version 1.0

Dependencies:   CMSIS_DSP_401 GPS MPU9150_DMP PID QuaternionMath Servo mbed

Fork of SolarOnFoils_MainModule_20150518 by Dannis Brugman

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/menu.cpp	Tue Jun 23 13:55:28 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "string.h"
+// Contructor
+Menu::Menu() : 
+           uiCounter(0),
+           bError(0)           
+        {
+            init();
+        };
+extern SystemVar svSoF;
+extern Serial debug;
+// init                                                                             //
+void Menu::init(void)
+    memset (cTextLine1,' ',16);
+    memset (cTextLine2,' ',16);
+// set's                                                                            //
+// get's                                                                            //
+char* Menu::getLine1(void)
+     static char* pLine1;
+     pLine1 = cTextLine1;
+     return pLine1;
+char* Menu::getLine2(void)
+     static char* pLine2;
+     pLine2 = cTextLine2;
+     return pLine2;
+// other                                                                            //
+void Menu::vFillString2(void)
+    int i;
+    int length = strlen(cTextLine2);
+    for (i=length; i < 16; i++) strcat(cTextLine2," ");
+// show screens                                                                     //
+void Menu::cShowScreen(SCREEN_t s)
+    screen = s;
+    uiCounter = rand()% 100 + 1;
+    switch(screen)
+    {
+        case _INIT:             strcpy(cTextLine1," Solar on Foils ");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"   Initialize   "); break;
+        case _STANDBY:          strcpy(cTextLine1,"STANDBY");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2," Solar on Foils "); break;
+        case _ACTIVE:           strcpy(cTextLine1,"ACTIVE");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2," Solar on Foils "); break;
+        case _FOILBORNE:        strcpy(cTextLine1,"FOILBORNE");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2," Solar on Foils "); break;
+        case _CANINIT:          strcpy(cTextLine1,"CAN INITIALIZE");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2," Solar on Foils "); break;
+        case _CANOK:            strcpy(cTextLine2,"System OK       "); break;
+        case _CANID101OK:       strcpy(cTextLine1,"    PORT FOIL   "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"     CAN OK     "); break;
+        case _CANID102OK:       strcpy(cTextLine1,"   STARB FOIL   "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"     CAN OK     "); break;
+        case _CANID201OK:       strcpy(cTextLine1,"   PORT HEIGHT  "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"     CAN OK     "); break;
+        case _CANID202OK:       strcpy(cTextLine1,"  STARB HEIGHT  "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"     CAN OK     "); break;
+        case _CANID205OK:       strcpy(cTextLine1,"    GYRO/GPS    "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"     CAN OK     "); break;
+        case _CANID1001OK:      strcpy(cTextLine1,"    EXTERN UI   "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"     CAN OK     "); break;
+        case _CANID101FAIL:     strcpy(cTextLine1,"    PORT FOIL   "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"    CAN FAIL    "); break;
+        case _CANID102FAIL:     strcpy(cTextLine1,"   STARB FOIL   "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"    CAN FAIL    "); break;
+        case _CANID201FAIL:     strcpy(cTextLine1,"   PORT HEIGHT  "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"    CAN FAIL    "); break;
+        case _CANID202FAIL:     strcpy(cTextLine1,"  STARB HEIGHT  "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"    CAN FAIL    "); break;
+        case _CANID205FAIL:     strcpy(cTextLine1,"    GYRO/GPS    "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"    CAN FAIL    "); break;
+        case _CANID1001FAIL:    strcpy(cTextLine1,"    EXTERN UI   "); 
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"    CAN FAIL    "); break;
+        case _CANFAIL:          strcpy(cTextLine2,"   System FAIL  "); break;
+        case _CANNORESPONSE:    strcpy(cTextLine2," No CAN responce"); break;
+        case _PULSE_IS:         strcpy(cTextLine1,"Pulse is:       ");
+//                                char *intStr = itoa(uiCounter);
+                                //string str = string(intStr); 
+//                                strcpy(cTextLine2, intStr);  // about to test
+        break;
+        case _IMUREADY:         strcpy(cTextLine1,"MPU9150 is ready"); break; 
+        case _IMUFAIL:          strcpy(cTextLine1,"MPU9150init fail"); break;  
+        case _ROLLTEST:         svSoF.cShowValue(_ROLL);
+                                strcpy(cTextLine1," Confirm to end ");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"Roll: ");
+                                if(svSoF.iGetRollPolarity()!= 0) strcat(cTextLine2,"+");
+                                else strcat(cTextLine2,"-");
+                                strcat(cTextLine2, svSoF.getValue());
+                                strcat(cTextLine2,"\xDF"); 
+                                vFillString2(); break;  
+        case _PITCHTEST:        svSoF.cShowValue(_PITCH);
+                                strcpy(cTextLine1," Confirm to end ");
+                                strcpy(cTextLine2,"Pitch:");
+                                if(svSoF.iGetPitchPolarity()!= 0) strcat(cTextLine2,"+");
+                                else strcat(cTextLine2,"-");
+                                strcat(cTextLine2, svSoF.getValue());
+                                strcat(cTextLine2,"\xDF"); 
+                                vFillString2(); break;                                     
+    }   // End switch case
+    //debug.printf("strlen %i\t", strlen(cTextLine2)); // debug stringlength 
+    if(strlen(cTextLine1) > 18) strcpy(cTextLine1," Line overflow  ");
+    if(strlen(cTextLine2) > 18) strcpy(cTextLine2," Line overflow  ");
+                                // \xDF for degree sign.