Simple example to demonstrate custom made BLE service and characteristics.

Fork of BLE_GATT_Example by Bluetooth Low Energy


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
23:924d0ef8f1cb 2017-11-09 jurica238814 0xBABE and 0xDEAD works. default tip
22:406127954d1f 2015-11-09 andresag Update example to comply with initialisation changes in BLE API.
21:73f42c00b1db 2015-10-20 andresag Removed redundant .orig file.
20:fcc752d401ec 2015-10-20 andresag Merged updated version of main.cpp with upstream.
19:477567297aac 2015-10-20 andresag Updated BLE and mbed dependencies, also modified demo code to comply with changes to the API.
18:7d89c4fba362 2015-10-20 melmon Now compatible with library updates
17:32973972d2dd 2015-04-02 mbedAustin fixed small issue with API change
16:feee85aefb34 2015-04-02 mbedAustin updated libraries
15:35f06d4f2130 2015-03-18 mbedAustin updated library that was causing a conflict
14:176225700bed 2015-03-18 mbedAustin updated library revisions
13:62b1d32745ac 2015-03-17 mbedAustin minor prettification fixes
12:6d1f77d0cb37 2015-03-17 mbedAustin switched out characteristics with macros initializations and removed customservice.h;
11:b59226338001 2015-03-11 mbedAustin updated code with printf's for LED on / off
10:6acaa9f0ef85 2015-03-10 mbedAustin Finished for Alpha Release
9:b33f42191584 2015-03-09 mbedAustin Final Publishable version;
8:60ede963dfe2 2015-03-09 mbedAustin Got everything working
7:f6814152873c 2015-03-09 mbedAustin changed default name to match Evothings Example, added UUID's to braodcast in advertising packet
6:97b22b5bfbb8 2015-02-14 mbedAustin added writeCharCallback handler, now when something is written we can handle it
5:d0548c64e2e7 2015-02-14 mbedAustin added write characteristic handler.
4:7ef90665b399 2015-02-14 mbedAustin it compiles!!!!
3:0fb60f81f693 2015-02-14 mbedAustin Full skeleton in place, not working
2:e84c13abc479 2015-02-14 mbedAustin further updates to the example program, still incomplete
1:94152e7d8b5c 2015-02-14 mbedAustin added a little more skeleton to it, still needs to be fully flushed out, tossed the HeartRate service code into the custom service.h file, added link to Grove Colour Sensor example for inspiration for later
0:cd5b6733aeb1 2015-02-13 mbedAustin initial commit of skeleton for mbed-Evothings custom GATT service/characteristic example