
Dependencies:   LCD4884 MFRC522 eeprom mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 09 06:36:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+/*#include "mbed.h"
+// Hyperterminal configuration
+// 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+int main() {
+  int i = 1;
+  pc.printf("Hello World !\n");
+  while(1) {
+      wait(1);
+      pc.printf("This program runs since %d seconds.\n", i++);
+      myled = !myled;
+  }
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MFRC522.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+#include "LCD4884.h"
+//KL25Z Pins for MFRC522 SPI interface
+#define SPI_MOSI    PB_15
+#define SPI_MISO    PB_14
+#define SPI_CLK    PB_13
+#define SPI_CS      PB_12
+// KL25Z Pin for MFRC522 reset
+#define MF_RESET    PH_1
+// KL25Z Pins for Debug UART port
+#define UART_RX     D0
+#define UART_TX     D1
+Serial device(D8,D2);
+DigitalIn plusbutton(PA_11);
+DigitalIn minusbutton(PA_12);
+uint16_t command[7];
+uint16_t re_command[7];
+uint16_t ch;
+int color ,clear ;
+char random[4][4]={"x0","x1","x2","x3"};
+int num_random[4] ;
+int highb , lowb ; //Send Number of Bottle
+int total ;
+int t_score ;
+Serial     pc(SERIAL_TX,SERIAL_RX);
+EEPROM     memory(D14,D15,0);
+AnalogIn LDR(PC_3);
+DigitalOut red(PA_1);
+DigitalOut green(PA_4);
+DigitalOut blue(PB_0);
+DigitalIn limitsw(PC_9);
+DigitalOut redled(D10);
+DigitalOut greenled(D9);
+DigitalIn rightbutton(D11);
+DigitalIn leftbutton(D12);
+DigitalOut ln1(PA_13);
+DigitalOut ln2(PA_14);
+DigitalOut Ena(PC_8);
+DigitalIn limitright(PC_10);
+DigitalIn limitcenter(PC_12);
+DigitalIn limitleft(PC_11);
+LCD4884 lcd;
+Timer t ;
+Timer t2 ;
+Timer t3 ;
+int16_t recieve ;
+int check;
+int counttran = 0  , countcolor = 0 ;
+float valuered,valueblue,valuegreen;
+//MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;
+class USER
+    char Name[20] ;
+    char Surname[20] ;
+    char StudentID[11] ;
+    uint16_t point;
+    int place ;
+    USER(char name[],char surname[],char id[],int p) {
+        for(int i=0; name[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            Name[i] = name[i];
+        }
+        for(int i=0; surname[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            Surname[i] =surname[i];
+        }
+        for(int i=0; id[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            StudentID[i] =id[i];
+        }
+        place = p ;
+        memory.read(place,recieve);
+        wait_ms(2);
+        point = recieve ;
+    }
+    int getPoint() {
+        memory.read(place,recieve);
+        wait_ms(2);
+        point = recieve ;
+        return point ;
+    }
+    void UpdatePoint(int16_t s) {
+        memory.read(place,recieve);
+        point = recieve ;
+        s = point + s;
+        point = s ;
+        memory.write(place,(uint16_t)s);
+        wait_ms(2);
+    }
+    void SetPoint() {
+        memory.write(place,NULL);
+        wait_ms(2);
+    }
+void reverse(char *s)
+    char *j;
+    int c;
+    j = s + strlen(s) - 1;
+    while(s < j) {
+        c = *s;
+        *s++ = *j;
+        *j-- = c;
+    }
+void itoa(int n, char s[])
+    int i, sign;
+    if ((sign = n) < 0)  /* record sign */
+        n = -n;          /* make n positive */
+    i = 0;
+    do {       /* generate digits in reverse order */
+        s[i++] = n % 10 + '0';   /* get next digit */
+    } while ((n /= 10) > 0);     /* delete it */
+    if (sign < 0)
+        s[i++] = '-';
+    s[i] = '\0';
+    reverse(s);
+void ShowUser(USER user)
+    char Sur[2] ;
+    Sur[0] = user.Surname[0];
+    Sur[1] = '.';
+    char buff[50] ;
+    itoa(user.point,buff);
+    lcd.LCD_clear();
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,user.Name,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(55,0,Sur,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,user.StudentID,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"Point : ",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(44,3,buff,0); //buff=point
+void motor()
+void colorsensor(int &colors,int &clears)
+    char buff[40] ;
+    char buff2[40] ;
+    red = 1;
+    blue = 1;
+    green = 1 ;
+    redled = 0 ;
+    greenled = 1 ;
+    //1=low 0=high
+    // GREEN
+    if(limitsw == 1) {
+        sprintf(buff,"Clear: %d x2",counttran);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,buff,0);
+        sprintf(buff2,"Color: %d x1",countcolor);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,buff2,0);
+        t2.reset();    //30sec
+        redled = 1 ;
+        greenled = 0 ;
+        //GReen
+        red = 1;
+        blue = 1;
+        green = 0 ;
+        wait(1);
+        valuegreen = LDR.read();
+        valuegreen = valuegreen*10000;
+        // BLUE
+        red = 1;
+        blue = 0;
+        green = 1 ;
+        wait(1);
+        valueblue = LDR.read();
+        valueblue = valueblue*10000;
+        // RED
+        red = 0;
+        blue = 1 ;
+        green = 1 ;
+        wait(1);
+        valuered = LDR.read();
+        valuered = valuered*10000;
+        pc.printf("%d %d %d\n",limitleft.read(),limitright.read(),limitcenter.read());
+        pc.printf(" G = %f\n B = %f\nR = %f\n",valuegreen,valueblue,valuered);
+        wait(1);
+        if(valuegreen >= valuered && valuegreen >= valueblue  && (valuered+valueblue)<=valuegreen ||valueblue >= valuered || valueblue >= valuegreen )
+            { 
+                    pc.printf("\n color\n");
+                    countcolor++ ;
+                     sprintf(buff2,"Color: %d x1",countcolor);
+                     lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,buff2,0);
+               do{
+                ln1 = 0 ; // ทวนเข็ม
+                ln2 = 1 ;
+                Ena = 1 ;
+                }while(limitleft == 0 );
+                pc.printf("checklimitleft");
+                ln1 = 1 ;
+                ln2 = 0 ;
+                Ena = 1 ;
+                wait(1.5); 
+                ln1 = 0 ;
+                ln2 = 0 ;
+                Ena = 0 ; 
+                pc.printf("color bottle\n %d",countcolor);
+            }
+            else 
+            { 
+                   if(valuegreen >300 ||valuegreen-valueblue > 80 || valueblue-valuegreen > 100 && valuered -((valuegreen+valueblue)/2)<170)
+                   {
+                       pc.printf("\ncolor\n");
+                    countcolor++ ;
+                     sprintf(buff2,"Color: %d x1",countcolor);
+                     lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,buff2,0);
+                   do{
+                    ln1 = 0 ; // ทวนเข็ม
+                    ln2 = 1 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ;
+                     }while(limitleft == 0 );
+                    pc.printf("checklimitleft2");
+                    ln1 = 1 ;
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ;
+                    wait(1.5); 
+                    ln1 = 0 ;
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 0 ; 
+                    pc.printf("color bottle\n %d",countcolor);
+                    }
+                   else if(valuegreen <300 ||valuegreen-valueblue < 80 || valueblue-valuegreen < 100 && valuered -((valuegreen+valueblue)/2)>170)
+                   {
+                    pc.printf("\nclear\n");}
+                    counttran++ ;
+                    sprintf(buff,"Clear: %d x2",counttran);
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,buff,0);
+                     do{
+                    ln1 = 1 ; //ตามเข็ม
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ; 
+                    }while(limitright == 0 );
+                    pc.printf("checklimitright");
+                    ln1 = 0 ;
+                    ln2 = 1 ;
+                    Ena = 1 ;
+                    wait(1.5); 
+                    ln1 = 0 ;
+                    ln2 = 0 ;
+                    Ena = 0 ; 
+                    pc.printf("transparent bottle\n %d ",counttran);
+                    }         
+        }
+        int total ;
+            total = countcolor + (counttran * 2);
+            colors = countcolor ;
+            clears = counttran ;
+            sprintf(buff2,"total: %d ",total);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,buff2,0);
+        red = 1;
+        blue = 1;
+        green = 1 ;
+        while(limitsw == 1) {
+        }
+        t2.reset();
+    }
+USER Jettanan("Jettanan","Homchanthanakul","57340500015",1);
+USER Nutthaya("Nutthaya","Hankla","57340500025",5);
+USER Kanokwan("Kanokwan","Toncheingsai","57340500001",9);
+char welcome[40] = {"Welcome to pae-za-leng"};
+char please[40] = {"please touch your card"};
+char selectstart[20] = {"start"};
+char selectcancel[20] = {"cancel"};
+int main()
+    int check =0 ;
+    red = 1;
+    blue = 1;
+    green = 1 ;
+    uint8_t data,card[4]= {0};
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(1000);
+    RFID.PCD_Reset();
+    wait(1.0);
+    RFID.PCD_Init();
+    lcd.LCD_init();
+    lcd.backlight(OFF);
+    while(1) {//e
+        counttran = 0;
+        countcolor = 0;
+        lcd.backlight(ON);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,welcome,0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,please,0);
+        // Look for new cards // Select one of the cards
+        if ( ! RFID.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() || ! RFID.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Print Card UID
+        pc.printf("Card UID: ");
+        for(int i=0; card[i]!='\0'; i++) {
+            card[i] = 0;
+        }
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; RFID.uid.uidByte[i]!= '\0' ; i++) {
+            card[i] = data = RFID.uid.uidByte[i] ;
+            pc.printf(" %d",data);
+        }
+        //////data card\\\\\\\
+        if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            pc.printf("\n Name : Jettanan H. \n Student's ID : 57340500015 \n point : %d ",Jettanan.getPoint());
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            pc.printf("\n Name : Nutthaya H. \n Student's ID : 57340500025 \n point : %d ",Nutthaya.getPoint());
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            pc.printf("\n Name : Kanokwan T. \n Student's ID : 57340500001 \n point : %d ",Kanokwan.getPoint());
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(55,5,selectstart,1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,selectcancel,1);
+        pc.printf("\n\r");
+        t.start();
+        t.reset();
+        while(t.read_ms()<10000) {
+            //5
+            if( rightbutton == 1 && leftbutton == 0) {
+                //2
+                greenled = 1;
+                while(rightbutton ==1)
+                    {wait(0.1);}
+                wait(0.5);
+                lcd.LCD_clear();
+                t2.start();
+                t2.reset();
+                lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"insert bottle",0);
+                //lcd.LCD_clear();
+                while(t2.read_ms()<30000) {
+                    //1
+                    check = 1 ;
+                    color = 0;
+                    clear = 0;
+                    colorsensor(color,clear);
+                    t3.start();
+                    t3.reset();
+                    while(t3.read_ms()<500) {
+                        lcd.LCD_write_string(44,5,"Submit",1);
+                        if(rightbutton == 1) {
+                            while(rightbutton ==1)
+                                {wait(0.1);}
+                            wait(0.5);
+                            goto LAND ;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(44,5,"      ",0);
+                    greenled = 0 ;
+                }//1
+            }//2
+            else if(leftbutton == 1){break;}
+        }//5
+        while(rightbutton ==1)
+            {wait(0.1);}
+        wait(0.5);
+        lcd.LCD_clear();
+        while(check == 1) {
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(10,0,"Do you want",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(14,1,"to play a",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(20,3,"GAME ?",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(5,5,"No",0);
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(40,5,"Yes",0);
+            if(rightbutton == 1 && leftbutton == 0) {
+            //3
+            while(rightbutton ==1)
+                {wait(0.1);}
+            lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"join the GAME!",0);
+            wait(1);
+            /*Extend*/
+             lcd.backlight(ON);
+             lcd.LCD_init();
+                total = countcolor + (counttran*2);
+                color = countcolor ;
+                clear = counttran ;
+                highb = color/256 ;
+                lowb = color - (highb*256);
+                command[3] = lowb ;
+                command[2] = highb ;
+                highb = clear/256 ;
+                lowb = clear - (highb*256);
+                command[5] = lowb ;
+                command[4] = highb ;
+                command[0] = 0x42 ;
+                command[1] = 0x52 ;
+                command[6] = 0x4D ;
+                 for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+                {
+                     wait(0.1);
+                     device.putc(command[i]); 
+                    pc.printf("%x\n",command[i]);
+                }
+                //After allow to play game
+                if(total<=1)
+                {
+                    lcd.LCD_clear();
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,2,"Sorry you don't",0);
+                    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"have any point",0);
+                    wait(3);
+                    uint16_t sim ;
+                    sim = total ;
+                    if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(sim);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(sim);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(sim);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        wait(3);
+                    goto EXIT;    
+                }
+  int totalsim;
+  uint16_t credits;
+  totalsim = total;
+  credits = 0;
+  pc.printf("Game mode");
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+  while(1)//select credits
+  {
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"total P :",0);
+   lcd.LCD_write_string(10,1,"credits :",0);
+   lcd.LCD_write_string(0,3,"2 Point = 1 Credits",0);
+    char buff[4];
+    sprintf(buff,"%d",totalsim);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(67,0,buff,0);
+    char buff2[4];
+    sprintf(buff2,"%d",credits);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(67,1,buff2,1);
+    if(plusbutton ==1)
+    {
+      while(plusbutton==1)
+      {wait(0.2);}
+      if((totalsim-2)>=0)
+      {
+        credits = credits +1 ;
+        totalsim = totalsim - 2;
+        pc.printf("credits + 1");
+        lcd.LCD_clear();   
+      }  
+    }
+    if(minusbutton ==1)
+    {
+       while(minusbutton==1)
+      {wait(0.2);} 
+      if((credits-1)>=0)
+      {
+        credits = credits - 1 ;
+        totalsim = totalsim + 2;
+        pc.printf("credits - 1");
+        lcd.LCD_clear();     
+      }
+    }
+    if(leftbutton ==1)
+    {
+        uint16_t pointsim ;
+        pointsim = total ;
+        if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(pointsim);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("point sim = %d\n",pointsim);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(pointsim);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("point sim = %d\n",pointsim);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(pointsim);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("point sim = %d\n",pointsim);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        wait(3);
+        pc.printf("left");  
+        goto LEFT ;    
+    }
+    if(rightbutton ==1)
+    {
+        if(credits ==0)
+        {
+            pc.printf("continue");
+            continue;    
+        }
+        else if(credits >=1)
+        {
+            command[0]=0x42;
+            command[1]=0x50;
+            command[2]=0x00;
+            command[3]=0x00;
+            command[4]=0x00;
+            command[5]=credits;
+            command[6]=0x4D;
+            for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+            {
+                wait(0.1);
+                device.putc(command[i]); 
+                pc.printf("%x\n",command[i]);
+            }
+            uint16_t simm ;
+            simm = total-(credits*2) ;
+        if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(simm);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(simm);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(simm);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }      
+            pc.printf("left");
+            break;    
+        }    
+    }
+  }//select credits
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+  for(int w=0;w<credits;w++)
+  {
+    lcd.LCD_clear();
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"Credits:",0);
+    char buff[4];
+    sprintf(buff,"%d",credits-w);
+    for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+    {
+        re_command[i]=device.getc();
+        pc.printf("%x\n",re_command[i]);    
+    }
+    if(re_command[0]==0x42 && re_command[1]==0x45 && re_command[6]==0x4D)
+    {
+        pc.printf("command not found");
+        break;    
+    }
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(46,0,buff,0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,0,"1 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,0,"??",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,1,"2 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,1,"??",0);  
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,2,"3 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,2,"??",0);  
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(58,3,"4 :",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(66,3,"??",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,"Pick up ball",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,"Dropto Gripper",0);
+    ch = device.getc();
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,"            ",0);
+    lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,"              ",0);  
+    ch = device.getc();
+    if(ch == 0x53)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,0,"1 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,0,random[re_command[2]],0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,1,"2 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,1,random[re_command[3]],0);  
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,2,"3 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,2,random[re_command[4]],0);  
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,3,"4 :",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,3,random[re_command[5]],0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,4,"            ",0);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(0,5,"              ",0);  
+        pc.printf("Start");            
+    }
+    ch = device.getc();
+    char checkc[4];
+    //char random[4][4]={"x0","x1","x2","x3"};
+    if(ch == 1)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,0,"1 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,0,random[re_command[2]],1);
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[2]]) ;
+    }
+    else if(ch == 2)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,1,"2 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,1,random[re_command[3]],1); 
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[3]]) ;  
+    }
+    else if(ch == 3)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,2,"3 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,2,random[re_command[4]],1);  
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[4]]) ;  
+    }
+    else if(ch == 4)
+    {
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(58,3,"4 :",1);
+        lcd.LCD_write_string(66,3,random[re_command[5]],1);  
+        sprintf(checkc,"%s",random[re_command[5]]) ;
+    }
+    if(checkc[1] == '0')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+0;
+        pc.printf("t_t");            
+    }
+    else if(checkc[1] == '1')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+2;
+        pc.printf("t_t");             
+    }
+    else if(checkc[1] == '2')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+4;
+        pc.printf("t_t");             
+    }
+    else if(checkc[1] == '3')
+    {
+        t_score = t_score+6;
+        pc.printf("t_t");             
+    }
+    uint16_t gg;
+    gg = device.getc();             
+  }
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+  lcd.LCD_write_string(0,0,"Total Score :",0);
+  char buff3[6];
+  sprintf(buff3,"%d",t_score);
+  lcd.LCD_write_string(0,1,buff3,1);
+  LEFT :
+  if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(t_score);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(t_score);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(t_score);
+            wait(0.3);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+  wait(3);
+  lcd.LCD_clear();
+            /*End Extend*/
+            EXIT :
+            lcd.LCD_clear();
+            break;
+        }//3
+        else if(leftbutton == 1) {
+            //4
+            while(leftbutton ==1)
+                {wait(0.1);}
+                total = countcolor + (counttran*2);
+                color = countcolor ;
+                clear = counttran ;
+                highb = color/256 ;
+                lowb = color - (highb*256);
+                command[3] = lowb ;
+                command[2] = highb ;
+                highb = clear/256 ;
+                lowb = clear - (highb*256);
+                command[5] = lowb ;
+                command[4] = highb ;
+                command[0] = 0x42 ;
+                command[1] = 0x52 ;
+                command[6] = 0x4D ;
+                 for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
+                {
+                     wait(0.1);
+                     device.putc(command[i]); 
+                    pc.printf("%x\n",command[i]);
+                }
+                uint16_t sim2 ;
+                sim2 = total;
+             if(card[0] == 106 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 38 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Jettanan.UpdatePoint(sim2);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Jettanan);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 186 && card[1] == 151 && card[2] == 37 && card[3] == 231) {
+            Nutthaya.UpdatePoint(sim2);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Nutthaya);
+        }
+        if(card[0] == 199 && card[1] == 230 && card[2] == 46 ) {
+            Kanokwan.UpdatePoint(sim2);
+            wait(1);
+            ShowUser(Kanokwan);
+        }
+        wait(3);   
+            card[0] = 0;
+            card[1] = 0;
+            card[2] = 0;
+            card[3] = 0;
+            lcd.LCD_clear();
+            break;
+        }//4
+        }
+        lcd.LCD_clear();
+        check = 0;
+    }//e
\ No newline at end of file