
Getting started with mbed Client on mbed OS


This example application is not supported anymore.


History project:

  • 17/01/2018 - Using mbed-cli the project is compiled using the use-malloc-for-heap feature enabled
  • 24/11/2017 - Added support for uvision5, here instructions
  • 02/10/2017 - First Release

This is the mbed Client example for mbed OS. It demonstrates how to register a device with mbed Device Connector, how to read and write values, and how to deregister. If you are unfamiliar with mbed Device Connector, we recommend that you read the introduction to the data model first.

The application:

  • Connects to network with 6LoWPAN ND connection.
  • Registers with mbed Device Connector.
  • Gives mbed Device Connector access to its resources (read and write).
  • Sends an incremental number to mbed Device Connector.

You can compile this project in three ways:

1. Using the Online compiler. Just clicking here:



Learn how to use the Online compiler reading https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/online_comp/ page.

2. Using the compiler on your PC


Learn how to use the mbed-cli reading https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/cli/ page.
The name of the machine is SILICA_SENSOR_NODE.

3. Exporting to 3rd party tools (IDE)


Learn how to use the mbed-cli reading https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/third_party/ page. We have exported the project for you, please read here


This example requires a Border Router board. For more details please read the Border Router paragraph from this page.

Please read carefully the next pages:

  • What to do before to compile the project: read here. This step is indipendent from the way you compile the project.



File content as of revision 7:e89dae7682f7:

 * mbed SDK
 * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Automatically generated configuration file.
// DO NOT EDIT, content will be overwritten.

#ifndef __MBED_CONFIG_DATA__
#define __MBED_CONFIG_DATA__

// Configuration parameters
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_COMMISSIONING_DATASET_TIMESTAMP 0x10000                                                                                          // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_EVENTS_PRESENT                                              1                                                                                                // set by library:events
#define MBED_CONF_NANOSTACK_HAL_NVM_CFSTORE                                   0                                                                                                // set by library:nanostack-hal
#define MBED_CONF_DRIVERS_UART_SERIAL_RXBUF_SIZE                              256                                                                                              // set by library:drivers
#define MBED_CONF_PPP_CELL_IFACE_AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT                            8000                                                                                             // set by library:ppp-cell-iface
#define MBED_CONF_SPIRIT1_MAC_ADDRESS                                         {0x7, 0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0x3, MONTH, DAY, YEAR}                                                      // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_CLIENT_TCP_KEEPALIVE_TIME                              300                                                                                              // set by library:mbed-client
#define CLOCK_SOURCE                                                          USE_PLL_MSI                                                                                      // set by target:SILICA_SENSOR_NODE
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_TRACE_ENABLE                                           0                                                                                                // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_CHANNEL_MASK                    0x7fff800                                                                                        // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_CLIENT_RECONNECTION_INTERVAL                           5                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-client
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_PSK_KEY                            {0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf} // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_CHANNEL                         22                                                                                               // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_EVENTS_SHARED_DISPATCH_FROM_APPLICATION                     0                                                                                                // set by library:events
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_PSKC                            {0xc8, 0xa6, 0x2e, 0xae, 0xf3, 0x68, 0xf3, 0x46, 0xa9, 0x9e, 0x57, 0x85, 0x98, 0x9d, 0x1c, 0xd0} // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_NANOSTACK_HAL_EVENT_LOOP_THREAD_STACK_SIZE                  6144                                                                                             // set by library:nanostack-hal
#define MBED_CONF_EVENTS_SHARED_STACKSIZE                                     1024                                                                                             // set by library:events
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_CHANNEL_PAGE                       2                                                                                                // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_CLIENT_RECONNECTION_LOOP                               1                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-client
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_CLIENT_RECONNECTION_COUNT                              3                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-client
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_USE_STATIC_LINK_CONFIG                 1                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_EXTENDED_PANID                  {0xf1, 0xb5, 0xa1, 0xb2,0xc4, 0xd5, 0xa1, 0xbd }                                                 // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_ML_PREFIX                       {0xfd, 0x0, 0x0d, 0xb8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}                                                      // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_APP_NETWORK_INTERFACE                                       MESH_LOWPAN_ND                                                                                   // set by application
#define MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_STDIO_CONVERT_NEWLINES                             1                                                                                                // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_CHANNEL_PAGE                    0                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_PPP_CELL_IFACE_APN_LOOKUP                                   0                                                                                                // set by library:ppp-cell-iface
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_SECURITY_POLICY                        255                                                                                              // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_DEVICE_TYPE                        NET_6LOWPAN_ROUTER                                                                               // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_NSAPI_PRESENT                                               1                                                                                                // set by library:nsapi
#define MBED_CONF_FILESYSTEM_PRESENT                                          1                                                                                                // set by library:filesystem
#define MBED_CONF_PPP_CELL_IFACE_BAUD_RATE                                    115200                                                                                           // set by library:ppp-cell-iface
#define MBED_CONF_EVENTS_SHARED_HIGHPRIO_EVENTSIZE                            256                                                                                              // set by library:events
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_SEC_LEVEL                          5                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_PPP_CELL_IFACE_AT_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE                        256                                                                                              // set by library:ppp-cell-iface
#define MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_STDIO_FLUSH_AT_EXIT                                1                                                                                                // set by library:platform
#define MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_STDIO_BAUD_RATE                                    115200                                                                                           // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_DEVICE_TYPE                            MESH_DEVICE_TYPE_THREAD_ROUTER                                                                   // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_EVENTS_SHARED_HIGHPRIO_STACKSIZE                            1024                                                                                             // set by library:events
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_CLIENT_SN_COAP_MAX_BLOCKWISE_PAYLOAD_SIZE              0                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-client
#define MBED_CONF_APP_MESH_RADIO_TYPE                                         SENSOR_NODE_SPIRIT1                                                                              // set by application
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_CHANNEL_MASK                       (1<<12)                                                                                          // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE                           9600                                                                                             // set by library:platform
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_USE_MALLOC_FOR_HEAP                           0                                                                                                // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_EVENTS_SHARED_EVENTSIZE                                     256                                                                                              // set by library:events
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_PANID_FILTER                       0xffff                                                                                           // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_HEAP_SIZE                                     32300                                                                                            // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_CLIENT_EVENT_LOOP_SIZE                                 1024                                                                                             // set by library:mbed-client
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_NETWORK_NAME                    "Thread Network"                                                                                 // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_DRIVERS_UART_SERIAL_TXBUF_SIZE                              256                                                                                              // set by library:drivers
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_CHANNEL                            1                                                                                                // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_SECURITY_MODE                      PSK                                                                                              // set by application[*]
#define MBED_CONF_RTOS_PRESENT                                                1                                                                                                // set by library:rtos
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_PSKD                                   "abcdefghijklmno"                                                                                // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_MASTER_KEY                             {0x10, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff} // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_NANOSTACK_CONFIGURATION                                     nanostack_full                                                                                   // set by library:nanostack
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_THREAD_CONFIG_PANID                           0x0700                                                                                           // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
#define MBED_CONF_MBED_MESH_API_6LOWPAN_ND_PSK_KEY_ID                         1                                                                                                // set by library:mbed-mesh-api
// Macros
#define NS_USE_EXTERNAL_MBED_TLS                                                                                                                                               // defined by library:nanostack
#define SPIRIT_USE_FULL_ASSERT                                                                                                                                                 // defined by library:spirit1
#define SPIRIT1_SPI_SCLK                                                      PG_9                                                                                             // defined by application
#define X_NUCLEO_IDS01A4                                                                                                                                                       // defined by library:spirit1
#define SPIRIT1_DEV_IRQ                                                       PC_2                                                                                             // defined by application
#define SPIRIT1_SPI_MOSI                                                      PG_11                                                                                            // defined by application
#define USE_STM32F4XX_NUCLEO                                                                                                                                                   // defined by library:spirit1
#define SPIRIT1_DEV_CS                                                        PG_12                                                                                            // defined by application
#define UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H                                                                                                                                                 // defined by library:utest
#define SPIRIT1_SPI_MISO                                                      PG_10                                                                                            // defined by application
#define SPIRIT1_DEV_SDN                                                       NC                                                                                               // defined by application
#define MBED_CLIENT_C_NEW_API                                                                                                                                                  // defined by library:mbed-client
#define MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE                                              "mbedtls_mbed_client_config.h"                                                                   // defined by application
