
Dependencies:   LCD4884 MFRC522 eeprom mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
Commit message:
15A-ClassProject-Final pae-za-leng

Changed in this revision

LCD4884.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MFRC522.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
eeprom.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LCD4884.lib	Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MFRC522.lib	Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eeprom.lib	Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+/*#include "mbed.h"
+// Hyperterminal configuration
+// 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+int main() {
+  int i = 1;
+  pc.printf("Hello World !\n");
+  while(1) {
+      wait(1);
+      pc.printf("This program runs since %d seconds.\n", i++);
+      myled = !myled;
+  }
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MFRC522.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+#include "LCD4884.h"
+//KL25Z Pins for MFRC522 SPI interface
+#define SPI_MOSI    PB_15
+#define SPI_MISO    PB_14
+#define SPI_CLK    PB_13
+#define SPI_CS      PB_12
+// KL25Z Pin for MFRC522 reset
+#define MF_RESET    PH_1
+// KL25Z Pins for Debug UART port
+#define UART_RX     D0
+#define UART_TX     D1
+Serial device(D8,D2);
+DigitalIn plusbutton(PA_11);
+DigitalIn minusbutton(PA_12);
+uint16_t command[7];
+uint16_t re_command[7];
+uint16_t ch;
+int color ,clear ;
+char random[4][4]={"x0","x1","x2","x3"};
+int num_random[4] ;
+int highb , lowb ; //Send Number of Bottle
+int total ;
+int t_score ;
+Serial     pc(SERIAL_TX,SERIAL_RX);
+EEPROM     memory(D14,D15,0);
+AnalogIn LDR(PC_3);
+DigitalOut red(PA_1);
+DigitalOut green(PA_4);
+DigitalOut blue(PB_0);
+DigitalIn limitsw(PC_9);
+DigitalOut redled(D10);
+DigitalOut greenled(D9);
+DigitalIn rightbutton(D11);
+DigitalIn leftbutton(D12);
+DigitalOut ln1(PA_13);
+DigitalOut ln2(PA_14);
+DigitalOut Ena(PC_8);
+DigitalIn limitright(PC_10);
+DigitalIn limitcenter(PC_12);
+DigitalIn limitleft(PC_11);
+LCD4884 lcd;
+Timer t ;
+Timer t2 ;
+Timer t3 ;
+int16_t recieve ;
+int check;
+int counttran = 0  , countcolor = 0 ;
+float valuered,valueblue,valuegreen;
+//MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;
+class USER
+    char Name[20] ;
+    char Surname[20] ;
+    char StudentID[11] ;
+    uint16_t point;
+    int place ;
+    USER(char name[],char surname[],char id[],int p) {
+        for(int i=0; name[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            Name[i] = name[i];
+        }
+        for(int i=0; surname[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            Surname[i] =surname[i];
+        }
+        for(int i=0; id[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            StudentID[i] =id[i];
+        }
+        place = p ;
+        memory.read(place,recieve);
+        wait_ms(2);
+        point = recieve ;
+    }
+    int getPoint() {
+        memory.read(place,recieve);
+        wait_ms(2);
+        point = recieve ;
+        return point ;
+    }
+    void UpdatePoint(int16_t s) {
+        memory.read(place,recieve);
+        point = recieve ;
+        s = point + s;
+        point = s ;
+        memory.write(place,(uint16_t)s);
+        wait_ms(2);
+    }
+    void SetPoint() {
+        memory.write(place,NULL);
+        wait_ms(2);
+    }
+void reverse(char *s)
+    char *j;
+    int c;
+    j = s + strlen(s) - 1;
+    while(s < j) {
+        c = *s;
+        *s++ = *j;
+        *j-- = c;
+    }
+void itoa(int n, char s[])
+    int i, sign;
+    if ((sign = n) < 0)  /* record sign */
+        n = -n;          /* make n positive */
+    i = 0;
+    do {       /* generate digits in reverse order */
+        s[i++] = n % 10 + '0';   /* get next digit */
+    } while ((n /= 10) > 0);     /* delete it */
+    if (sign < 0)
+        s[i++] = '-';
+    s[i] = '\0';
+    reverse(s);
+void ShowUser(USER user)
+    char Sur[2] ;
+    Sur[0] = user.Surname[0];
+    Sur[1] = '.';
+    char buff[50] ;
+    itoa(user.point,buff);
+    lcd.LCD_clear();
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,user.Name,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(55,0,Sur,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,user.StudentID,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"Point : ",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(44,3,buff,0); //buff=point
+void motor()
+void colorsensor(int &colors,int &clears)
+    char buff[40] ;
+    char buff2[40] ;
+    red = 1;
+    blue = 1;
+    green = 1 ;
+    redled = 0 ;
+    greenled = 1 ;
+    //1=low 0=high
+    // GREEN
+    if(limitsw == 1) {
+        sprintf(buff,"Clear: %d x2",counttran);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,buff,0);
+        sprintf(buff2,"Color: %d x1",countcolor);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,buff2,0);
+        t2.reset();    //30sec
+        redled = 1 ;
+        greenled = 0 ;
+        //GReen
+        red = 1;
+        blue = 1;
+        green = 0 ;
+        wait(1);
+        valuegreen = LDR.read();
+        valuegreen = valuegreen*10000;
+        // BLUE
+        red = 1;
+        blue = 0;
+        green = 1 ;
+        wait(1);
+        valueblue = LDR.read();
+        valueblue = valueblue*10000;
+        // RED
+        red = 0;
+        blue = 1 ;
+        green = 1 ;
+        wait(1);
+        valuered = LDR.read();
+        valuered = valuered*10000;
+        pc.printf("%d %d %d\n",limitleft.read(),limitright.read(),limitcenter.read());
+        pc.printf(" G = %f\n B = %f\nR = %f\n",valuegreen,valueblue,valuered);
+        wait(1);
+        if(valuegreen >= valuered && valuegreen >= valueblue  && (valuered+valueblue)<=valuegreen ||valueblue >= valuered || valueblue >= valuegreen )
+            { 
+                    pc.printf("\n color\n");
+                    countcolor++ ;
+                     sprintf(buff2,"Color: %d x1",countcolor);
+                     lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,buff2,0);
+               do{
+                ln1 = 0 ; // ทวนเข็ม
+                ln2 = 1 ;
+                Ena = 1 ;
+                }while(limitleft == 0 );
+                pc.printf("checklimitleft");
+                ln1 = 1 ;
+                ln2 = 0 ;
+                Ena = 1 ;
+                wait(1.5); 
+                ln1 = 0 ;
+                ln2 = 0 ;
+                Ena = 0 ; 
+                pc.printf("color bottle\n %d",countcolor);
+            }
+            else 
+            { 
+                   if(valuegreen >300 ||valuegreen-valueblue > 80 || valueblue-valuegreen > 100 && valuered -((valuegreen+valueblue)/2)<170)
+                   {
+                       pc.printf("\ncolor\n");
+                    countcolor++ ;
+                     sprintf(buff2,"Color: %d x1",countcolor);
+                     lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,buff2,0);
+                   do{
+                    ln1 = 0 ; // ทวนเข็ม
+                    ln2 = 1 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ;
+                     }while(limitleft == 0 );
+                    pc.printf("checklimitleft2");
+                    ln1 = 1 ;
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ;
+                    wait(1.5); 
+                    ln1 = 0 ;
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 0 ; 
+                    pc.printf("color bottle\n %d",countcolor);
+                    }
+                   else if(valuegreen <300 ||valuegreen-valueblue < 80 || valueblue-valuegreen < 100 && valuered -((valuegreen+valueblue)/2)>170)
+                   {
+                    pc.printf("\nclear\n");}
+                    counttran++ ;
+                    sprintf(buff,"Clear: %d x2",counttran);
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,buff,0);
+                     do{
+                    ln1 = 1 ; //ตามเข็ม
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ; 
+                    }while(limitright == 0 );
+                    pc.printf("checklimitright");
+                    ln1 = 0 ;
+                    ln2 = 1 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ;
+                    wait(1.5); 
+                    ln1 = 0 ;
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 0 ; 
+                    pc.printf("transparent bottle\n %d ",counttran);
+                    }         
+        }
+        int total ;
+            total = countcolor + (counttran * 2);
+            colors = countcolor ;
+            clears = counttran ;
+            sprintf(buff2,"total: %d ",total);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,buff2,0);
+        red = 1;
+        blue = 1;
+        green = 1 ;
+        while(limitsw == 1) {
+        }
+        t2.reset();
+    }
+USER Jettanan("Jettanan","Homchanthanakul","57340500015",1);
+USER Nutthaya("Nutthaya","Hankla","57340500025",5);
+USER Kanokwan("Kanokwan","Toncheingsai","57340500001",9);
+char welcome[40] = {"Welcome to pae-za-leng"};
+char please[40] = {"please touch your card"};
+char selectstart[20] = {"start"};
+char selectcancel[20] = {"cancel"};
+int main()
+    int check =0 ;
+    red = 1;
+    blue = 1;
+    green = 1 ;
+    uint8_t data,card[4]= {0};
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(1000);
+    RFID.PCD_Reset();
+    wait(1.0);
+    RFID.PCD_Init();
+    lcd.LCD_init();
+    lcd.backlight(OFF);
+    while(1) {//e
+        counttran = 0;
+        countcolor = 0;
+        lcd.backlight(ON);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,welcome,0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,please,0);
+        // Look for new cards // Select one of the cards
+        if ( ! RFID.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() || ! RFID.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Print Card UID
+        pc.printf("Card UID: ");
+        for(int i=0; card[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            card[i] = 0;
+        }
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; RFID.uid.uidByte[i]!= '\0' ; i++) {
+            card[i] = data = RFID.uid.uidByte[i] ;
+            pc.printf(" %d",data);
+        }
+        //////data card\\\\\\\
+        if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            pc.printf("\n Name : Jettanan H. \n Student's ID : 57340500015 \n point : %d ",Jettanan.getPoint());
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            pc.printf("\n Name : Nutthaya H. \n Student's ID : 57340500025 \n point : %d ",Nutthaya.getPoint());
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            pc.printf("\n Name : Kanokwan T. \n Student's ID : 57340500001 \n point : %d ",Kanokwan.getPoint());
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(55,5,selectstart,1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,selectcancel,1);
+        pc.printf("\n\r");
+        t.start();
+        t.reset();
+        while(t.read_ms()<10000) {
+            //5
+            if( rightbutton == 1 && leftbutton == 0) {
+                //2
+                greenled = 1;
+                while(rightbutton ==1)
+                    {wait(0.1);}
+                wait(0.5);
+                lcd.LCD_clear();
+                t2.start();
+                t2.reset();
+                lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"insert bottle",0);
+                //lcd.LCD_clear();
+                while(t2.read_ms()<30000) {
+                    //1
+                    check = 1 ;
+                    color = 0;
+                    clear = 0;
+                    colorsensor(color,clear);
+                    t3.start();
+                    t3.reset();
+                    while(t3.read_ms()<500) {
+                        lcd.LCD_write_string(44,5,"Submit",1);
+                        if(rightbutton == 1) {
+                            while(rightbutton ==1)
+                                {wait(0.1);}
+                            wait(0.5);
+                            goto LAND ;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(44,5,"      ",0);
+                    greenled = 0 ;
+                }//1
+            }//2
+            else if(leftbutton == 1){break;}
+        }//5
+        while(rightbutton ==1)
+            {wait(0.1);}
+        wait(0.5);
+        lcd.LCD_clear();
+        while(check == 1) {
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(10,0,"Do you want",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(14,1,"to play a",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(20,3,"GAME ?",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(5,5,"No",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(40,5,"Yes",0);
+            if(rightbutton == 1 && leftbutton == 0) {
+            //3
+            while(rightbutton ==1)
+                {wait(0.1);}
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"join the GAME!",0);
+            wait(1);
+            /*Extend*/
+             lcd.backlight(ON);
+             lcd.LCD_init();
+                total = countcolor + (counttran*2);
+                color = countcolor ;
+                clear = counttran ;
+                highb = color/256 ;
+                lowb = color - (highb*256);
+                command[3] = lowb ;
+                command[2] = highb ;
+                highb = clear/256 ;
+                lowb = clear - (highb*256);
+                command[5] = lowb ;
+                command[4] = highb ;
+                command[0] = 0x42 ;
+                command[1] = 0x52 ;
+                command[6] = 0x4D ;
+                 for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+                {
+                     wait(0.1);
+                     device.putc(command[i]); 
+                    pc.printf("%x\n",command[i]);
+                }
+                //After allow to play game
+                if(total<=1)
+                {
+                    lcd.LCD_clear();
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,"Sorry you don't",0);
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"have any point",0);
+                    wait(3);
+                    uint16_t sim ;
+                    sim = total ;
+                    if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(sim);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(sim);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(sim);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        wait(3);
+                    goto EXIT;    
+                }
+  int totalsim;
+  uint16_t credits;
+  totalsim = total;
+  credits = 0;
+  pc.printf("Game mode");
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+  while(1)//select credits
+  {
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"total P :",0);
+   lcd.LCD_write_string(10,1,"credits :",0);
+   lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"2 Point = 1 Credits",0);
+    char buff[4];
+    sprintf(buff,"%d",totalsim);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(67,0,buff,0);
+    char buff2[4];
+    sprintf(buff2,"%d",credits);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(67,1,buff2,1);
+    if(plusbutton ==1)
+    {
+      while(plusbutton==1)
+      {wait(0.2);}
+      if((totalsim-2)>=0)
+      {
+        credits = credits +1 ;
+        totalsim = totalsim - 2;
+        pc.printf("credits + 1");
+        lcd.LCD_clear();   
+      }  
+    }
+    if(minusbutton ==1)
+    {
+       while(minusbutton==1)
+      {wait(0.2);} 
+      if((credits-1)>=0)
+      {
+        credits = credits - 1 ;
+        totalsim = totalsim + 2;
+        pc.printf("credits - 1");
+        lcd.LCD_clear();     
+      }
+    }
+    if(leftbutton ==1)
+    {
+        uint16_t pointsim ;
+        pointsim = total ;
+        if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(pointsim);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("point sim = %d\n",pointsim);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(pointsim);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("point sim = %d\n",pointsim);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(pointsim);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("point sim = %d\n",pointsim);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        wait(3);
+        pc.printf("left");  
+        goto LEFT ;    
+    }
+    if(rightbutton ==1)
+    {
+        if(credits ==0)
+        {
+            pc.printf("continue");
+            continue;    
+        }
+        else if(credits >=1)
+        {
+            command[0]=0x42;
+            command[1]=0x50;
+            command[2]=0x00;
+            command[3]=0x00;
+            command[4]=0x00;
+            command[5]=credits;
+            command[6]=0x4D;
+            for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+            {
+                wait(0.1);
+                device.putc(command[i]); 
+                pc.printf("%x\n",command[i]);
+            }
+            uint16_t simm ;
+            simm = total-(credits*2) ;
+        if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(simm);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(simm);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(simm);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }      
+            pc.printf("left");
+            break;    
+        }    
+    }
+  }//select credits
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+  for(int w=0;w<credits;w++)
+  {
+    lcd.LCD_clear();
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"Credits:",0);
+    char buff[4];
+    sprintf(buff,"%d",credits-w);
+    for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+    {
+        re_command[i]=device.getc();
+        pc.printf("%x\n",re_command[i]);    
+    }
+    if(re_command[0]==0x42 && re_command[1]==0x45 && re_command[6]==0x4D)
+    {
+        pc.printf("command not found");
+        break;    
+    }
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(46,0,buff,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,0,"1 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,0,"??",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,1,"2 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,1,"??",0);  
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,2,"3 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,2,"??",0);  
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,3,"4 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,3,"??",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,"Pick up ball",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,"Dropto Gripper",0);
+    ch = device.getc();
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,"            ",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,"              ",0);  
+    ch = device.getc();
+    if(ch == 0x53)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,0,"1 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,0,random[re_command[2]],0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,1,"2 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,1,random[re_command[3]],0);  
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,2,"3 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,2,random[re_command[4]],0);  
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,3,"4 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,3,random[re_command[5]],0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,"            ",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,"              ",0);  
+        pc.printf("Start");            
+    }
+    ch = device.getc();
+    char checkc[4];
+    //char random[4][4]={"x0","x1","x2","x3"};
+    if(ch == 1)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,0,"1 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,0,random[re_command[2]],1);
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[2]]) ;
+    }
+    else if(ch == 2)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,1,"2 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,1,random[re_command[3]],1); 
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[3]]) ;  
+    }
+    else if(ch == 3)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,2,"3 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,2,random[re_command[4]],1);  
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[4]]) ;  
+    }
+    else if(ch == 4)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,3,"4 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,3,random[re_command[5]],1);  
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[5]]) ;
+    }
+    if(checkc[1] == '0')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+0;
+        pc.printf("t_t");            
+    }
+    else if(checkc[1] == '1')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+2;
+        pc.printf("t_t");             
+    }
+    else if(checkc[1] == '2')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+4;
+        pc.printf("t_t");             
+    }
+    else if(checkc[1] == '3')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+6;
+        pc.printf("t_t");             
+    }
+    uint16_t gg;
+    gg = device.getc();             
+  }
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+  lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"Total Score :",0);
+  char buff3[6];
+  sprintf(buff3,"%d",t_score);
+  lcd.LCD_write_string(0,1,buff3,1);
+  LEFT :
+  if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(t_score);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(t_score);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(t_score);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+  wait(3);
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+            /*End Extend*/
+            EXIT :
+            lcd.LCD_clear();
+            break;
+        }//3
+        else if(leftbutton == 1) {
+            //4
+            while(leftbutton ==1)
+                {wait(0.1);}
+                total = countcolor + (counttran*2);
+                color = countcolor ;
+                clear = counttran ;
+                highb = color/256 ;
+                lowb = color - (highb*256);
+                command[3] = lowb ;
+                command[2] = highb ;
+                highb = clear/256 ;
+                lowb = clear - (highb*256);
+                command[5] = lowb ;
+                command[4] = highb ;
+                command[0] = 0x42 ;
+                command[1] = 0x52 ;
+                command[6] = 0x4D ;
+                 for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+                {
+                     wait(0.1);
+                     device.putc(command[i]); 
+                    pc.printf("%x\n",command[i]);
+                }
+                uint16_t sim2 ;
+                sim2 = total;
+             if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(sim2);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(sim2);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(sim2);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        wait(3);   
+            card[0] = 0;
+            card[1] = 0;
+            card[2] = 0;
+            card[3] = 0;
+            lcd.LCD_clear();
+            break;
+        }//4
+        }
+        lcd.LCD_clear();
+        check = 0;
+    }//e
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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