx - 2 - XOFF)/XOFF;
+    int32_t tiley = (y-wy-2);
+    tiley -=(3+tilex)*YOFF;
+    tiley /= YOFF;
+    return tilex+tiley*worldsize;
+uint16_t worldToTile (uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
+    return (x/SUBDIVS)+(y/SUBDIVS)*worldsize;
+coords worldToScreen(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
+    uint16_t scry =(wy+y/SUBDIVS*4)+(x/SUBDIVS+1)*YOFF;
+    uint16_t scrx = wx+(x/SUBDIVS+2)*XOFF-y/SUBDIVS*8;
+    int16_t oy,ox;
+    int16_t offsety,offsetx;
+    offsety = y%SUBDIVS;
+    offsetx = x%SUBDIVS;
+    oy = -offsetx*YOFF/SUBDIVS - offsety*YOFF/SUBDIVS;
+    ox =  offsetx*XOFF/SUBDIVS - offsety*8/SUBDIVS;
+    coords t;
+    t.x = scrx+ox; t.y = scry-oy;
+    return t;
+bool onScreen(coords p) {
+    coords t = worldToScreen(p.x,p.y);
+    if (t.x>=0 && t.x<110 && t.y > 0 && t.y <88) return true;
+    return false;
+bool focusOnTile(uint16_t t) {
+    if (!focusing || t!= focustile) {
+        focusing = true;
+        focustile = t;
+        focus.x = t % worldsize;
+        focus.y = t / worldsize;
+    }
+    uint16_t currentfocus = centertile;//screenToTile(55,44);
+    if (currentfocus > focustile-3 && currentfocus <focustile+3) {
+            focusing = false;
+            return true;
+    }
+    int16_t x = currentfocus % worldsize;
+    int16_t y = currentfocus / worldsize;
+    int16_t dx = x - focus.x;
+    int16_t dy = y - focus.y;
+    if (dx<0) dx = -dx;
+    if (dy<0) dy = -dy;
+    if (dx+dy>20) dx = XSPEED*8;
+    else if (dx+dy>5) dx = XSPEED*2;
+    else dx=XSPEED;
+    if (x<focus.x) wx-=dx;
+    else if (x>focus.x) wx += dx;
+    if (y<focus.y) wy-= dx;
+    else if (y>focus.y) wy+= dx;
+    return false;
+    /*if (gb.buttons.upBtn()) {
+                wy+=YSPEED;wx+=XSPEED;}
+        if (gb.buttons.downBtn()) {wy-=YSPEED;wx-=XSPEED;}
+        if (gb.buttons.leftBtn()) {wy-=YSPEED;wx+=XSPEED;}
+        if (gb.buttons.rightBtn()) {wy+=YSPEED;wx-=XSPEED;}*/
+void drawToTile(uint16_t tile, const uint8_t* bitmap, int16_t offsetx, int16_t offsety, uint8_t flip) {
+    uint16_t tilex,tiley;
+    tiley = tile/worldsize;
+    tilex = tile%worldsize;
+    uint16_t scry=(wy+tiley*4)+(tilex+1)*YOFF;
+    uint16_t scrx=wx+(tilex+2)*XOFF-tiley*8;
+    int16_t oy,ox;
+    oy = -offsetx*YOFF/SUBDIVS - offsety*YOFF/SUBDIVS+4;
+    ox =  offsetx*XOFF/SUBDIVS - offsety*8/SUBDIVS-3;
+    int8_t t=0;
+    if (!wading) t=-random(10);
+    gb.display.drawBitmap(scrx+ox+t,scry-(getTileHeight(tile)<<1)-oy+t,bitmap,0,flip);
+bool canMoveTo(uint16_t i) {
+    if (getTileHeightToTile(i,prevtile)>MAXSTEP) return false;
+    if (getTileType(i)==TER_HUT && humans[0].facing != NE ) return false;
+    if (getTileType(prevtile)==TER_HUT && humans[0].facing != SW ) return false;
+    if (getTileType(i)==TER_TREE) return false;
+    //if (getTileType(i)==TER_WATER) return false;
+    if (getTileType(i)==TER_STONE) return false;
+    return true;
+bool canWWMoveFromTo(uint16_t i,uint16_t j) {
+    if (getTileHeightToTile(j,i)>MAXWOLFSTEP) return false;
+    if (getTileType(j)==TER_HUT) return false;
+    //if (getTileType(i)==TER_WATER) return false;
+    //if (getTileType(i)==TER_STONE) return false;
+    return true;
+int8_t getTileDX(uint16_t i) {
+    int8_t h_this = getTileHeight(i);
+    uint16_t y = i / worldsize;
+    uint16_t x = i % worldsize;
+    int8_t h_prev = h_this, h_next=h_this ;// assume flat in case we are at the edge
+    if (x>0) h_prev = getTileHeight(i-1);
+    if (x<worldsize-1) h_next = getTileHeight(i+1);
+    if (h_prev>h_next) return -1; //sloping down towards east
+    else if (h_prev<h_next) return 1; // sloping down towards west
+    return 0; // this axis is flat
+int8_t getTileDY(uint16_t i) {
+    int8_t h_this = getTileHeight(i);
+    uint16_t y = i / worldsize;
+    uint16_t x = i % worldsize;
+    int8_t h_prev = h_this, h_next=h_this ;// assume flat in case we are at the edge
+    if (y>0) h_next = getTileHeight(i-worldsize);
+    if (y<worldsize-1) h_prev = getTileHeight(i+worldsize);
+    if (h_prev<h_next) return 1; //rising up towards ne
+    else if (h_prev>h_next) return -1; // sloping down towards ne (yes, this axis is mirrored)
+    return 0; // this axis is flat
+int8_t getTileHeightToTile(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) {
+    int8_t c = getTileHeight(a);
+    int8_t d = getTileHeight(b);
+    return c-d;
+uint8_t getTileSlope(uint16_t index) {
+    int8_t dx=0,dy=0;
+    dx=getTileDX(index);
+    dy=getTileDY(index);
+    switch (dy) {
+    case 0:
+        if (dx==0) return TER_PLAIN;
+        else if (dx>0) return TER_BUMP_NW;
+        return TER_BUMP_SE;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        if (dx==0) return TER_BUMP_SW;
+        else if (dx>0) return TER_BUMP_W;
+        return TER_BUMP_S;
+        break;
+    case -1:
+        if (dx==0) return TER_BUMP_NE;
+        else if (dx>0) return TER_BUMP_N;
+        return TER_BUMP_E;
+        break;
+    }
+void setSlopeAutomatic(uint16_t t) {
+    uint8_t e = getTileType(t); // currently existing tile
+    if (e<5 || e>12 && e != TER_PLAIN) return; // only change terrain formation tiles, not content
+    uint8_t slope = getTileSlope(t);
+    setTileType(t,slope);
+bool recursiveGroundRaise(uint16_t tile) {
+    uint16_t target=tile;
+    if (tile>worldsize) {
+        // Top row
+        if (tile%worldsize) {
+                target = target - worldsize - 1; //N tile
+                if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target); // recursive function, calls back to itself
+        }
+        target++; // NE tile
+        if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+        if (tile%worldsize<worldsize-1) {
+            target++; // E tile
+            if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+        }
+    }
+    // Middle row
+    if (tile%worldsize>0) {
+            target = tile - 1; // NW tile
+            if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+    }
+    if (tile%worldsize<worldsize-1) {
+            target+=2; //SE tile
+            if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+    }
+    // Bottom row
+    if (tile<worldsize*worldsize-worldsize) {
+        if (tile%worldsize>0) {
+            target = tile + worldsize -1; // W tile
+            if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+        }
+        target++; // SW tile
+        if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+        if (tile<worldsize*worldsize-1) {
+            target++; //S tile
+            if (getTileHeightToTile(target,tile)<-MAXELEVATIONDIFF) raiseTile(target);
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+bool raiseTile(uint16_t t) {
+    int8_t z = getTileHeight(t);
+    if (z==0) setTileType(t,TER_PLAIN);
+    z++;
+    if (z>7) z=7;
+    setTileHeight(t,z);
+    recursiveGroundRaise(t);
+    if (z==7) digCount = DIGMAX;
+    return true;
+uint16_t getFacingTile(uint16_t tile, walkDir facing) {
+    switch (facing) {
+    case NE:
+        if (tile<worldsize) return -1; //out of bounds
+        return tile-worldsize;
+        break;
+    case SE:
+        if (tile%worldsize == worldsize-1) return -1; //out of bounds
+        return tile+1;
+    case SW:
+        if (tile>worldsize*worldsize-worldsize) return -1;
+        return tile+worldsize;
+    case NW:
+        if (tile%worldsize == 0) return -1;
+        return tile-1;
+    }
+    return -1;
+void spawnWolf() {
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i< (gamelevel-1) * WOLFMULT ; i++) {
+        if (werewolves[i].energy <= 0) {
+            uint16_t k;
+            k=random(worldsize*worldsize-1);
+                    uint8_t a = (uint8_t)random(3)-1;
+                    switch (a) {
+                case 0:
+                     werewolves[i].ai = HOMING; break;
+                case 1:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = CHASE; break;
+                case 2:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = INTERCEPT; break;
+                    }
+                    werewolves[i].energy = WOLFENERGY;
+                    werewolves[i].tile = k;
+                    k *= SUBDIVS;
+                    werewolves[i].position.x = k%worldsize;
+                    werewolves[i].position.y = k/worldsize;
+                    numwolves++;
+            i=(gamelevel-1)*WOLFMULT; break;
+        }
+    }
+void despawnWolf(uint8_t n) {
+    werewolves[n].energy=0;
+    werewolves[n].visible=false;
+    numwolves--;
+void despawnAllWolves() {
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i< (gamelevel-1)*WOLFMULT ; i++) {
+            despawnWolf(i);
+    }
+void moveWolves() {
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i< (gamelevel-1)*WOLFMULT ; i++) {
+        if (werewolves[i].energy>0) {
+            if (wolvestick) {
+            uint16_t fromtile = werewolves[i].tile;
+            coords fromposition = werewolves[i].position;
+            int16_t aix,aiy,bix,biy;
+            switch (werewolves[i].ai) {
+        case INTERCEPT:
+            if (humans[i].facing==NE) {werewolves[i].position.y--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe; werewolves[i].facing = SE;}
+            if (humans[i].facing==SE) {werewolves[i].position.x++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NW;}
+            if (humans[i].facing==SW) {werewolves[i].position.y++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = SW;}
+            if (humans[i].facing==NW) {werewolves[i].position.x--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NE;}
+            if (xorshift8()>0xf0) {
+                     uint8_t a = (uint8_t)random(3);
+                    switch (a) {
+                case 0:
+                     werewolves[i].ai = HOMING; break;
+                case 1:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = CHASE; break;
+                case 2:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = INTERCEPT; break;
+                case 3:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = TURNCW; break;
+                    }
+            }
+            break;
+        case CHASE:
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x<oldplayer.x) {werewolves[i].position.x++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe; werewolves[i].facing = SE;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x>oldplayer.x) {werewolves[i].position.x--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NW;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y<oldplayer.y) {werewolves[i].position.y++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = SW;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y>oldplayer.y) {werewolves[i].position.y--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NE;}
+            aiy = werewolves[i].position.y - player.y;
+            aix = werewolves[i].position.x - player.x;
+            if (aix<0) aix = -aix;
+            if (aiy<0) aiy = -aiy;
+            if (aix<30 || aiy <30) werewolves[i].ai = HOMING;
+            break;
+        case TURNCW:
+            werewolves[i].goingto.x = werewolves[i].position.x+random(48)-24;
+            werewolves[i].goingto.y = werewolves[i].position.y+random(48)-24;
+            while (worldToTile(werewolves[i].goingto.x,werewolves[i].goingto.y)>worldsize*worldsize-1) {
+                werewolves[i].goingto.x = werewolves[i].position.x+random(48)-24;
+                werewolves[i].goingto.y = werewolves[i].position.y+random(48)-24;
+            }
+            werewolves[i].ai = GOTO;
+            break;
+        case GOTO:
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x<werewolves[i].goingto.x) {werewolves[i].position.x++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe; werewolves[i].facing = SE;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x>werewolves[i].goingto.x) {werewolves[i].position.x--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NW;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y<werewolves[i].goingto.y) {werewolves[i].position.y++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = SW;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y>werewolves[i].goingto.y) {werewolves[i].position.y--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NE;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x==werewolves[i].goingto.x && werewolves[i].position.y==werewolves[i].goingto.y) werewolves[i].ai = HOMING;
+            break;
+        case HOMING:
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x<player.x) {werewolves[i].position.x++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe; werewolves[i].facing = SE;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x>player.x) {werewolves[i].position.x--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NW;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y<player.y) {werewolves[i].position.y++; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = SW;}
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y>player.y) {werewolves[i].position.y--; werewolves[i].animframe = 1 - werewolves[i].animframe;werewolves[i].facing = NE;}
+            break;
+            }
+            werewolves[i].tile = worldToTile(werewolves[i].position.x,werewolves[i].position.y);
+            if (canWWMoveFromTo(fromtile,werewolves[i].tile)==false) {
+                werewolves[i].position=fromposition;
+                werewolves[i].tile= fromtile;
+                     uint8_t a = (uint8_t)random(3);
+                    switch (a) {
+                case 0:
+                     werewolves[i].ai = HOMING; break;
+                case 1:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = CHASE; break;
+                case 2:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = INTERCEPT; break;
+                case 3:
+                    werewolves[i].ai = TURNCW; break;
+                    }
+            }
+            }
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x>(worldsize-1)*SUBDIVS) werewolves[i].position.x=(worldsize-1)*SUBDIVS;
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y>(worldsize-1)*SUBDIVS) werewolves[i].position.y=(worldsize-1)*SUBDIVS;
+            if (werewolves[i].position.x<0) werewolves[i].position.x=1;
+            if (werewolves[i].position.y<0) werewolves[i].position.y=1;
+            if (onScreen(werewolves[i].position)) werewolves[i].visible = true;
+            else werewolves[i].visible = false;
+            werewolves[i].energy-= monsterdrain;
+            if (werewolves[i].energy<=0) despawnWolf(i);
+        } else werewolves[i].visible=false;
+    }
+void initworld() {
+    timeofday=0; //value>>8 0 is full daytime, 127 is full night
+    wave=0; oldtime=0; wolvestick=0;watertick=0;
+    playergolds=0;
+inHut = false;
+    worldsize = 10+gamelevel*MAPMULT;
+    caught=false; humans[0].energy=0xFFF;golds=0;playergolds=0;
+    gb.display.load565Palette(pokulous_pal);
+    timeofday=random(0x3FFF); tweenfactor=0; golds=0;
+    player.x=5*SUBDIVS;
+    player.y=0;
+    uint16_t i = 0;
+    /** Empty the world **/
+    for (i=0;i<worldsize*worldsize;i++) {
+        setTileHeight(i,0);
+        setTileType(i,TER_UNDEFINED);
+    }
+    #define NUMPEAKS worldsize/10
+    uint16_t bigpeaks = NUMPEAKS*random(2)+NUMPEAKS*3;
+    uint16_t smallpeaks = NUMPEAKS*random(2)+NUMPEAKS*30;
+    uint16_t cliffs = NUMPEAKS*random(2)+NUMPEAKS*3;
+    uint16_t shards = NUMPEAKS*random(4)+NUMPEAKS*30;
+    switch (random(3)) {
+case 0:
+    //normal ground
+    break;
+case 1:
+    // lots of land
+    bigpeaks += NUMPEAKS*10;
+    shards /= 10;
+    smallpeaks /= 10;
+    break;
+case 2:
+    // tiny islands
+    bigpeaks =0;
+    cliffs /=10;
+    shards =0;
+    smallpeaks /= 10;
+    break;
+case 3:
+    // very rugged
+    shards += NUMPEAKS*50;
+    bigpeaks = 0;
+    smallpeaks /=10;
+    }
+    /** Generate big peaks **/
+    for (uint8_t r=0; r<bigpeaks;r++) {
+        uint16_t rx = random(worldsize-16)+8;
+        uint16_t ry = random(worldsize-16)+8;
+        uint8_t sx = random(NUMPEAKS)+1;
+        uint8_t sy = random(NUMPEAKS)+1;
+        uint8_t he = random(5)+2;
+        for (uint8_t ty = 0; ty < sy; ty++) {
+            for (uint8_t tx = 0; tx < sx; tx++) {
+                    uint32_t index = rx+tx+(ry+ty) * worldsize;
+                    if (index<worldsize*worldsize) {
+                        setTileHeight(index,he);
+                        setTileType(index,TER_PLAIN);
+                    }
+        }
+        }
+    }
+    /** Generate small peaks **/
+    for (uint16_t r=0; r<smallpeaks;r++) {
+        uint16_t rx = random(worldsize-2)+1;
+        uint16_t ry = random(worldsize-2)+1;
+        uint8_t sx = random(3)+1;
+        uint8_t sy = random(3)+1;
+        uint8_t he = random(3)+1;
+        for (uint8_t ty = 0; ty < sy; ty++) {
+            for (uint8_t tx = 0; tx < sx; tx++) {
+                    uint32_t index = rx+tx+(ry+ty) * worldsize;
+                    if (index<worldsize*worldsize) {
+                        setTileHeight(index,he);
+                        setTileType(index,TER_PLAIN);
+                    }
+        }
+        }
+    }
+    /** generate slopes **/
+    int8_t level=7;
+    while (level>-1) {
+        i =0;
+        for (int16_t y = 0; y<worldsize; y++) {
+        for (int16_t x = 0; x<worldsize; x++, i++) {
+            uint8_t a = getTileHeight(i);
+            if (a==level) {
+                if (a==0) setTileType(i,TER_WATER); // don't leave undefined tiles
+                else {
+                    // set tile that is northwest(previous on x-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((x>0) && getTileType(i-1)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i-1),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i-1),level-1);}
+                    // set tile that is northeast (previous on logical y-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((y>0) && getTileType(i-worldsize)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i-worldsize),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i-worldsize),level-1);}
+                     // set tile that is southeast(next on x-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((x<worldsize-1) && getTileType(i+1)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i+1),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i+1),level-1);}
+                    // set tile that is southwest (next on logical y-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((y<worldsize-1) && getTileType(i+worldsize)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i+worldsize),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i+worldsize),level-1);}
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    level--;
+    }
+    /** Generate cliffs **/
+    for (uint8_t r=0; r<cliffs;r++) {
+        uint16_t rx = random(worldsize-16)+8;
+        uint16_t ry = random(worldsize-16)+8;
+        uint8_t sx = random(NUMPEAKS)+1;
+        uint8_t sy = random(NUMPEAKS)+1;
+        uint8_t he = random(5)+2;
+        for (uint8_t ty = 0; ty < sy; ty++) {
+            for (uint8_t tx = 0; tx < sx; tx++) {
+                    uint32_t index = rx+tx+(ry+ty) * worldsize;
+                    if (index<worldsize*worldsize) {
+                        setTileHeight(index,he);
+                        setTileType(index,TER_PLAIN);
+                    }
+        }
+        }
+    }
+    /** soften cliffs **/
+    level=7; int8_t edge = random(6)+1;
+    while (level>edge) {
+        i =0;
+        for (int16_t y = 0; y<worldsize; y++) {
+        for (int16_t x = 0; x<worldsize; x++, i++) {
+            uint8_t a = getTileHeight(i);
+            if (a==level) {
+                if (a==0) setTileType(i,TER_WATER); // don't leave undefined tiles
+                else {
+                    // set tile that is northwest(previous on x-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((x>0) && getTileType(i-1)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i-1),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i-1),level-1);}
+                    // set tile that is northeast (previous on logical y-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((y>0) && getTileType(i-worldsize)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i-worldsize),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i-worldsize),level-1);}
+                     // set tile that is southeast(next on x-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((x<worldsize-1) && getTileType(i+1)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i+1),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i+1),level-1);}
+                    // set tile that is southwest (next on logical y-axis) of this tile
+                    if ((y<worldsize-1) && getTileType(i+worldsize)==TER_UNDEFINED) {setTileType((i+worldsize),TER_PLAIN); setTileHeight((i+worldsize),level-1);}
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    level--;
+    }
+    /** Generate small cliffs **/
+    for (uint16_t r=0; r<shards;r++) {
+        uint16_t rx = random(worldsize-2)+1;
+        uint16_t ry = random(worldsize-2)+1;
+        uint8_t sx = random(1)+1;
+        uint8_t sy = random(1)+1;
+        uint8_t he = random(5)+2;
+        for (uint8_t ty = 0; ty < sy; ty++) {
+            for (uint8_t tx = 0; tx < sx; tx++) {
+                    uint32_t index = rx+tx+(ry+ty) * worldsize;
+                    if (index<worldsize*worldsize) {
+                        setTileHeight(index,he);
+                        setTileType(index,TER_PLAIN);
+                    }
+        }
+        }
+    }
+    /** Check the world **/
+    for (i=0;i<worldsize*worldsize;i++) {
+        if (getTileType(i)==TER_UNDEFINED) {
+            setTileHeight(i,0);
+            setTileType(i,TER_WATER);
+        }
+    }
+    for (uint16_t j=0; j<worldsize*worldsize;j++) {
+        if (getTileHeight(j)) setTileType(j,getTileSlope(j));
+        #if TREESNROCKS
+        if (getTileType(j)!=TER_WATER) {
+                uint8_t r=xorshift8();
+                if (r>0xff-HUTPROB) {setTileType(j,TER_HUT);setTileHeight(j,7);}
+                else if (r>0xff-GOLDPROB && golds<MAXGOLD) {
+                        setTileType(j,TER_GOLD);
+                        //golds++;
+                }
+                else if (r>0xff-STONEPROB) setTileType(j,TER_STONE);
+                else if (r>0xff-TREEPROB) setTileType(j,TER_TREE);
+        }
+        #endif
+    }
+    i=0; uint16_t huts[100],numhuts=0;
+    /** BEACHES **/
+    for (uint16_t j = 0; j<worldsize*worldsize; j++) {
+                if (world[j]==TER_WATER) {
+                uint16_t y = j/worldsize+1;
+                uint16_t x = j % worldsize;
+                if ((j%worldsize)&&(world[j-1]!=TER_WATER)&&(world[j+1]==TER_WATER)&&x>0) world[j-1]=TER_BEACHSE;
+                if (j>worldsize&&(world[j-worldsize]!= TER_WATER)&&(world[j+worldsize]==TER_WATER)&&y<worldsize-1) world[j-worldsize]=TER_BEACHSW;
+                }
+            }
+    //setTileType(0,TER_HUT);
+    //setTileType(5,TER_HUT);
+    /** CLEAR FRONT PORCHES OF HUTS, count golds **/
+    for (uint16_t j = 0; j<worldsize*worldsize; j++) {
+        //if (getTileType(j)==TER_GOLD) golds++;
+        if (getTileType(j)==TER_HUT) {
+            if (j < (worldsize-1)*worldsize) {
+                    setTileType(j+worldsize, TER_PLAIN);//clear porch
+                    huts[numhuts++]=j;
+            } else {setTileType(j, TER_PLAIN);} // invalid dwelling
+        }
+    }
+    /** MAKE SURE AT LEAST 1 HUT **/
+    if (numhuts==0) {
+            uint16_t ut = worldsize*worldsize/2+worldsize/2;
+            setTileType(ut,TER_HUT);
+            setTileHeight(ut,4);
+            setTileType(ut+worldsize,TER_PLAIN);
+    }
+    /** PUT GUY ON MAP **/
+    uint16_t t = random(numhuts);
+    //if (numhuts<1)
+        playertile = (uint16_t)random(worldsize*worldsize);
+    //else playertile = huts[t]+2*worldsize;//110;//worldsize/2+worldsize/2*worldsize;//huts[t];
+    //playertile=202;
+    //setTileHeight(102,7);
+    //setTileType(102,TER_PLAIN);
+    //if (playertile > worldsize*worldsize) playertile = random(worldsize);
+    player.x = (playertile%worldsize)*SUBDIVS;
+    player.y = playertile/worldsize*SUBDIVS;
+    /** Count gold on map **/
+    golds=0;
+    for (uint16_t i=0;i<worldsize*worldsize;i++) {
+    if (getTileType(i)==TER_GOLD) golds++;
+    }
+    /** Make sure enough gold on the map **/
+    while (golds<gamelevel*GOLDMULT) {
+        setTileType(random(worldsize*worldsize-1),TER_GOLD);
+        golds++;
+    }
+void drawtile(int32_t x, int32_t y, const uint8_t* bmp) {
+    gb.display.drawBitmap(x+cx, y+cy, bmp);
+void drawhuman(uint8_t n) {
+    switch (humans[n].facing) {
+    case NE:
+        if (!humans[n].animframe) drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_nw_1,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        else drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_nw_2,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        break;
+    case SE:
+        if (!humans[n].animframe) drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_se_1,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        else drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_se_2,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        break;
+    case SW:
+        if (!humans[n].animframe) drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_se_1,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        else drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_se_2,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        break;
+    case NW:
+        if (!humans[n].animframe) drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_nw_1,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        else drawToTile(playertile,pixelman_nw_2,player.x%SUBDIVS,player.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        break;
+    default:
+        while(1) {
+            if(gb.update()) gb.display.print("ERROR!!!");
+        }
+    }
+void spawnGold(uint16_t t) {
+void drawwolf(uint8_t n) {
+    switch (werewolves[n].facing) {
+    case NE:
+        if (!werewolves[n].animframe) drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_nw_1,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        else drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_nw_2,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        break;
+    case SE:
+        if (!werewolves[n].animframe) drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_se_1,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        else drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_se_2,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        break;
+    case SW:
+        if (!werewolves[n].animframe) drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_se_1,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        else drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_se_2,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,1);
+        break;
+    case NW:
+        if (!werewolves[n].animframe) drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_nw_1,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        else drawToTile(werewolves[n].tile,werewolf_nw_2,werewolves[n].position.x%SUBDIVS,werewolves[n].position.y%SUBDIVS,0);
+        break;
+    }
+void drawworld(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
+    uint16_t i=0;
+    uint8_t tiletype;
+    int8_t tileheight;
+    int32_t scrx=x, scry=y;
+    wave+=6;
+    centertile =-1;
+    int16_t rowx = 0;
+    inHut = false;
+    bool hdrawn=false;
+    for (uint8_t iy=0;iy<worldsize;iy++,rowx-=8) {
+        scry=y+iy*4;
+        scrx=x;
+        for (uint8_t ix=0;ix<worldsize;ix++, i++, scrx+=XOFF, scry+=YOFF) {
+            if (scrx+rowx>-5*XOFF  && scry>-5*YOFF && scrx+rowx < 110+XOFF && scry < 88+ YOFF ) {
+            tiletype = getTileType(i);
+            tileheight = getTileHeight(i);
+            bool pillar=false;
+            if (tileheight>PILLARHEIGHT) pillar=true;
+            tileheight <<= GROUNDLIFT;
+            switch (tiletype) {
+            case TER_WATER:
+                //wave=xorshift8();
+                if ((wave>0x7F)) {
+                    if (ix&1) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_water1);
+                    else drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_water2);
+                } else {
+                    if (ix&1) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_water2);
+                    else drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_water1);
+                }
+                break;
+            case TER_PLAIN:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_plain);
+                break;
+            case TER_GOLD:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_gold);
+                break;
+            case TER_HUT:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-10-tileheight,ter_hut);
+                if (i==playertile) {
+                        drawToTile(i,anim_blue_flag1,2,0,0);
+                        inHut=true;
+                }
+                break;
+            case TER_BEACHSE:
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight-1,ter_beach_se);
+                break;
+            case TER_BEACHSW:
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight-1,ter_beach_sw);
+                break;
+            case TER_TREE:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-10-tileheight,ter_tree);
+                break;
+            case TER_STONE:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_stone);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_NW:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_nw);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_NE:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_ne);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_SE:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_se);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_SW:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_sw);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_W:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_w);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_E:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_e);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_S:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight-2,ter_bump_s);
+                break;
+            case TER_BUMP_N:
+                if (pillar) drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,dirt_pillar);
+                drawtile(scrx+rowx,scry-tileheight,ter_bump_n);
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+            if (scrx+rowx<45 && scrx+rowx+2*XOFF>45) {
+                if (scry-tileheight<40 && scry+tileheight+8>40) centertile=i;
+            }
+            if (i==playertile+wading && getTileType(i-wading) != TER_HUT) {drawhuman(0); hdrawn=true;}
+            else if (i==playertile && getTileType(i) != TER_HUT && hdrawn == false) drawhuman(0);
+            for (uint8_t r=0;r<(gamelevel-1)*WOLFMULT;r++) {
+                if (werewolves[r].visible) {
+                    if (i==werewolves[r].tile) drawwolf(r);
+                    if (werewolves[r].tile == playertile) {
+                            caught=true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (caught) {
+                    if (xorshift8()>0xFD) drawToTile(playertile,splatter,random(3)-1,random(3)+1,random(1));
+                    humans[0].energy--;
+                    if (humans[0].energy<0) gamestate = GAMEOVER;
+            }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+int main () {
+    gb.sound.playMusicStream("ZOMBIE.SND");
+    gb.begin();
+    gb.display.load565Palette(pokulous_pal);
+    //gb.display.load565Palette(night_palette);
+    //gb.display.bgcolor=10;
+    gb.display.clear();
+    gb.display.setColorDepth(4);
+    gb.display.bgcolor = 13;
+    gb.display.invisiblecolor = 15;
+    gb.sound.ampEnable(true);
+    gb.sound.playMusicStream();
+    uint8_t timeout=0xFF;
+    /** veriables needed in gameloop (can't initialize inside a switch case) **/
+    coords prev;
+    bool walking;
+    uint8_t newtime;
+    int tgold=0;
+    gb.display.bgcolor = 13;
+    while (gb.isRunning()) {
+        if (gb.update()) {
+        switch (gamestate) {
+    case TITLE:
+        while(!gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)&&gb.isRunning()) {
+            if (gb.update()) {
+            gb.display.drawBitmap(0,0,pixonia);
+            gb.display.setFont(fontRunes);
+            gb.display.color=9;
+            gb.display.bgcolor = gb.display.invisiblecolor;
+            gb.display.setCursor(9,74);
+            if (timeout>127) gb.display.print("Copyright 2017 Pokitto ltd");
+            else gb.display.print("     Press 'A' to Start");
+            timeout-=2;
+            srand(gb.getTime());
+            }
+        }
+        gamestate = NEXTLEVEL;
+        initworld();
+        break;
+    case NEXTLEVEL:
+        gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+        timeout = 0xf;
+        while (timeout--) gb.update();
+        while(!gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)&&gb.isRunning()) {
+        if (gb.update()) {
+            gb.display.setFont(fontRunes);
+            gb.display.setCursor(0,30);
+            gb.display.print("       Level: ");
+            gb.display.palette[6]=65312;
+            gb.display.setColor(6,3);
+            gb.display.println(gamelevel);
+            gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+            gb.display.println("      ");
+            gb.display.print("       Find ");
+            gb.display.setColor(6,3);
+            gb.display.print(gamelevel*GOLDMULT);
+            gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+            gb.display.print(" Gold");
+        }
+        }
+        gamestate=GAME;
+        break;
+    case INTRO:
+        gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+        timeout = 0xf;
+        while (timeout--) gb.update();
+        while(!gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)&&gb.isRunning()) {
+        if (gb.update()) {
+            gb.display.setFont(fontRunes);
+            gb.display.setCursor(0,30);
+            gb.display.print("       \"There's ");
+            gb.display.palette[6]=65312;
+            gb.display.setColor(6,3);
+            gb.display.println("gold");
+            gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+            gb.display.println("          on the Islands");
+            gb.display.println("              of Pixonia!\"");
+        }
+        }
+        gamestate=GAME;
+        break;
+    case LEVELPASSED:
+        gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+        timeout = 0xf;
+        while (timeout--) gb.update();
+        while(!gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)&&gb.isRunning()) {
+        if (gb.update()) {
+            gb.display.setFont(fontRunes);
+            gb.display.setCursor(0,30);
+            gb.display.print("       You made it! ");
+            gb.display.palette[6]=65312;
+            gb.display.setColor(6,3);
+            //gb.display.println(gamelevel);
+            gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+            gb.display.println("      ");
+            gb.display.print("       Found ");
+            gb.display.setColor(6,3);
+            gb.display.print(gamelevel*GOLDMULT);
+            gb.display.setColor(9,3);
+            gb.display.print(" Gold");
+        }
+        }
+        gamelevel++;
+        gamestate=NEXTLEVEL;
+        initworld();
+        break;
+    case GAME:
+        wolvestick = 1 - wolvestick;
+        watertick = 1 - watertick;
+        newtime = timeofday>>8;
+        if (oldtime > newtime) oldtime=0; // prevent "flash" when timer spins around
+        if (oldtime < newtime) {
+            oldtime = newtime;
+            if (oldtime<127) tweenfactor +=2;
+            else {
+                    tweenfactor -= 2;
+            }
+            if (oldtime>150) {
+                monsterdrain =4;
+            } else monsterdrain =1;
+            if (tweenfactor>253) tweenfactor =253;
+            if (tweenfactor<2) tweenfactor = 2;
+            gb.display.tweenPalette(gb.display.palette,pokulous_pal,night_palette,tweenfactor);
+            if (oldtime>MONSTERMORNING && oldtime<MONSTERNIGHT && xorshift16()>0xFFFF-WOLFPROB) {
+                    spawnWolf();
+                    gb.display.palette[6]=gb.display.palette[6]<<1; // make gold brighter during night
+                    if (xorshift8()>0xff-GLIMMERPROB) gb.display.palette[6]=65312; //gold is shining
+            }
+            #ifndef POK_SIM
+            //Pokitto::setBacklight(POK_BACKLIGHT_INITIALVALUE*tweenfactor/255);
+            #endif
+        }
+        if (focusing) focusOnTile(focustile);
+        walking=false;
+        prev = player;
+        prevtile = playertile;
+        uint8_t inc;
+        if (wading!=1) inc=watertick;
+        else inc=1;
+        if (caught) inc=0; // we got caught, can't move anymore
+        if (gb.buttons.downBtn() && !gb.buttons.aBtn()) {if (player.x < (worldsize-1)*SUBDIVS) player.x+=inc;humans[0].animframe = 1 - humans[0].animframe;humans[0].facing = SE;}
+        if (gb.buttons.rightBtn() && !gb.buttons.aBtn()) {if (player.y>0) player.y-=inc;humans[0].animframe = 1 - humans[0].animframe;humans[0].facing = NE;}
+        if (gb.buttons.leftBtn() && !gb.buttons.aBtn()) {if (player.y < (worldsize-1)*SUBDIVS) player.y+=inc;humans[0].animframe = 1 - humans[0].animframe;humans[0].facing = SW;}
+        if (gb.buttons.upBtn() && !gb.buttons.aBtn()) {if (player.x>0) player.x-=inc; humans[0].animframe = 1 - humans[0].animframe; humans[0].facing = NW;}
+        /** scroll world **/
+        coords t;
+        t = worldToScreen(player.x,player.y);
+        if (!focusing) {
+        int16_t owx=wx, owy=wy;
+        uint8_t slower=0;
+        if (t.x>0 && t.x<110 && t.y>0 && t.y<88) {
+           slower = 4;
+           //if (t.x<20 || t.x>90 || t.y<15 || t.y>65) slower =3;
+        }
+        if (t.x<40) {wy-=0;wx+=XSPEED>>slower;}
+        if (t.y<40) {wy+=YSPEED>>slower;wx+=0;}
+        if (t.x>70) {wy+=0;wx-=XSPEED>>slower;}
+        if (t.y>50) {wy-=YSPEED>>slower;wx-=0;}
+        if (centertile > worldsize*worldsize) {centertile=oldcenter; wx=owx; wy=owy;}
+        }
+        playertile = worldToTile(player.x,player.y);
+        if (getTileType(playertile)==TER_WATER) wading=-1;
+        else wading = 1;
+        if (playertile != prevtile && canMoveTo(playertile)==false) {
+                player=prev;
+                playertile= prevtile;
+        } else {
+                oldplayercount++;
+                if (oldplayercount==6) {
+                    /*for creature chase ai */
+                    oldplayer=player;
+                    oldplayercount=0;
+                }
+        }
+        //if (gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) {initworld();}
+        if (gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)) {
+                uint16_t tile = getFacingTile(playertile, humans[0].facing);
+                int8_t z = getTileHeight(tile);
+                if (z==0) setTileType(tile,TER_PLAIN);
+                z++;
+                if (z>7) z=7;
+                setTileHeight(tile,z);
+                setSlopeAutomatic(tile);
+        }
+        if (gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_B)) {
+            uint16_t t = getFacingTile(playertile, humans[0].facing);
+            int8_t z = getTileHeight(t);
+            uint8_t k = getTileType(t);
+            if (getTileType(t)!=TER_HUT) z--;
+            if (z<0) z=0;
+            if (z<getTileHeight(playertile)-1 || z==0) {
+                         if (k==TER_GOLD) {
+                    playergolds++;
+                    if (playergolds==gamelevel*GOLDMULT) {
+                        gamestate=LEVELPASSED;
+                    }
+                    spawnGold(t);
+            }
+                if (k < 5 || k > 12) setTileType(t,TER_PLAIN);
+            }
+            if (z==0) setTileType(t,TER_WATER);
+            setTileHeight(t,z);
+            setSlopeAutomatic(t);
+        }
+        moveWolves();
+        drawworld(wx,wy);
+        oldcenter = centertile;
+        gb.display.drawBitmap(1,1,gold);
+        gb.display.setCursor(10,0);
+        gb.display.setColor(9,gb.display.invisiblecolor);
+        timeofday += TIMEINCREMENT;
+        if (inHut) timeofday += 7*TIMEINCREMENT;
+        gb.display.print(playergolds);
+        gb.display.print("/");
+        gb.display.println(gamelevel*GOLDMULT);
+        gb.display.bgcolor = 13;
+        #ifdef DEBUG
+        gb.display.bgcolor = 9;
+        gb.display.println(numwolves);
+        gb.display.print(werewolves[0].position.x);gb.display.print(",");gb.display.println(werewolves[0].position.y);
+        gb.display.print(werewolves[0].tile);
+        switch (werewolves[0].ai) {
+        case HOMING:
+            gb.display.println("HOMING");break;
+        case CHASE:
+            gb.display.println("CHASE");break;
+        case INTERCEPT:
+            gb.display.println("ITERC");break;
+        case GOTO:
+            gb.display.println("GOTO");break;
+        case TURNCW:
+            gb.display.println("TURNCW");break;
+        }
+        gb.display.print(player.x);gb.display.print(",");gb.display.println(player.y);
+        gb.display.println(timeofday>>8);
+        #endif // DEBUG
+        break;
+    case GAMEOVER:
+        timeout = 0xf;
+        while (timeout--) gb.update();
+        while(!gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)&&gb.isRunning()) {
+        if (gb.update()) {
+            gb.display.setFont(fontRunes);
+            gb.display.setCursor(0,20);
+            gb.display.setColor(14,0);
+            gb.display.println("          GAME OVER ");gb.display.println("");
+            gb.display.setColor(9);
+            gb.display.println("        Player got eaten ");
+            gb.display.println("          by the Beast!   ");
+            gb.display.println("");
+            gb.display.setColor(6);
+            gb.display.palette[6]=65312;
+              gb.display.print("       Gold collected: ");
+            gb.display.print((uint16_t)float(playergolds*100/(gamelevel*GOLDMULT)));
+            gb.display.println("%");
+        }
+        }
+        despawnAllWolves();
+        wx=-8,wy=0,cx=10,cy=10;
+        prevtile=0, playertile=0, focustile=0, centertile=0,oldcenter, tween_palette[16], golds=0, playergolds=0;
+        timeofday=0; //value>>8 0 is full daytime, 127 is full nightwave=0, oldtime=0,wolvestick=0,watertick=0;
+        wading=1;
+        focusing=false;
+        inHut = false;
+        tweenfactor=0,numwolves=0;
+        gamelevel=1;
+        initworld();
+        gamestate=TITLE;
+        break;
+        }
+        }
+    }