
Dependents of MTS-Serial

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

AT Command Set mDot firmware with updated libmDot, to fix endian problem with joining LoRaWAN network Lora, mdot, multitech
Complete library supporting MultiConnect Dragonfly and SocketModem Arduino Shield devices. Cellular, Dragonfly, http, https, MTSAS, multitech, SMS, TCP, UDP
Fix for UIP read of DLE escape character.
MTDOT-EVB link check code for site survey mdot, MTDOT-EVB, multitech, site, survey
reverted HTTPCLient debug back to defaulted off
To read a light sensor
To read a tipping spoon rain guage
To measure temperature from DHT11 temp and RH sensor.
This reads a thermistor bead using mDot module
Reference AT Command Application for MultiTech MDOT. AT Commands can be issued on the DIN, DOUT pins that are connected to the DB9 port provided on the UDK development board. … Lora, mdot, multitech
This mDot firmware will allow USB to directly utilize AT command without the need the use of RS232 DB9 port.
few changes for RTS/CTS control
Complete library supporting MultiConnect Dragonfly and SocketModem Arduino Shield devices. + Bugfixes Cellular, Dragonfly, http, https, MTSAS, multitech, SMS, TCP, UDP
Demonstration for connecting Multitech mDot/mDotbox to the Telit devicewise platform.
Provide working example for LoRa 'Sensor-to-Cloud' demonstration using MultiTech LoRa Starter Kit and Telit Data and Cloud Platform Services Offerings
mDot AT-Firmware for testing
No Description
Cat 1 at&t module detection
Custom "Installer Assistant" software. Modified Single Sweep Mode. Goes right into single sweep mode upon power-up and displays signal strength. Works with mbed-os 5.1.2 and mdot lib 5.1.5
AT terminal for the mDot using the USB debug port instead of the serial port.
AT command interface for mdot forced to asia interfaces
Multitech xDot AT Firmware xDot
Factory firmware for the MultiTech Dotbox (MTDOT-BOX) and EVB (MTDOT-EVB) products. dotbox, evb, Lora, mdot, multitech
A simple program that connects to University of Queensland's Lora network and requests a joke, then prints the joke to usb serial.