Controller futhers (PI)

Dependencies:   QEI mbed



File content as of revision 3:4abcd40682fa:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "QEI.h"

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
QEI wheel (PTC10, PTC11, NC, 624); // Pin for counting (analog in)

// Define pin for motor control
DigitalOut directionPin(D4);
PwmOut PWM(D5);

// define ticker
Ticker aansturen;
Ticker Printen;

// define rotation direction
const int cw = 1;
const int ccw = 0;

// Controller gain proportional and intergrator
const double motor1_Kp = 5; // more or les random number.
const double motor1_Ki = 1;
const double M1_timestep = 0.01; // reason ticker works with 100 Hz.
double motor1_error_integraal = 0; // initial value of integral error

// calculating pulses to rotations in degree.
const double Offset = 3450 ;//8400 counts is aangegeven op de motor. 3500 is almost 1 cirkel with a bit of overshoot 3450 looks good. about 10 - 20 counts oveshoot. for moter 1(tape)! Motor 2 almost the same(nice)
const double resolution = Offset / 360;
double Rotation = 2; // rotation in degree
double movement = Rotation * 360 * resolution; // times 360 to make Rotations degree.

// Reusable P controller
double PI(double error, const double Kp, const double Ki, double Ts, double &e_int)
    double error_normalised_degree = error / resolution; // calculate how much degree the motor has to turn.
    double error_normalised_rotation = error_normalised_degree / 360; //calculate how much the rotaions the motor has to turn
    e_int = e_int + Ts * error_normalised_rotation;
    double PI_output = Kp * error_normalised_rotation + Ki * e_int;
    return PI_output;
// Next task, measure the error and apply the output to the plant
void motor1_Controller()
    double reference = movement;
    double position = wheel.getPulses();
    double error = reference - position;

    double output = PI( error, motor1_Kp, motor1_Ki, M1_timestep, motor1_error_integraal );

    if(error > 0) {
        //pc.printf("ref %.0f count%.0f cw\n",movement,position);
    } if(error < 0) {
        PWM.write(-output); //min output to get output possitif


void counts_showing()

 double kijken = wheel.getPulses();
pc.printf("ref %.0f count%.0f int err %.2f \n",movement,kijken, motor1_error_integraal);

int main()
    aansturen.attach( &motor1_Controller, 0.01f ); // 100 Hz
    Printen.attach(&counts_showing,0.1f); // 10 Hz // printstatement here because printing cost to much time. the motor void wouldn't be completed
    while( 1 ) { }