PID omniwheel 3 roda

Dependencies:   Motor PS_PAD TextLCD mbed-os

Fork of cobaLCDJoyMotor_Thread by EL4121 Embedded System

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Dec 12 07:48:20 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Dec 16 13:39:24 2017 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,19 @@
 #include <string>
 using namespace std;
-Thread thread2(osPriorityNormal, OS_STACK_SIZE, NULL);
+#define PI  3.14159265359
+#define RAD_TO_DEG  57.2957795131
+#define PULSE_TO_MM 0.1177    //rev/pulse * K_lingkaran_roda
+#define L 144           // lengan roda dari pusat robot (mm)
+#define Ts 2    // Time Sampling sistem 2ms
+#define MAX_SPEED 0.3
 Thread thread1(osPriorityNormal, OS_STACK_SIZE, NULL);
+Thread thread2(osPriorityNormal, OS_STACK_SIZE, NULL);
 Thread thread3(osPriorityNormal, OS_STACK_SIZE, NULL);
+Thread thread4(osPriorityNormal, OS_STACK_SIZE, NULL);
+Thread thread5(osPriorityNormal, OS_STACK_SIZE, NULL);
 TextLCD lcd(PA_9, PC_3, PC_2, PA_8, PB_0, PC_15, TextLCD::LCD20x4); //rs,e,d4-d7
 encoderKRAI enc1 (PC_14, PC_13, 11, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING);
@@ -18,17 +28,42 @@
 encoderKRAI enc3 (PB_10, PB_3, 11, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING);
 PS_PAD ps2(PB_15,PB_14,PB_13, PC_4); //(mosi, miso, sck, ss)
-    Motor motor3(PB_7, PA_14, PA_15); //motor4
-    Motor motor2(PA_11, PA_6, PA_5); //motor2
-    //Motor motor1(PA_10, PB_5, PB_4);  //motor_griper
-    Motor motor1(PB_6, PA_7, PB_12); //motor 3
-string a;
+Motor motor3(PB_7, PA_14, PA_15); //motor4
+Motor motor2(PA_11, PA_6, PA_5); //motor2
+Motor motor1(PB_6, PA_7, PB_12); //motor 3
+//Motor motor1(PA_10, PB_5, PB_4);  //motor_griper
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
 void dataJoystick();
 void lcdPrint();
+void self_localization();
 void motorP();
+void calculate_PID();
+float moving_direction( float xs, float ys, float x, float y,float theta);
-Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+ float x = 0;
+ float y = 0;
+ float theta = 0;
+ float x_prev = 0;
+ float y_prev = 0;
+ float theta_prev = 0;
+ float vr = 0;
+ float w = 0;
+ float a = 0;
+ //float Vx = 0;
+ //float Vy = 0;
+ //float W = 0;
+string str;
 int main()
@@ -36,7 +71,10 @@
-    thread3.start(motorP);
+    thread3.start(self_localization);
+    thread4.start(motorP);
+    thread5.start(calculate_PID);
     while (1)
         // baca input
@@ -64,41 +102,126 @@
 void dataJoystick(){
-    if(                   a =  "silang";
-    else if(         a = "lingkaran";
-    else if(       a = "segitiga";
-    else if(         a = "kotak";
-    else                                             a = "NULL";    
+    if(                   str =  "silang";
+    else if(         str = "lingkaran";
+    else if(       str = "segitiga";
+    else if(         str = "kotak";
+    else                                             str = "NULL";    
 void lcdPrint(){
     while (true){
-    lcd.cls(); 
-    int pulse1 = enc1.getPulses();
-    int pulse2 = enc2.getPulses();
-    int pulse3 = enc3.getPulses();
-    lcd.locate(0,0);
-    lcd.printf("input : %s", a);
-    lcd.locate(0,1);
-    lcd.printf("enc1 = %d", pulse1);
-    lcd.locate(0,2);
-    lcd.printf("enc2 = %d", pulse2);
-    lcd.locate(0,3);
-    lcd.printf("enc3 = %d", pulse3);
-    Thread::wait(20);
+        lcd.cls();         
+        lcd.locate(0,0);
+        lcd.printf("input : %s", str);
+        lcd.locate(0,1);
+        lcd.printf("x = %.2f", x);
+        lcd.locate(0,2);
+        lcd.printf("y = %.2f", y);
+        lcd.locate(0,3);
+        //lcd.printf("theta = %.2f", theta*RAD_TO_DEG);
+        lcd.printf("a = %.2f", a*RAD_TO_DEG);
+        Thread::wait(100);
+    }
+void self_localization(){
+    while(true){       
+        float d1 = enc1.getPulses()*PULSE_TO_MM;
+        float d2 = enc2.getPulses()*PULSE_TO_MM;
+        float d3 = enc3.getPulses()*PULSE_TO_MM;
+        x_prev = x;
+        y_prev = y;
+        theta_prev = theta;
+        x = x_prev + (2*d1 - d2 - d3)/3*cos(theta_prev) - (-d2+d3)*0.5773*sin(theta_prev);
+        y = y_prev + (2*d1 - d2 - d3)/3*sin(theta_prev) + (-d2+d3)*0.5773*cos(theta_prev);
+        theta = theta_prev + (d1 + d2 + d3)/(3*L); //     //   0.132629 => 180 / (3. L. pi)
+        //Vx = (x - x_prev)/0.002;
+        //Vy = (y - y_prev)/0.002;
+        //W = (theta - theta_prev)/0.002;
+        enc1.reset();
+        enc2.reset();
+        enc3.reset();
+        Thread::wait(Ts); //frekuensi sampling = 500 Hz
-void motorP() {
-        while(true){
-            motor1.speed(0.5);
-            motor2.speed(0.5);
-            motor3.speed(0.5);
-            Thread::wait(2000);
-            motor1.speed(-0.5);
-            motor2.speed(-0.5);
-            motor3.speed(-0.5);
-            Thread::wait(2000);
-        }  
\ No newline at end of file
+void calculate_PID(){
+    // konstanta PID untuk kendali Posisi (x y)
+    float Kp_s = 0.05;
+    float Ki_s = 0;
+    float Kd_s = 0.5;
+    // konstanta PID untuk kendali arah (theta)
+    float Kp_w = 0.12;
+    float Ki_w = 0.0;
+    float Kd_w = 0.4;
+    // setpoint sistem
+    float x_set = 400;
+    float y_set = 400;
+    float theta_set = 90;
+    float S_set = sqrt(x_set*x_set + y_set*y_set);
+    // variabel tambahan
+    float S_error_prev = 0;
+    float theta_error_prev = 0;
+    float sum_S_error = 0;
+    float sum_theta_error = 0;
+    while(true){
+        //menghitung error posisi
+        //float S = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
+        //float S_error = S_set - S;
+        float S_error = sqrt((x_set-x)*(x_set-x) + (y_set-y)*(y_set-y));
+        //menghitung error arah
+        float theta_error = theta_set - theta*RAD_TO_DEG;
+        sum_S_error += S_error;
+        sum_theta_error += theta_error;
+        vr = Kp_s*S_error + Ki_s*Ts*sum_S_error + Kd_s*(S_error - S_error_prev)/Ts;
+        w = Kp_w*theta_error + Ki_w*Ts*sum_theta_error + Kd_w*(theta_error - theta_error_prev)/Ts;
+        a = moving_direction(x_set,y_set,x,y,theta);
+        S_error_prev = S_error;
+        theta_error_prev = theta_error;
+        Thread::wait(Ts);
+    }   
+float moving_direction( float xs, float ys, float x, float y,float theta){
+    float temp = atan((ys - y)/(xs - x)) - theta;
+    if (xs < x)    return temp + PI;
+    else            return temp;
+void motorP() {      
+        Thread::wait(1500);
+        while(1){
+           motor1.speed(MAX_SPEED*(vr*cos(a) + w));
+           motor2.speed(MAX_SPEED*(vr*(-0.5*cos(a) - 0.866*sin(a)) + w));
+           motor3.speed(MAX_SPEED*(vr*(-0.5*cos(a) + 0.866*sin(a)) + w));
+        } 
+        motor1.speed(0);
+        motor2.speed(0);
+        motor3.speed(0);
\ No newline at end of file