Example program for the Eddystone Beacon service.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822 X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1

Fork of BLE_EddystoneBeacon by URIBeacon

This example demonstrates how to set up and initialize a Eddystone Beacon. For more details on the Eddystone specification please see the Eddystone Github Page.

The Basics

An Eddystone Beacon is a Bluetooth Low Energy beacon, that means it does all of its data transfer in GAP advertising packets. Eddystone beacons, unlike other beacons, broadcast multiple types of data. Currently Eddystone beacons have 3 frame types (UID, URL, TLM) that will get swapped out periodically. This swapping of frame data allows Eddystone beacons to send many different types of data, thus increasing their usefulness over traditional beacons. Note that the UID frame type provides the same 16Bytes of UUID namespace that iBeacons do and the URL frame type provides the same functionality as a URIBeacon.

For more details see the Eddystone Specification.

Smartphone Apps

nRF Master Control Panel - this program recognizes Eddystone beacons and will display the data for all frame types.

iPhone Physical Web app

Android App

Walkthrough of Physical Web application

Technical Details

The Eddystone Specification looks like the following image. Please note that this may change over time and for up to date information the official spec should be referenced. /media/uploads/mbedAustin/scratch-1-.png

The Eddystone Frames get swapped in and out depending on what frames you have enabled. The only required frame type is the TLM frame, all others are optional and you can have any number enabled. To disable the UID or URL frames give their values a 'NULL' in the Eddystone constructor. The Eddystone spec recommends broadcasting 10 frames a second.


  • The current Eddystone mbed example does not allow for combining the eddystone service with other services, this will be changes in a future update.
  • There is an Eddystone Config service that allows for updating beacons in the field. We are working on an example for this, so keep your eyes pealed for a future update.
diff -r 862e6e0831ea -r f6d4a699a1ea EddystoneService.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EddystoneService.cpp	Thu Nov 26 16:36:04 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "EddystoneService.h"
+/* Initialise the EddystoneService using parameters from persistent storage */
+EddystoneService::EddystoneService(BLE                 &bleIn,
+                                   EddystoneParams_t   &paramsIn,
+                                   const PowerLevels_t &advPowerLevelsIn,
+                                   const PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevelsIn,
+                                   uint32_t            advConfigIntervalIn) :
+    ble(bleIn),
+    operationMode(EDDYSTONE_MODE_NONE),
+    urlFrame(paramsIn.urlData, paramsIn.urlDataLength),
+    uidFrame(paramsIn.uidNamespaceID, paramsIn.uidInstanceID),
+    tlmFrame(paramsIn.tlmVersion),
+    resetFlag(false),
+    tlmBatteryVoltageCallback(NULL),
+    tlmBeaconTemperatureCallback(NULL)
+    lockState         = paramsIn.lockState;
+    flags             = paramsIn.flags;
+    txPowerMode       = paramsIn.txPowerMode;
+    beaconPeriod      = correctAdvertisementPeriod(paramsIn.beaconPeriod);
+    memcpy(lock,             paramsIn.lock,      sizeof(Lock_t));
+    memcpy(unlock,           paramsIn.unlock,    sizeof(Lock_t));
+    eddystoneConstructorHelper(advPowerLevelsIn, radioPowerLevelsIn, advConfigIntervalIn);
+/* When using this constructor we need to call setURLData,
+ * setTMLData and setUIDData to initialise values manually
+ */
+EddystoneService::EddystoneService(BLE                 &bleIn,
+                                   const PowerLevels_t &advPowerLevelsIn,
+                                   const PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevelsIn,
+                                   uint32_t            advConfigIntervalIn) :
+    ble(bleIn),
+    operationMode(EDDYSTONE_MODE_NONE),
+    urlFrame(),
+    uidFrame(),
+    tlmFrame(),
+    lockState(false),
+    resetFlag(false),
+    lock(),
+    unlock(),
+    flags(0),
+    txPowerMode(0),
+    tlmBatteryVoltageCallback(NULL),
+    tlmBeaconTemperatureCallback(NULL)
+    eddystoneConstructorHelper(advPowerLevelsIn, radioPowerLevelsIn, advConfigIntervalIn);
+/* Setup callback to update BatteryVoltage in TLM frame */
+void EddystoneService::onTLMBatteryVoltageUpdate(TlmUpdateCallback_t tlmBatteryVoltageCallbackIn)
+    tlmBatteryVoltageCallback = tlmBatteryVoltageCallbackIn;
+/* Setup callback to update BeaconTemperature in TLM frame */
+void EddystoneService::onTLMBeaconTemperatureUpdate(TlmUpdateCallback_t tlmBeaconTemperatureCallbackIn)
+    tlmBeaconTemperatureCallback = tlmBeaconTemperatureCallbackIn;
+void EddystoneService::setTLMData(uint8_t tlmVersionIn)
+   tlmFrame.setTLMData(tlmVersionIn);
+void EddystoneService::setURLData(const char *urlDataIn)
+    urlFrame.setURLData(urlDataIn);
+void EddystoneService::setUIDData(const UIDNamespaceID_t *uidNamespaceIDIn, const UIDInstanceID_t *uidInstanceIDIn)
+    uidFrame.setUIDData(uidNamespaceIDIn, uidInstanceIDIn);
+EddystoneService::EddystoneError_t EddystoneService::startConfigService(void)
+    if (operationMode == EDDYSTONE_MODE_CONFIG) {
+        /* Nothing to do, we are already in config mode */
+        return EDDYSTONE_ERROR_NONE;
+    } else if (advConfigInterval == 0) {
+        /* Nothing to do, the advertisement interval is 0 */
+    }
+    if (operationMode == EDDYSTONE_MODE_BEACON) {
+        ble.shutdown();
+        /* Free unused memory */
+        freeBeaconFrames();
+        operationMode = EDDYSTONE_MODE_CONFIG;
+        ble.init(this, &EddystoneService::bleInitComplete);
+        return EDDYSTONE_ERROR_NONE;
+    }
+    operationMode = EDDYSTONE_MODE_CONFIG;
+    setupConfigService();
+EddystoneService::EddystoneError_t EddystoneService::startBeaconService(uint16_t consecUrlFramesIn, uint16_t consecUidFramesIn, uint16_t consecTlmFramesIn)
+    if (operationMode == EDDYSTONE_MODE_BEACON) {
+        /* Nothing to do, we are already in beacon mode */
+        return EDDYSTONE_ERROR_NONE;
+    } else if (!consecUrlFramesIn && !consecUidFramesIn && !consecTlmFramesIn) {
+        /* Nothing to do, the user wants 0 consecutive frames of everything */
+    } else if (!beaconPeriod) {
+        /* Nothing to do, the period is 0 for all frames */
+    }
+    /* Setup tracking of the current advertised frame. Note that this will
+     * cause URL or UID frames to be advertised first!
+     */
+    currentAdvertisedFrame            = EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TLM;
+    consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_URL] = consecUrlFramesIn;
+    consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_UID] = consecUidFramesIn;
+    consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TLM] = consecTlmFramesIn;
+    memset(currentConsecFrames, 0, sizeof(uint16_t) * NUM_EDDYSTONE_FRAMES);
+    if (operationMode == EDDYSTONE_MODE_CONFIG) {
+        ble.shutdown();
+        /* Free unused memory */
+        freeConfigCharacteristics();
+        operationMode = EDDYSTONE_MODE_BEACON;
+        ble.init(this, &EddystoneService::bleInitComplete);
+        return EDDYSTONE_ERROR_NONE;
+    }
+    operationMode = EDDYSTONE_MODE_BEACON;
+    setupBeaconService();
+/* It is not the responsibility of the Eddystone implementation to store
+ * the configured parameters in persistent storage since this is
+ * platform-specific. So we provide this function that returns the
+ * configured values that need to be stored and the main application
+ * takes care of storing them.
+ */
+void EddystoneService::getEddystoneParams(EddystoneParams_t *params)
+    params->lockState     = lockState;
+    params->flags         = flags;
+    params->txPowerMode   = txPowerMode;
+    params->beaconPeriod  = beaconPeriod;
+    params->tlmVersion    = tlmFrame.getTLMVersion();
+    params->urlDataLength = urlFrame.getEncodedURLDataLength();
+    memcpy(params->advPowerLevels, advPowerLevels,               sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    memcpy(params->lock,           lock,                         sizeof(Lock_t));
+    memcpy(params->unlock,         unlock,                       sizeof(Lock_t));
+    memcpy(params->urlData,        urlFrame.getEncodedURLData(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLDataLength());
+    memcpy(params->uidNamespaceID, uidFrame.getUIDNamespaceID(), sizeof(UIDNamespaceID_t));
+    memcpy(params->uidInstanceID,  uidFrame.getUIDInstanceID(),  sizeof(UIDInstanceID_t));
+/* Helper function used only once during constructing the object to avoid
+ * duplicated code.
+ */
+void EddystoneService::eddystoneConstructorHelper(const PowerLevels_t &advPowerLevelsIn,
+                                                  const PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevelsIn,
+                                                  uint32_t            advConfigIntervalIn)
+    advConfigInterval = (advConfigIntervalIn > 0) ? correctAdvertisementPeriod(advConfigIntervalIn) : 0;
+    memcpy(radioPowerLevels, radioPowerLevelsIn, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    memcpy(advPowerLevels,   advPowerLevelsIn,   sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    /* TODO: Note that this timer is started from the time EddystoneService
+     * is initialised and NOT from when the device is booted. So app needs
+     * to take care that EddystoneService is one of the first things to be
+     * started!
+     */
+    timeSinceBootTimer.start();
+/* When changing modes, we shutdown and init the BLE instance, so
+ * this is needed to complete the initialisation task.
+ */
+void EddystoneService::bleInitComplete(BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext* initContext)
+    if (initContext->error != BLE_ERROR_NONE) {
+        /* Initialisation failed */
+        return;
+    }
+    switch (operationMode) {
+        setupConfigService();
+        break;
+        setupBeaconService();
+        break;
+    default:
+        /* Some error occurred */
+        break;
+    }
+void EddystoneService::swapAdvertisedFrame(void)
+    /* This essentially works out which is the next frame to be swapped in
+     * and updated the advertised packets. It will eventually terminate
+     * and in the worst case the frame swapped in is the current advertised
+     * frame.
+     */
+    while (true) {
+        currentAdvertisedFrame = (currentAdvertisedFrame + 1) % NUM_EDDYSTONE_FRAMES;
+        if (currentAdvertisedFrame == EDDYSTONE_FRAME_URL && consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_URL] > 0) {
+            updateAdvertisementPacket(rawUrlFrame, urlFrame.getRawFrameSize());
+            return;
+        } else if (currentAdvertisedFrame == EDDYSTONE_FRAME_UID && consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_UID] > 0) {
+            updateAdvertisementPacket(rawUidFrame, uidFrame.getRawFrameSize());
+            return;
+        } else if (currentAdvertisedFrame == EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TLM && consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_UID] > 0) {
+            updateRawTLMFrame();
+            updateAdvertisementPacket(rawTlmFrame, tlmFrame.getRawFrameSize());
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+/* Helper function that calls user-defined functions to update Battery Voltage and Temperature (if available),
+ * then updates the raw frame data and finally updates the actual advertised packet. This operation must be
+ * done fairly often because the TLM frame TimeSinceBoot must have a 0.1 secs resolution according to the
+ * Eddystone specification.
+ */
+void EddystoneService::updateRawTLMFrame(void)
+    if (tlmBeaconTemperatureCallback != NULL) {
+        tlmFrame.updateBeaconTemperature((*tlmBeaconTemperatureCallback)(tlmFrame.getBeaconTemperature()));
+    }
+    if (tlmBatteryVoltageCallback != NULL) {
+        tlmFrame.updateBatteryVoltage((*tlmBatteryVoltageCallback)(tlmFrame.getBatteryVoltage()));
+    }
+    tlmFrame.updateTimeSinceBoot(timeSinceBootTimer.read_ms());
+    tlmFrame.constructTLMFrame(rawTlmFrame);
+void EddystoneService::updateAdvertisementPacket(const uint8_t* rawFrame, size_t rawFrameLength)
+    ble.gap().clearAdvertisingPayload();
+    ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);
+    ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS, EDDYSTONE_UUID, sizeof(EDDYSTONE_UUID));
+    ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::SERVICE_DATA, rawFrame, rawFrameLength);
+void EddystoneService::setupBeaconService(void)
+    /* Initialise arrays to hold constructed raw frames */
+    if (consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_URL] > 0) {
+        rawUrlFrame = new uint8_t[urlFrame.getRawFrameSize()];
+        urlFrame.constructURLFrame(rawUrlFrame, advPowerLevels[txPowerMode]);
+    }
+    if (consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_UID] > 0) {
+        rawUidFrame = new uint8_t[uidFrame.getRawFrameSize()];
+        uidFrame.constructUIDFrame(rawUidFrame, advPowerLevels[txPowerMode]);
+    }
+    if (consecFrames[EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TLM] > 0) {
+        rawTlmFrame = new uint8_t[tlmFrame.getRawFrameSize()];
+        /* Do not initialise because we have to reconstruct every 0.1 secs */
+    }
+    /* Configure advertisements */
+    ble.gap().setTxPower(radioPowerLevels[txPowerMode]);
+    ble.gap().setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_NON_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
+    ble.gap().setAdvertisingInterval(beaconPeriod);
+    ble.gap().onRadioNotification(this, &EddystoneService::radioNotificationCallback);
+    ble.gap().initRadioNotification();
+    /* Set advertisement packet payload */
+    swapAdvertisedFrame();
+    /* Start advertising */
+    ble.gap().startAdvertising();
+void EddystoneService::setupConfigService(void)
+    lockStateChar      = new ReadOnlyGattCharacteristic<bool>(UUID_LOCK_STATE_CHAR, &lockState);
+    lockChar           = new WriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic<uint8_t, sizeof(Lock_t)>(UUID_LOCK_CHAR, lock);
+    unlockChar         = new WriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic<uint8_t, sizeof(Lock_t)>(UUID_UNLOCK_CHAR, unlock);
+    urlDataChar        = new GattCharacteristic(UUID_URL_DATA_CHAR, urlFrame.getEncodedURLData(), 0, URL_DATA_MAX, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE);
+    flagsChar          = new ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint8_t>(UUID_FLAGS_CHAR, &flags);
+    advPowerLevelsChar = new ReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristic<int8_t, sizeof(PowerLevels_t)>(UUID_ADV_POWER_LEVELS_CHAR, advPowerLevels);
+    txPowerModeChar    = new ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint8_t>(UUID_TX_POWER_MODE_CHAR, &txPowerMode);
+    beaconPeriodChar   = new ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint16_t>(UUID_BEACON_PERIOD_CHAR, &beaconPeriod);
+    resetChar          = new WriteOnlyGattCharacteristic<bool>(UUID_RESET_CHAR, &resetFlag);
+    lockChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::lockAuthorizationCallback);
+    unlockChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::unlockAuthorizationCallback);
+    urlDataChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::urlDataWriteAuthorizationCallback);
+    flagsChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::basicAuthorizationCallback<uint8_t>);
+    advPowerLevelsChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::basicAuthorizationCallback<PowerLevels_t>);
+    txPowerModeChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::powerModeAuthorizationCallback);
+    beaconPeriodChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::basicAuthorizationCallback<uint16_t>);
+    resetChar->setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &EddystoneService::basicAuthorizationCallback<bool>);
+    charTable[0] = lockStateChar;
+    charTable[1] = lockChar;
+    charTable[2] = unlockChar;
+    charTable[3] = urlDataChar;
+    charTable[4] = flagsChar;
+    charTable[5] = advPowerLevelsChar;
+    charTable[6] = txPowerModeChar;
+    charTable[7] = beaconPeriodChar;
+    charTable[8] = resetChar;
+    GattService configService(UUID_URL_BEACON_SERVICE, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
+    ble.gattServer().addService(configService);
+    ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(this, &EddystoneService::onDataWrittenCallback);
+    updateCharacteristicValues();
+    setupEddystoneConfigAdvertisements();
+void EddystoneService::freeConfigCharacteristics(void)
+    delete lockStateChar;
+    delete lockChar;
+    delete unlockChar;
+    delete urlDataChar;
+    delete flagsChar;
+    delete advPowerLevelsChar;
+    delete txPowerModeChar;
+    delete beaconPeriodChar;
+    delete resetChar;
+void EddystoneService::freeBeaconFrames(void)
+    delete[] rawUrlFrame;
+    delete[] rawUidFrame;
+    delete[] rawTlmFrame;
+void EddystoneService::radioNotificationCallback(bool radioActive)
+    if (radioActive) {
+        /* Do nothing */
+        return;
+    }
+    tlmFrame.updatePduCount();
+    currentConsecFrames[currentAdvertisedFrame]++;
+    if (consecFrames[currentAdvertisedFrame] > currentConsecFrames[currentAdvertisedFrame]) {
+        if (currentAdvertisedFrame == EDDYSTONE_FRAME_TLM) {
+            /* Update the TLM frame otherwise we will not meet the 0.1 secs resolution of
+             * the Eddystone specification.
+             */
+            updateRawTLMFrame();
+            updateAdvertisementPacket(rawTlmFrame, tlmFrame.getRawFrameSize());
+        }
+        /* Keep advertising the same frame */
+        return;
+    }
+    currentConsecFrames[currentAdvertisedFrame] = 0;
+    minar::Scheduler::postCallback(this, &EddystoneService::swapAdvertisedFrame);
+    swapAdvertisedFrameTimeout.attach_us(this, &EddystoneService::swapAdvertisedFrame, 1);
+ * Internal helper function used to update the GATT database following any
+ * change to the internal state of the service object.
+ */
+void EddystoneService::updateCharacteristicValues(void)
+    ble.gattServer().write(lockStateChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&lockState), sizeof(bool));
+    ble.gattServer().write(urlDataChar->getValueHandle(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLData(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLDataLength());
+    ble.gattServer().write(flagsChar->getValueHandle(), &flags, sizeof(uint8_t));
+    ble.gattServer().write(beaconPeriodChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
+    ble.gattServer().write(txPowerModeChar->getValueHandle(), &txPowerMode, sizeof(uint8_t));
+    ble.gattServer().write(advPowerLevelsChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(advPowerLevels), sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    ble.gattServer().write(lockChar->getValueHandle(), lock, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    ble.gattServer().write(unlockChar->getValueHandle(), unlock, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+void EddystoneService::setupEddystoneConfigAdvertisements(void)
+    ble.gap().clearAdvertisingPayload();
+    ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);
+    /* UUID is in different order in the ADV frame (!) */
+    uint8_t reversedServiceUUID[sizeof(UUID_URL_BEACON_SERVICE)];
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(UUID_URL_BEACON_SERVICE); i++) {
+        reversedServiceUUID[i] = UUID_URL_BEACON_SERVICE[sizeof(UUID_URL_BEACON_SERVICE) - i - 1];
+    }
+    ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_128BIT_SERVICE_IDS, reversedServiceUUID, sizeof(reversedServiceUUID));
+    ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::GENERIC_TAG);
+    ble.gap().accumulateScanResponse(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&DEVICE_NAME), sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));
+    ble.gap().accumulateScanResponse(
+        GapAdvertisingData::TX_POWER_LEVEL,
+        reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&advPowerLevels[TX_POWER_MODE_LOW]),
+        sizeof(uint8_t));
+    ble.gap().setTxPower(radioPowerLevels[txPowerMode]);
+    ble.gap().setDeviceName(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&DEVICE_NAME));
+    ble.gap().setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
+    ble.gap().setAdvertisingInterval(advConfigInterval);
+    ble.gap().startAdvertising();
+void EddystoneService::lockAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams)
+    if (lockState) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INSUF_AUTHORIZATION;
+    } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(Lock_t)) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH;
+    } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_OFFSET;
+    } else {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
+    }
+void EddystoneService::unlockAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams)
+    if (!lockState && (authParams->len == sizeof(Lock_t))) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
+    } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(Lock_t)) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH;
+    } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_OFFSET;
+    } else if (memcmp(authParams->data, lock, sizeof(Lock_t)) != 0) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INSUF_AUTHORIZATION;
+    } else {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
+    }
+void EddystoneService::urlDataWriteAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams)
+    if (lockState) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INSUF_AUTHORIZATION;
+    } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_OFFSET;
+    } else {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
+    }
+void EddystoneService::powerModeAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams)
+    if (lockState) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INSUF_AUTHORIZATION;
+    } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(uint8_t)) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH;
+    } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_OFFSET;
+    } else if (*((uint8_t *)authParams->data) >= NUM_POWER_MODES) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED;
+    } else {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
+    }
+template <typename T>
+void EddystoneService::basicAuthorizationCallback(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *authParams)
+    if (lockState) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INSUF_AUTHORIZATION;
+    } else if (authParams->len != sizeof(T)) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH;
+    } else if (authParams->offset != 0) {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_OFFSET;
+    } else {
+        authParams->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
+    }
+ * This callback is invoked when a GATT client attempts to modify any of the
+ * characteristics of this service. Attempts to do so are also applied to
+ * the internal state of this service object.
+ */
+void EddystoneService::onDataWrittenCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams *writeParams)
+    uint16_t handle = writeParams->handle;
+    if (handle == lockChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        memcpy(lock, writeParams->data, sizeof(Lock_t));
+        /* Set the state to be locked by the lock code (note: zeros are a valid lock) */
+        lockState = true;
+        ble.gattServer().write(lockChar->getValueHandle(), lock, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(lockStateChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&lockState), sizeof(bool));
+    } else if (handle == unlockChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        /* Validated earlier */
+        lockState = false;
+        ble.gattServer().write(unlockChar->getValueHandle(), unlock, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(lockStateChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&lockState), sizeof(bool));
+    } else if (handle == urlDataChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        urlFrame.setEncodedURLData(writeParams->data, writeParams->len);
+        ble.gattServer().write(urlDataChar->getValueHandle(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLData(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLDataLength());
+    } else if (handle == flagsChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        flags = *(writeParams->data);
+        ble.gattServer().write(flagsChar->getValueHandle(), &flags, sizeof(uint8_t));
+    } else if (handle == advPowerLevelsChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        memcpy(advPowerLevels, writeParams->data, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(advPowerLevelsChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(advPowerLevels), sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    } else if (handle == txPowerModeChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        txPowerMode = *(writeParams->data);
+        ble.gattServer().write(txPowerModeChar->getValueHandle(), &txPowerMode, sizeof(uint8_t));
+    } else if (handle == beaconPeriodChar->getValueHandle()) {
+        uint16_t tmpBeaconPeriod = correctAdvertisementPeriod(*((uint16_t *)(writeParams->data)));
+        if (tmpBeaconPeriod != beaconPeriod) {
+            beaconPeriod = tmpBeaconPeriod;
+            ble.gattServer().write(beaconPeriodChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
+        }
+    } else if (handle == resetChar->getValueHandle() && (*((uint8_t *)writeParams->data) != 0)) {
+        /* Reset characteristics to default values */
+        flags        = 0;
+        txPowerMode  = TX_POWER_MODE_LOW;
+        beaconPeriod = DEFAULT_BEACON_PERIOD_MSEC;
+        urlFrame.setURLData(DEFAULT_URL);
+        memset(lock, 0, sizeof(Lock_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(urlDataChar->getValueHandle(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLData(), urlFrame.getEncodedURLDataLength());
+        ble.gattServer().write(flagsChar->getValueHandle(), &flags, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(txPowerModeChar->getValueHandle(), &txPowerMode, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(beaconPeriodChar->getValueHandle(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&beaconPeriod), sizeof(uint16_t));
+        ble.gattServer().write(lockChar->getValueHandle(), lock, sizeof(PowerLevels_t));
+    }
+uint16_t EddystoneService::correctAdvertisementPeriod(uint16_t beaconPeriodIn) const
+    /* Re-map beaconPeriod to within permissible bounds if necessary. */
+    if (beaconPeriodIn != 0) {
+        if (beaconPeriodIn < ble.gap().getMinAdvertisingInterval()) {
+            return ble.gap().getMinAdvertisingInterval();
+        } else if (beaconPeriodIn > ble.gap().getMaxAdvertisingInterval()) {
+            return ble.gap().getMaxAdvertisingInterval();
+        }
+    }
+    return beaconPeriodIn;