Dependents of libmDot
A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

program to test receiving packets from the gateway

ADC Sensor LoRa Demo

mDot EVB to M2X demo.

mDot + SparkFun Moisture Sensor


drives the mdot used for bob demo

mDot source code for the "sensor" mDot in this demo:

mDot source code for the "fan" mDot in this demo:

added sleep mode

wotio library demonstrating LoRaWAN connectivity using MultiTech mDot & MultiTech Conduit Gateway

Testing basic mdot with external Interrupt

a Hello world to connect to The Things Network

Temperature reading demo

Demo of a weather station sending temperature and humidity values over LORA to TTN.

JLC test

Ag demo with soil moisture

Training Class with ROHM Sensor Board and LoRa mDot

mDot processor with ROHM sensor board on UDK2.

MultiTech mDot Test Application for LoRaWAN Cloud service

Modified Connect Example showing how to set the APP-EUI and APP-KEY

Manual ABPA join example for mDot

Modified Connect Example showing how to set the APP-EUI and APP-KEY

Start project of The Things Network workshop with the MultiTech mDot

