Modification du la bibliothèque de base
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Fork of Encoder_Nucleo_16_bits by
Revision | Date | Who | Commit message |
3:6eeee6a11f47 | 2018-05-21 | haarkon | Library made by someone else (working fine => untouched) |
2:916d277f09a1 | 2017-06-04 | haarkon | Same as original without debugging Printf |
1:e82009479b5c | 2016-05-26 | kkoichy | V1.1 :; - Added one constructor with only one parameter |
0:ebd170807e11 | 2016-05-22 | kkoichy | V1.0 :; - Objet Encoder_Nucleo_16_bits created, allowing 32bits encoder counting operation, based on a software 32bits counter, using a 16bits TIM with interrupt.; Based on the work of David Lowe |