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Drawer Class Reference

Drawer Class Reference

Drawer Class. More...

#include <Drawer.h>

Public Member Functions

 Drawer (Player *player, N5110 *screenPtr)
 Create a Drawer object capable of printing to the lcd.
void drawBranch1 (Vector2Di loc)
 Draw the first branch.
void drawBranch2 (Vector2Di loc)
 Draw the second branch.
void drawBranch3 (Vector2Di loc)
 Draw the third branch.
void drawBranch4 (Vector2Di loc)
 Draw the fourth branch.
void drawBranch5 (Vector2Di loc)
 Draw the fifth branch.
void drawBranch6 (Vector2Di loc)
 Draw the fifth branch.
void drawScreen ()
 Draw the player's current view to the screen buffer.

Detailed Description

Drawer Class.

A class responsible for searching the maze matrix relative to the player's location and drawing the correct graphics to the LCD accordingly. can draw cells up to a distance of 4 in front of the player (not including the cell they are currently standing in).

Version 1.0

Thomas Caine
May 2019

Definition at line 16 of file Drawer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Drawer ( Player player,
N5110 screenPtr 

Create a Drawer object capable of printing to the lcd.

player- pointer to a player object. Player's direction and position is needed
screenPtr- pointer to the LCD object. Important for the lcd object to be shared so it's a pointer.

Definition at line 6 of file Drawer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void drawBranch1 ( Vector2Di  loc )

Draw the first branch.

This corresponds to the line of 3 cells in front of the player, beginning from the cell immediately to their _left_.

location- vector representing the cell to begin branch search from

Definition at line 11 of file Drawer.cpp.

void drawBranch2 ( Vector2Di  loc )

Draw the second branch.

This corresponds to the line of 3 cells in front of the player, beginning from the cell immediately to their _right_.

location- vector representing the cell to begin branch search from

Definition at line 41 of file Drawer.cpp.

void drawBranch3 ( Vector2Di  loc )

Draw the third branch.

This corresponds to the line of 3 cells in front of the player, beginning from the cell forward one and left one.

location- vector representing the cell to begin branch search from

Definition at line 69 of file Drawer.cpp.

void drawBranch4 ( Vector2Di  loc )

Draw the fourth branch.

This corresponds to the line of 3 cells in front of the player, beginning from the cell forward one and right one.

location- vector representing the cell to begin branch search from

Definition at line 93 of file Drawer.cpp.

void drawBranch5 ( Vector2Di  loc )

Draw the fifth branch.

This corresponds to the line of 3 cells in front of the player, beginning from the cell forward two and left one.

location- vector representing the cell to begin branch search from

Definition at line 117 of file Drawer.cpp.

void drawBranch6 ( Vector2Di  loc )

Draw the fifth branch.

This corresponds to the line of 3 cells in front of the player, beginning from the cell forward two and right one.

Definition at line 134 of file Drawer.cpp.

void drawScreen (  )

Draw the player's current view to the screen buffer.

drawScreen() will walk the cells in front of the player, checking

which cells are empty or solid. When it finds an empty cell either in

front, to the left or to the right of the current cell, it will draw graphics

and/or call the drawBranch# functions accordingly.

Definition at line 152 of file Drawer.cpp.