Time is good

Dependencies:   RoboClaw mbed

Fork of Robot2016_2-0 by ARES

Sat May 07 02:15:23 2016 +0000
75pts (? tester avec le bras r?par?)

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 1 #ifndef CONTROLLEUR_PINCE_H
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 2 #define CONTROLLEUR_PINCE_H
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 3
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 4 //#include "defines.h"
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 5 #include "Stepper.h"
sype 97:42167cfeb8d7 6 #include "AX12.h"
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 7 #include "mbed.h"
sype 97:42167cfeb8d7 8
sype 97:42167cfeb8d7 9 #define HAUT 1
sype 97:42167cfeb8d7 10 #define BAS 0
sype 97:42167cfeb8d7 11 #define DELAY 0.007
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 12
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 13 class ControlleurPince
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 14 {
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 15 public:
IceTeam 93:c0b040954eac 16 ControlleurPince(Stepper &p_RMot, Stepper &p_ZMot, Stepper &p_LMot, DigitalIn &p_EnR, DigitalIn &p_EnZ, DigitalIn &p_EnL, AX12 &_Lax12, AX12 &_Rax12);
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 17
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 18 void init();
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 19 void home(bool r=true, bool z=true, bool l=true);
Jagang 99:1fcb088f8f36 20 void setPos(float z, float delta = -1, float center = -600);
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 21
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 22 void close();
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 23 void open();
Jagang 99:1fcb088f8f36 24 void angle(int a);
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 25
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 26 private:
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 27
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 28 Stepper &RMot, &ZMot, &LMot;
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 29
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 30 DigitalIn &EnR, &EnZ, &EnL;
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 31
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 32 AX12 &Lax12, &Rax12;
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 33
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 34 float pos_r,pos_z,pos_l;
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 35 };
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 36
IceTeam 92:f09f55aa992b 37 #endif