I guess the solution might involve taking control of one of the hardware timers directly. In many embedded systems, a free-running unsigned timer is common. It rolls over to zero from max unsigned. Measurements of delta time are then easily performed with a "now" - "previous" subtraction.
As an example, a CAN logger may be time stamping the messages in 1 uSec resolution (it probably doesn't need 1 uSec since a typical 8-byte packet may take 250 uSec at 500k, but 1 mSec is too coarse). As a logger, it wants accurate timestamps for the entire collection of messages. A complex logging function may be to sit and wait for an event, then write the pre-trigger through post-trigger buffer to non-volatile. So, it could easily be that the trigger is near the point where the timer goes negative.
I didn't study it - can this timer be cast to unsigned to get the desired behavior?
#include "mbed.h"
extern "C" void mbed_reset();
Timer timer;
int main() {
int t=0;
printf("t = %d \r\n", t);
if(t>3600){ //-------------------------------------- can't execute
printf("mbed_reset \r\n");
When timer.read()>2147,it changes to negative number(-2146).
Why? Please tell me!