Initial publish

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of el17dg by Dmitrijs Griskovs

Revisions of game/enemies.h

Revision Date Message Actions
36:207ec7db8648 2019-05-02 Have added boss explosion animation. have added debug sections. Have cleaned a code a bit. positioned some functions from public to private. File  Diff  Annotate
35:172db1608332 2019-04-30 Have finished added comments. Cleaned the code. added a note to the player. added intro credits. File  Diff  Annotate
34:754915ce9de5 2019-04-30 Finished the boss class. added additional comments Have fixed the high score problem. File  Diff  Annotate
33:c623c6d5ed16 2019-04-29 Have started working on boss mode. Changed the structure of game.cpp to finite state machine. Moved Game Over to a separate class. slightlight changed the player class. changed geometry into collision library. Cleaned the code to be under 20 lines. File  Diff  Annotate
32:5403bb974294 2019-04-26 Have added small features. Have cleaned the code a bit.; File  Diff  Annotate
31:becb8f6bf7b7 2019-04-23 Have changed comments structure as well as the content. Finished intro music. Have cleaned a code in some places to make it readable. File  Diff  Annotate
30:d454d0cb72bc 2019-04-16 Hace modified some comments. Have added a feature of a force shield. Updated the tutorial, Have finished the settings mode. File  Diff  Annotate
29:579e00b7f118 2019-04-15 Added a lot of comments. File  Diff  Annotate
28:35af3843de8f 2019-04-10 Moved starSpawnDelay to stars.h. Made enemies move y-direction as the game score increase. Added more comments. Cleaned the code a bit. Changed struct to gameObject in the main.cpp. Made some functions less than 20 lines. File  Diff  Annotate
27:f05f4e738ba9 2019-04-08 I have created "press START" for the intro pause. Added more comments for the report. Fixed the bug I had in my small star function. Changed some drawsprite functions to new one I made. Slightly simplified the code. File  Diff  Annotate
26:676874c42883 2019-04-06 I have created a difficulty feature based on the in-game score. As the score gets higher, so does the game. Have added more comments. Started cleaning up the code and simplify it. File  Diff  Annotate
25:749f1efc31fc 2019-04-03 I have made some addition to score calculation and changed the model of the player ship. File  Diff  Annotate
24:0570cb4b92d7 2019-04-02 I have created and finished a tutorial file where is described what controls need to be used and what to do in the game. I have broken up my into code into several functions to improve efficiency. I have started working on my settings mode. File  Diff  Annotate
23:240bc00ef25b 2019-03-31 Made player class and stored everything related to player. Have made stars class. modified player ship movement. created gameOver function and made it using sprites. Created a collision of enemy ship and a player ship function. added more comments. File  Diff  Annotate
21:0eb394495b8a 2019-03-27 switched all enemies functions into the class system in a separate file. Created a struct for writing sprites more easily. Created a function that resets all values when the game is over. Separated collision, gameObject and constants into new files. File  Diff  Annotate