A basic graphics package for the LPC4088 Display Module.

Dependents:   lpc4088_displaymodule_demo_sphere sampleGUI sampleEmptyGUI lpc4088_displaymodule_fs_aid ... more

Fork of DMBasicGUI by EmbeddedArtists AB

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc_swim/lpc_swim_font.c	Thu Dec 11 11:03:57 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ * @brief SWIM font management
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+ * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+ * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+ * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+ * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+ * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+ * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+ * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+ * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+ * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+ * specified use without further testing or modification.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+ * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+ * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+ * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+ * this code.
+ */
+#include "lpc_swim_font.h"
+ * Private types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Public types/enumerations/variables
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Private functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Determines the length of the word (in pixels) up to the first
+   whitespace character */
+static int16_t swim_get_word_len(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+								const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i;
+	int16_t wlen = 0;
+	/* Find the length in pixels of the next word (separated by
+	   whitespace) */
+	i = 0;
+	while (((uint8_t) text[i] > ' ') && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= 0x7E)) {
+		wlen = wlen + win->font->font_width_table
+			   [(uint8_t) text[i] - win->font->first_char];
+		i++;
+	}
+	return wlen;
+/* Puts a word in the window, but adds a newline to keep the
+   word contiguous (without an edge break) if necessary */
+static int32_t swim_put_word(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i;
+	/* Will the length of the next word exceed the window margin? */
+	if ((swim_get_word_len(win, text) + win->xvpos) > win->xpvmax) {
+		/* Do a newline */
+		swim_put_newline(win);
+	}
+	/* Put just the word characters on the display up to the next
+	   non-whitespace character or the end of the string */
+	i = 0;
+	while (((uint8_t) text[i] > ' ') && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= 0x7E)) {
+		swim_put_char(win, text[i]);
+		i++;
+	}
+	return i;
+ * Public functions
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Put text at x, y (char) position on screen */
+void swim_put_text_centered_win(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+                                const CHAR *text,
+                                int32_t y)
+    swim_put_text_centered(win, text, 0, win->xvsize-1, y);
+/* Put text at x, y (char) position on screen */
+void swim_put_text_centered(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+                            const CHAR *text,
+                            int32_t x0,
+                            int32_t x1,
+                            int32_t y)
+    int w, h;
+    if (x0 > x1) {
+        w = x0;
+        x0 = x1;
+        x1 = w;
+    }
+    swim_get_string_bounds(win, text, &w, &h);
+    swim_put_text_xy(win, text, x0 + (x1-x0-w)/2, y);
+/* Put text at x, y (char) position on screen */
+void swim_put_text_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					  const CHAR *text,
+					  int32_t x,
+					  int32_t y)
+	/* Convert virtual x, y positon to physical position */
+	swim_set_xy(win, x, y);
+	/* Display text string */
+	swim_put_text(win, text);
+/* Sets the X, Y pixel coordinates for the next text operation */
+void swim_set_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				 int32_t x,
+				 int32_t y)
+	win->xvpos = x + win->xpvmin;
+	win->yvpos = y + win->ypvmin;
+	/* Limit to window dimensions */
+	if (win->xvpos < win->xpvmin) {
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+	}
+	else if (win->xvpos > win->xpvmax) {
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmax;
+	}
+	if (win->yvpos < win->ypvmin) {
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin;
+	}
+	else if (win->yvpos > win->ypvmax) {
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmax;
+	}
+/* Returns the X, Y pixel coordinates for the next text operation */
+void swim_get_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				 int32_t *x,
+				 int32_t *y)
+	*x = win->xvpos - win->xpvmin;
+	*y = win->yvpos - win->ypvmin;
+/* Puts a string of text in a window */
+void swim_put_text(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i = 0;
+	/* Continue until the entire string is output */
+	while (text[i] != '\0') {
+		if (text[i] == '\n') {
+			swim_put_newline(win);
+		}
+		else if (((uint8_t) text[i] >= win->font->first_char)
+				 && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= win->font->last_char)) {
+			/* Put character on screen */
+			swim_put_char(win, text[i]);
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+/* Puts a string of text in a window with breaks */
+void swim_put_ltext(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const CHAR *text)
+	int32_t i = 0;
+	/* Continue until the entire string is output */
+	while (text[i] != '\0') {
+		if (text[i] == '\n') {
+			swim_put_newline(win);
+			i++;
+		}
+		else if (((uint8_t) text[i] >= win->font->first_char)
+				 && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= win->font->last_char)) {
+			/* Check for entire words first */
+			if (((uint8_t) text[i] > ' ') && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= 0x7E)) {
+				/* Put entire word on screen */
+				i = i + swim_put_word(win, &text[i]);
+			}
+			else {
+				swim_put_char(win, text[i]);
+				i++;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			/* Put a space out */
+			swim_put_char(win, ' ');
+			i++;
+		}
+	}
+/* xx */
+void swim_window_scroll(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+						int32_t lines)
+	int32_t yref1 = win->ypvmin;
+	int32_t yref2 = yref1 + lines;
+	int32_t ref;
+	while (yref2 <= win->ypvmax) {
+		/* Line move addresses */
+		uint32_t ix = win->xpvmin;
+		uint32_t destIy = yref1;
+		uint32_t srcIy = yref2;
+		/* Move a single line at a time */
+		ref = win->xpvmax - win->xpvmin + 1;
+		while (ref > 0) {
+			COLOR_T pixel = swim_get_pixel_physical(win, ix, srcIy);
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, ix, destIy, pixel);
+			ix++;
+			ref--;
+		}
+		/* Next lines */
+		yref1++;
+		yref2++;
+	}
+	/* Clear out bottom lines */
+	yref1 = win->yvpos;
+	while (yref1 <= win->ypvmax) {
+		/* Line clear address */
+		uint32_t ix = win->xpvmin;
+		uint32_t destIy = yref1;
+		/* Clear a single line at a time */
+		ref = win->xpvmax - win->xpvmin + 1;
+		while (ref > 0) {
+			swim_put_pixel_physical(win, ix, destIy, win->bkg);
+			ix++;
+			ref--;
+		}
+		yref1++;
+	}
+/* Puts a single character in the window */
+void swim_put_char(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   const CHAR textchar)
+	int32_t i, j;
+	int32_t charindex;
+	uint16_t *charfields, chardata;
+	/* If this is a carriage return, do a newline */
+	if (textchar == '\n') {
+		swim_put_newline(win);
+	}
+	else {
+		/* Determine index to character data */
+		charindex = (int32_t) textchar - (int32_t) win->font->first_char;
+		/* Will the character fit on the display? */
+		if ((win->xvpos +
+			 (int32_t) win->font->font_width_table[charindex]) >
+			win->xpvmax) {
+			/* Will not fit, do a newline */
+			swim_put_newline(win);
+		}
+		/* Determine the start of the bitfields for the character */
+		charfields = win->font->font_table + (charindex *
+											  win->font->font_height);
+		/* Map character to the window */
+		/* Each iteration of this loop does a row */
+		for (i = 0; i < (int32_t) win->font->font_height; i++) {
+			/* Get starting pixel in the line */
+			uint32_t rowIx = win->xvpos;
+			uint32_t rowIy = win->yvpos + i;
+			/* Get character line mapping data */
+			chardata = charfields[i];
+			/* Convert character line bit data to a pixel line in
+			   window */
+			/* Each iteration of this loop does one pixel of the row */
+			for (j =
+					 (int32_t) win->font->font_width_table[charindex];
+				 j > 0; j--) {
+				if ((chardata & 0x8000) != 0) {
+					swim_put_pixel_physical(win, rowIx, rowIy, win->pen);
+				}
+				else if (win->tfont != 0) {
+					swim_put_pixel_physical(win, rowIx, rowIy, win->bkg);
+				}
+				rowIx++;
+				/* Next bit in character line */
+				chardata = chardata << 1;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Increment to next text location */
+		win->xvpos = win->xvpos +
+					 (int32_t) win->font->font_width_table[charindex];
+	}
+/* Puts a newline in the window */
+void swim_put_newline(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	int32_t diff;
+	/* Set text pointer to start of next line */
+	win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+	win->yvpos = win->yvpos + (int32_t) win->font->font_height;
+	/* Next character is below bottom of window, scroll the window
+	   up */
+	while ((win->yvpos +
+			(int32_t) win->font->font_height) > win->ypvmax) {
+		/* Scroll just enough for the next line */
+		diff = (int32_t) win->font->font_height -
+			   (win->ypvmax - win->yvpos);
+		win->yvpos = win->yvpos - diff;
+		swim_window_scroll(win, diff);
+	}
+/* Sets the active font */
+void swim_set_font(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+				   FONT_T *font)
+	int32_t diff;
+	win->font = font;
+	/* After changing to the new font, determine if there is enough
+	   room for the font height on the existing line in the window */
+	if ((win->yvpos + win->font->font_height) > win->ypvmax) {
+		diff = (int32_t) win->font->font_height -
+			   (win->ypvmax - win->yvpos);
+		win->yvpos = win->yvpos - diff;
+		swim_window_scroll(win, diff);
+	}
+/* Returns the active font's height in pixels */
+int16_t swim_get_font_height(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win)
+	return win->font->font_height;
+void swim_get_string_bounds(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win, const CHAR * text, int* width, int* height)
+	int32_t i = 0;
+    int w = 0;
+    *width = 0;
+    *height = win->font->font_height;
+	/* Continue until the entire string is output */
+	while (text[i] != '\0') {
+		if (text[i] == '\n') {
+			*width = MAX(w, *width);
+            w = 0;
+			*height += win->font->font_height;
+		}
+		else if (((uint8_t) text[i] >= win->font->first_char)
+				 && ((uint8_t) text[i] <= win->font->last_char)) {
+            /* Determine index to character data */
+            int charindex = (int) text[i] - (int) win->font->first_char;
+            w += win->font->font_width_table[charindex];
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	*width = MAX(w, *width);
+/* Creates a title bar for the window */
+void swim_set_title(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+					const CHAR *title,
+					COLOR_T ttlbkcolor)
+	COLOR_T savedf, savedp, savedb;
+	int32_t savedt;
+	/* Is present font height larger than window client height? */
+	if ((swim_get_font_height(win) < (4 + win->yvsize)) &&
+		(title != (CHAR *) 0)) {
+		/* There is enough room for title bar, so continue */
+		/* Save original colors and font transparentcy flag */
+		savedf = win->fill;
+		savedp = win->pen;
+		savedb = win->bkg;
+		savedt = win->tfont;
+		/* Set fill color to background color (temporarily)
+		   used with box function */
+		win->fill = ttlbkcolor;
+		win->bkg = ttlbkcolor;
+		win->pen = win->bkg;
+		/* Draw the background for the title bar */
+		swim_put_box(win, 0, 0, win->xvsize,
+					 (4 + swim_get_font_height(win) - 2));
+		/* Reset text starting position for title string */
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin + 2;
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin + 1;
+		/* Restore original pen color (used for text color) */
+		win->pen = savedp;
+		/* Restore the original colors */
+		win->fill = savedf;
+		win->bkg = savedb;
+		/* Put string in title bar area (with transparent background) */
+		win->tfont = 0;
+		swim_put_text(win, title);
+		win->tfont = savedt;
+		/* Draw a line under the title bar, but before the
+		   (new) client area */
+		swim_put_line(win, 0,
+					  (4 + swim_get_font_height(win) - 1),
+					  win->xpvmax, (4 + swim_get_font_height(win) - 1));
+		/* Adjust client height of window (virtual and physcal) */
+		win->ypmin = win->ypmin + swim_get_font_height(win) + 4;
+		win->ypvmin = win->ypvmin + swim_get_font_height(win) + 4;
+		/* Resize y dimension */
+		win->yvsize = win->yvsize - swim_get_font_height(win) + 4;
+		/* Reset text starting position to new client area */
+		win->xvpos = win->xpvmin;
+		win->yvpos = win->ypvmin;
+	}
+/* Enables and disables font backgrounds */
+void swim_set_font_transparency(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
+							    int32_t trans)
+	win->tfont = trans;