
Forks of BLE_GATT_Example

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

Simple example to demonstrate custom made BLE service and characteristics. BLE, GATT
This fork is functionally identical to the main path, but has been updated to reflect changes in the library APIs, so this code now builds straight "out of the box" …
Little domotic project: Controlling RGB color's intensity of the JUMA card with an Android App. Here's the corresponding App's source code -->
Pair function with BLE_Paired_Client. If missing BLE_Paired_Server side, Client side of BZ will ON for notice. BLE, client, nrf51, server, TY51822r3
BLE code for touch signal
micro:bitにRCBControllerを接続するサンプルプログラム。 接続が不安定。micro:bitの電源入り切りやリセットSW押下を何度か試せば接続できるかも。
Projet IOT EI2I 4 2015/2016
Runlock POC code nrf51
CUED IIA Project
for camera