RF Communication

12 Jan 2014

Hi everyone,

I am going to use RF wireless transmitters and recievers to send and receive info and was wondering how far I could go with this. I was wondering if it was possible to go as far as writing a complete program and sending it over the RF link and then re-setting the mbed to start that program? Any advice or help with setting up the RF link and what is possible would be great thanks.


13 Jan 2014

Hi Robert,

Sure this is possible. Once you have control of both ends of the link, what you pass through it is up to your application - so it could be an updated application. There are some other hints scattered about the mbed web site - writing to the local file system, forcing a reset (mbed_reset API), even work trying to swap between applications. All in all, I think the item to take the most care with is the replacement program - verification that every byte was delivered in order is obviously key, or you'll have a wireless paperweight.

You don't mention what RF technology you are looking at - but again if you search the site you'll find Wi-Fi, BlueTooth, and proprietary examples. Most of those come with basic examples for bringing them online.

Suggestions for research: