Hi Timothy,
I think your observations are true that mbed can be used in small volume products if applicable, and in fact we already know of some people using it in their systems. As Martin says, there are often cheaper ways to build the same thing, but for small volumes you are probably right that often it could work out well. A lot of it comes down to overall costs and what you value, especially your time and NREs and how that all adds up.
The main reason we aren't actively supporting/promoting it that way is because we feel it is better to be good at one thing first than ok at multiple things. So we are currently focused on helping you get the proof of concept built. Hopefully we're doing a good job already, but we think we can do even better. If we can be successful in that, then I hope there will be opportunities to help more people in different ways, but we won't get that opportunity if we don't get the first part right!
I think the same argument even holds up for building prototypes. For example, we're not trying to be the cheapest hardware out there. But hopefully you get more than just hardware and if we can work on doing things that save you a few hours on your prototype development or let you try something that you perhaps wouldn't have gotten around to, hopefully we've paid for ourselves better than worrying about being the cheapest.
So if it makes sense, go for it, and keep the questions/suggestions coming! It is really useful to get this sort of feedback to make sure we're making the best decisions for everyone.
Happy prototyping!
I have to ask this... There are so many features of the mbed that make it very attractive for it to be an actual part in a production solution. I especially like that the code can be compiled into a BIN file and simply dragged into the memory of the device.
It having two built in CAN controllers, it's size and speed are also attractive. Like an arduino a custom shield could be created and the mbed simply plugged into it and your good to go.
So why would this not be a great device for an actual production level solution? It's easy to use and has great features...
The only downside I see is not having a local compiler... But even if that went away (mbed folds) the devices already out there would still run...
Maybe mbed needs to develop a branch for folks that want to use this as a solution and not just for prototyping?
Personally I'm more interested in the solution rather then becoming an expert on microcontrollers. Many other businesses are built on this same premise (make it simple for anyone to develop via a GUI)...