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Common application error handler

Common application error handler

Common application error handler. More...


__WEAK void app_error_handler (uint32_t error_code, uint32_t line_num, const uint8_t *p_file_name)
 Function for error handling, which is called when an error has occurred.

Detailed Description

Common application error handler.

Common application error handler and macros for utilizing a common error handler.

Function Documentation

__WEAK void app_error_handler ( uint32_t  error_code,
uint32_t  line_num,
const uint8_t *  p_file_name 

Function for error handling, which is called when an error has occurred.

This handler is an example only and does not fit a final product. You need to analyze how your product is supposed to react in case of error.
[in]error_codeError code supplied to the handler.
[in]line_numLine number where the handler is called.
[in]p_file_namePointer to the file name.

Function is implemented as weak so that it can be overwritten by custom application error handler when needed.

[in]error_codeError code supplied to the handler.
[in]line_numLine number where the handler is called.
[in]p_file_namePointer to the file name.

Definition at line 49 of file app_error.c.