FatFileSystem Library

13 Dec 2010


I am new in mbed micro controller library. We are developing our application in Keil uVision IDE. We got a LPC1768 mbed micro controller from our Boss. So now we trying to integrate the same library in our Keil application with our hardware. From your side i think entire source code and all libraries will be free of cost with embed micro controller. So now we trid to develop an usb host application in our hardware with your library files then showing an error like below.

".\lib\SDK_LPC1765_AMP.axf: error: L6007U: Could not recognize the format of file .\lib\FATFileSystem.lib."

From the above reason we tried to open your library then we found that the library which we got from your site was only a pointer to your original library.

So please help me to solve this issue.

13 Dec 2010

What version of Keil are you using?

13 Dec 2010

We are using Keil uVision4

13 Dec 2010

I think I know what happens. You're trying to compile a project exported from online IDE? In that case, the .lib file is a simple text file with a link to the actual .lib in SVN. You need to use the .ar file from here instead.

13 Dec 2010

Hi Vinod,

As Igor says, the .lib file is just a reference to a published library. In this case, it points to a SVN repository (http://mbed.org/projects/libraries/svn/FATFileSystem/trunk/), so you just need to check that out.
